Undergraduate TA

The School has a very sizable teaching load, and each fall it hires around 30 undergraduates to TA for its courses. This is a paying job, and can frequently be a very rewarding experience.

Undergraduate TA positions are only open to undergraduate students. 

Graduate students are not eligible for these positions.


Fall 2024 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Positions

The School of Mathematics is looking for responsible undergraduate students to join our undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) team this fall.  Please note: these positions are for FALL 2024 ONLY. 

UTAs are not hired by course.  Because class availability varies term by term, we expect teaching assistants to be comfortable teaching various courses.  The majority of new UTAs will teach studios for our two-credit courses, Math 1551, 1553, or 2550. 

The minimum requirements at the time of application are:

  • A high overall GPA with grades of mostly A's in the core (1000-level) mathematics courses.
  • Excellent people and communication skills.
  • Fall 2024 will be the beginning of at least your second year as a college student.  No first-year students are eligible for UTA positions, regardless of previously earned credits.

Additional requirement that must be fulfilled by May 2024:

  • Completion of Multivariable Calculus/Calculus III (Math 2551 or 2550 or 2561, or equivalent transfer credit).  (Please note, if you are taking Multivariable Calculus in Spring 2024, you will not be offered a UTA position until Spring 2024 grades have been posted.)

Any available spaces in the spring terms will be filled by continuing UTAs. We do not have an application process for spring UTA positions, and we are unable to guarantee space for returning UTAs in the spring terms. The School of Mathematics does not hire UTAs in the summer terms.

Applications for the Fall 2024 term are now closed.  The application deadline was Friday, February 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm.  Applications for Fall 2025 will open in late December.

Go to the UTA Application page.


Please do not search for old links as the application materials change each year. 

An undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) has many responsibilities.

  1. Teaching studio sections once or twice per week. 
  2. Grading homework, quiz/exam papers, and projects (including proctoring and grading during the final exams week) for the lead instructor.
  3. Holding office hours (at least one hour per week).
  4. Attending organizational meetings with the lead instructor.
  5. Attending the CETL/Mathematics TA Orientation (tentatively scheduled online for Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm ET, with additional online teaching practice the week of August 12).
  6. Enrolling in CETL 2000 MAT, TA Development Seminar (2:00-2:50 pm on Fridays during the semester).

The stipend for the 2024-2025 academic year will be approximately $1,792 per semester for UTAs teaching 2-credit hour courses.  The stipend is a bit higher for 4-credit hour courses, or for teaching two sections of the same 2-credit hour course, if available. 

Upon a satisfactory completion of the UTA duties, a UTA will receive one credit hour (P/F) of CETL 2000 MAT.

For more information, e-mail the TA Director.