Mrs. Lorraine Ruff, 90, passed away on January 10, 2013. Ruff worked as a part-time secretary at the School of Mathematic's Center for Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Studies from March 1992 until August 2003. She came to Tech after retiring from Emory University.

The mother-in-law of former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, Ruff was living at the Sunrise assisted living home at the time of her passing.

A memorial service will be held on February 2nd from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at Victory World Church in Norcross, GA.

Professor Leonid Bunimovich will be a guest of honor at the upcoming 109th Statistical Mechanics Conference taking place at Rutgers University, May 12-14, 2013. Mitchell Feigenbaum and Leo Kadanoff will also be honored. He joins a very distinguished list of previous honorees, including

  • Michael Fisher, Jerome Percus and Ben Widom (December 2011)
  • Eddie Cohen, Elliott Lieb and Oliver Penrose (May 2012)
  • John Reppy, Jan Sengers and Harry Sweeney (December 2012)

Conference Musical Program in honor of guests.

The School of Mathematics will host the inaugural International Conference on Dynamics of Differential Equations during the Georgia Tech 2013 spring break, March 16-20.

The conference will be preceded by four 2-hour tutorial sessions on Friday, March 15. Everyone is invited to attend the tutorials, especially graduate students and young researchers.

The format of the conference consists of plenary lectures, invited lectures, contributed lectures and a poster session. There will also be two Hale memorial lectures delivered by Professor Geneviève Raugel.

This conference will be the first in what we expect to become a biennial series emphasizing research programs in dynamical systems worldwide and training of doctoral students and young researchers. These two aspects were the hallmark of the work of Professor Jack Hale, and it is in acknowledgment of his influential role in the development of dynamical systems and its applications that we are proud to dedicate this first conference to his memory.

For complete conference details, please visit the conference website.

Two Mathematics undergraduate majors, Martin Copenhaver and Eleanor Middlemas, received National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellowships, and another undergraduate, Ross Granowski, received honorable mention for the same award. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.

Martin was supervised by Professor Christine Heitsch and he has not decided his graduate school. Eleanor is supervised by School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences' Professor Kim Cobb. Next year, Eleanor will be working with Amy Clement at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami studying climate mechanisms and dynamics. Ross was supervised by Professor Wilfrid Gangbo and has not yet decided his graduate school.

Two of the three campus-wide Teaching Assistants awards were received by School of Mathematics TAs this year.

  • The 2013 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant is Andrew Travis Rogers.
  • The 2013 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant is Ranjini Vaidyanathan.
  • Albert Bush was a finalist in the category of Graduate Student Instructor.

Applied Math major Gautam Goel has been awarded a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship, whose purpose is "to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in these fields." He is the only awardee at Georgia Tech this year.

Gautam has been working with two Georgia Tech faculty:

  • Dr. Loren Williams of the School of Chemistry, since Fall 2011 (when he joined Georgia Tech) - this project concerns developing efficient algorithms for 3D superposition.
  • Dr. Yuri Bakhtin of the School of Mathematics, since Summer 2012 - Dr. Bakhtin first hired him for a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), where he collected and analyzed numerical data from a computer simulation he wrote that modeled the stochastic Burgers Equation. Then he hired him for another REU in Fall 2012 where he checked whether some data was in good agreement with a model Yuri developed of human decision - making times. They discovered some surprising mathematical phenomena in this model and are writing a paper on the results this semester.

Dana Randall, professor of Computer Science and adjunct professor of Mathematics, has received the Institute's Outstanding Service Award. Randall has provided outstanding service to her schools, the Institute and the profession. She focuses a significant portion of her energies on mentorship, with a major emphasis on promoting women in science. She recently organized the event, "Connections for Women: Discrete Lattice Models in Mathematics, Physics, and Computing." She also created a task force on mentoring and transparency for the College of Computing, and she designed the Equity, Diversity and Excellence Initiative currently being launched.


Through events such as the ADVANCE Town Hall on Livability and Productivity, she contributes to the job satisfaction of Georgia Tech's entire faculty. Randall also initiated a groundbreaking multidisciplinary workshop with Jennifer Chayes of Microsoft Research that combined statistical physics with computer science. Along with serving on editorial boards across disciplines, she has also chaired program committees for prestigious conferences in mathematics and computer science.

The 2013 speaker is Dr. Cedric Villani, director of the Henri Poincare Institute in Paris. He is a French mathematician working primarily on partial differential equations and mathematical physics. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010 for his work on Landau damping and the Boltzmann equation. His main research interests are in kinetic theory (Boltzmann and Vlasov equations and their variants), and optimal transport and its applications, a field in which he wrote two reference books: Topics in Optimal Transportation (2003); Optimal Transport, Old and New (2008).

There will be two lectures. The math lecture will be at 11:05 am on April 19 in Skiles 005. The other one (for a general audience) will be on April 22, at 4:00 pm, in Klaus 1116.



Lecture 1: Mathematics Lecture

From Optimal Transport to Fully Nonlinear PDE to Regularity to Nonsmooth Geometry

This talk explains how the solution to a regularity/geometry problem arising from a question of optimization has led to unexpected new results in the well-established field of the analysis of cut loci.

Lecture 2: General Audience

Riemann, Boltzmann and Kantorovich go to a party

Streaming Video or Download Video

This talk is the story of an encounter of three distinct fields: non-Euclidean geometry, gas dynamics and economics. Some of the most fundamental mathematical tools behind these theories appear to have a close connection, which was revealed around the turn of the 21st century, and has developed strikingly since then.

The Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic Geometry Conference organized by Anna Beliakova from Universitat Zurich, and Georgia Tech professors Stavros Garoufalidis, and Thang T.Q. Le. The conference is hosted by Nha Trang College of Education and Hanoi Institute of Mathematics.and will be held in Nha Trang, Vietnam during May13-17, 2013.

A list of topics includes:

  • Quantum Invariants
  • Hyperbolic Geometry
  • Khovanov and Heegaard Floer Homology
  • Volume and AJ Conjectures
  • Chern-Simons Theory
  • TQFT and representations of mapping class groups

For complete conference details, please visit the conference website.

Georgia Tech mathematics comes in at #18 worldwide in the latest QS World University Rankings. First compiled in 2004, QS World University Rankings were conceived to present a multi-faceted view of the relative strengths of the world's leading universities. The research currently considers more than 2,000 universities and ranks more than 700.


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