
This is the eighth annual Tech Topology Conference. It brings together established and beginning researchers from around the country for a weekend of mathematics in Atlanta. Check back soon for more details. We are pleased to announce this year's speakers: 

The 2018 conference features several session of five-minute lightning talks. 

If you are interested in giving such a talk (on behalf of your work or someone else’s) please see the "Registration and Support" page. 
Deadline for submitting proposals for Lightning Talks is October 31.

website: http://people.math.gatech.edu/~etnyre/TechTopology/2018/index.html

organizers: J. Etnyre, J. Hom, K. Kordek, P. Lambert-Cole, C. Leverson, D. Margalit, J. Park, and B. Strenner
Supported by the NSF and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Event Details


Volume X Contents

  • Welcome from the Chair
  • Benefits Add Up for Undergrads in SoM REU Programs
  • Seven REUs Planned for Summer 2018
  • Georgia Tech Hosts Annual High School Competition
  • Libby Taylor Feature: Georgia Tech Undergrad Takes Home AWM Math Prize
  • Annual TA Student Award Winners
  • Recent Graduates Give Advice to Incoming Freshmen
  • Geometric Group Theory Gets an Informal Take from Tech Professor
  • Donor Awards
  • PhD Program
  • Events
  • Awards
  • Featured Article: Researchers Determine Routes of Respiratory Infection Disease Transmission on Aircraft
  • Members of SoM at the Helm of National Research Programs
  • Discrete Math/Combinatorics Moves Up to No. 2 in US News Graduate School Rankings
  • Faculty Profiles
  • Teaser: New Frontiers Beckon Math and Biology in Multi-million Dollar NSF-Simons Project
  • ProofReader Article Picked Up by Notices of American Math Society
  • SoM Professor Called to Give Expert Testimony in Jury Selection Case

Please see the Proofreader page on our website or click here to view a .pdf of the new ProofReader. 

Please send comments to Sal Barone at comm@math.gatech.edu, with subject line "ProofReader".

Mysteries of Floating

-By John McCuan

We are used to seeing a light object, like a beach ball, float on the surface of water while a heavy one, like a solid silver ball, sinks to the bottom (Fig.1-Fig.2). Over two-thousand years ago, based on similar observations, Archimedes proposed a simple and beautiful rule to determine which objects float, which objects sink, and how much liquid will be displaced by a floating object. He asserted that everything should be determined by relative densities.

Archimedes might be surprised to see this green plastic ball (Fig. 3-Fig. 5) which sinks to the bottom if pushed below the surface but also floats on the surface of the water if it is gently released there. The framework needed to understand the behavior of a “heavy” floating ball like this one was introduced by the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1830. He applied his ideas about minimizing energy to the geometrical and analytical concepts of surface tension and contact angle introduced by Thomas Young and Pierre Simone Laplace in 1805 and 1806.

Nevertheless, theoretical verification of the possibility of a heavy floating object like the green ball was first obtained by Rajat Bhatnagar and Robert Finn of Stanford University in 2006. To obtain their result various simplifications were made. One of those simplifications was to assume the liquid bath was infinite in extent with the walls of the container infinitely far away. John McCuan of the School of Mathematics has been interested in floating objects in laterally bounded containers since about the same time. In 2013 he was able, along with Ray Treinen of Texas State University, to analyze the energy landscape for problems that include the green ball floating in a finite cylindrical container as in the photo above. They showed, in particular, that if such a ball, floating on the surface of the water is pushed downward, the energy of the system will increase at first, eventually reaching a single maximum, at which point, as the ball moves lower, the energy of the system decreases and eventually the ball slips below the surface and sinks.

While relaxing the assumption of an infinite sea on which the ball floats, McCuan and Treinen introduced an additional symmetry assumption, effectively requiring the ball to be constrained to a frictionless vertical wire through its center keeping the ball in the middle of a circular cylindrical container. The characterization of parameters (density, surface tension versus gravity, the size of the ball relative to that of the container, and adhesion properties) for which a floating ball will remain in the center without the guide-wire is still a major open problem.

Buoyed up by some success, McCuan and Treinen attempted to characterize the equilibrium configurations (maxima and minima of the Gauss energy) for balls like the beach ball with density lower than that of the liquid. They were able to obtain a number of results, but they were also in for a big surprise. The natural expectation would be that for the light ball there is a unique equilibrium (energy minimum) with the energy increasing monotonically as the ball is pushed downward (and constrained to the center) in a cylindrical container. This is true for a beach ball in, say, a swimming pool. Sometimes, however, for certain collections of parameters, the energy will, in fact, increase but then decrease to another local minimum before increasing as the ball is submerged. (See chart, first image)

Note: For purposes of illustration the figure is neither to scale nor accurately proportioned.

There are several consequences of this 2018 discovery. One is that a ball floating in a cylinder need not have a unique floating height; the ball may rest at equilibrium in two different positions. If, for example, the ball is positioned as on the left, it will remain there, but if the ball is manually moved to the position on the right, it will also float in position there. Such a ball in a cylinder might be used as a two position switch. Furthermore, the phenomenon first encountered with the heavy green ball is not isolated to the heavy floating ball. Even with a light floating ball, the observed floating configuration can depend on where one positions the ball initially. The only known instances of this behavior for a light ball occur when the ball fits within the cylinder leaving only a small gap (several one hundredths of a millimeter) between the ball and the wall, so the phenomenon would likely never have been discovered without considering the case of laterally bounded containers.

Other “fun” facts:

  • 1. It was about 200 years between the time a mathematical framework describing floating objects (including capillarity and adhesion energies) was proposed and the time it was actually used with any success to describe floating objects.

Part of the groundwork for this kind of application of the theory was laid in McCuan’s 2007 paper which adapts the framework of Gauss to situations which allow floating. Previous to this, force phenomena such as buoyancy were viewed as separate from capillary equilibrium theory. McCuan showed all conditions for equilibrium (including various generalized force equations) follow from the basic approach of Gauss.

  • 2. An essential difference between the analysis of floating objects (say balls) based on Archimedes’ principle and that based on capillarity is that in the former the liquid surface is assumed to be a flat plane, while in the latter the geometric shape of the liquid surface can be curved and plays a central role. Sometimes the liquid surface surrounding a floating ball can be so far from a plane that it bends back over itself as suggested by the exaggerated figure below.[PP] Several results in the paper of McCuan and Treinen (2013) give conditions under which this cannot happen. They show, for example, that if the ball is too heavy (dense) or the ball is too small, then such “folding over” is not possible. Also, if the ball is too light and the adhesion of the liquid with the ball is too small (resulting in an angle between the liquid and the ball measured within the liquid which is too big), then, again, folding over is not possible.
  • 3. Another factor in the recent progress on problems like this (in spite of interest in them from antiquity) is the new capability to numerically analyze the model equations.
  • 4. One approach (and perhaps the only approach) to understanding when a floating ball will remain centered in the container (rather than move to the side) requires an extension of McCuan’s 2007 first variation formula to the second variation of energy. In some instances (experimentally) when the outer edge of the liquid interface is higher than the edge on the ball, and the ball is heavy, the ball will stay in the center. Similarly, when the outer edge is lower than the inner edge, then a heavy ball will tend to the side. These observations can be reversed for a light ball. These experimentally observed conditions are (first of all) far from a mathematical analysis; it is very unlikely that they capture the entire range of possibilities.
  • 5. Most of the known results are for a system which is simplified in dimension. Mathematically, we are really considering (in the drawings above for example) a two dimensional problem which can be viewed as treating an infinite log (extending directly out of the paper) floating in a trough. It seems likely that all equilibria for this simplified problem can be identified/classified within the next decade. A similar time frame applies to the spherical ball in a cylindrical container as indicated in the photographs. Some fundamental advance, like obtaining a second variational formula for energy as mentioned in the previous point will be necessary for understanding/classifying the conditions characterizing central floating versus moving to the side.


250 B.C. Archimedes, On floating bodies

1805 Thomas Young, An essay on the cohesion of fluids, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 95[PP]

1806 Pierre Simone Laplace, Mécanique céleste

2006 Raj Bhatnagar and Robert Finn, Equilibrium configurations of an infinite cylinder in an unbounded fluid. Phys. Fluids 18 no. 4

2007 John McCuan, A variational formula for floating bodies, Pac. J. Math. 231 no. 1

2009 John McCuan, Archimedes’ principle revisited, Milan J. Math. 77

2013 John McCuan and Ray Treinen, Capillarity and Archimedes’ principle of flotation, Pacific J. Math. 265 no 1

2018 John McCuan and Ray Treinen, On floating equilibria in a laterally finite container, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78 no. 1

Congratulations go to Dan Margalit and Chongchun Zeng, who have been named American Mathematical Society (AMS) Fellows.

Fellows in the AMS are members are reconized for outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics. This year's class of AMS Fellows has been selected from a large and deep pool of superb candidates.
In the case of Dan, he is recognized for contributions to low-dimensional topology and geometric group theory, exposition, and mentoring.
In the case of Chongchun, he is recognized for his contributions to the areas of partial differential equations and dynamical systems.
The 2019 Class of Fellows of the AMS, is now posted at:   http://www.ams.org/ams-fellows

This is a part of the GT MAP activities on Optimal Transport.  GT MAP is a place for research discussion and collaboration. We welcome participation of any researcher interested in discussing his/her project and exchange ideas with Mathematicians.

There will be light refreshments through out the event. This seminar will be held in Skiles 005 and refreshments at Skiles Atrium.


A couple of members of Prof. Song's group will present their research

3:00 PM - 3:45PM Prof.  Le Song will give a talk on ``Efficient Prediction of User Activity using Mass Transport Equation"

3:45PM -- 4:00PM Break with Discussions

4:00PM - 4:25PM Second talk by Xinshi on ``sequential Monte Carlo problem with mass transportation"

4:25PM - 5PM Discussion of open problems stemming from the presentations.

Title: Efficient Prediction of User Activity using Mass Transport Equation

Abstract: Point processes such as Hawkes processes are powerful tools to model user activities and have a plethora of applications in social sciences. Predicting user activities based on point processes is a central problem which is typically solved via sampling. In this talk, I will describe an efficient method based on a differential-difference equation to compute the conditional probability mass function of point processes. This framework is applicable to general point processes prediction tasks, and achieves marked efficiency improvement in diverse real-world applications compared to existing methods.



Prof. Song obtained B.S. degree in computer science from the South China University of Technology, Guanzhou, China in 2002, received my Master's degree in 2004, and Ph.D. degree in 2008 both in computer science from the University of Sydney, Australia. Prof. Song was also a Ph.D. student with the Statistical Machine Learning Program at NICTA, and his thesis advisor is Alex Smola. Since Summer 2008, Prof. Song was a postdoc fellow at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, working on machine learning and computational biology projects with Eric Xing, Carlos Guestrin, Geff Gordon and Jeff Schneider. Right before he joined Georgia Tech, he spent some time as a research scientist at Fernando Pereira's group at Google Research.


Event Details


A special issue of the journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A has been dedicated to Prof. Rafael de la Llave.

The issue 38-12 of the journal Discrete and Continuos Dynamical Systems-A contains the proceedings of the international conference LLAVEFEST, which was celebrated June, 2017 in Barcelona. The conference was devoted to the interface of dynamics and partial differential equations and applications.

The goal of the conference was to present new advances in different aspects on Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations.

There were 151 participants in attendance.

Topics covered included:
-  Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
-  Global dynamics in Hamiltonian systems
-  KAM theory
-  Arnol'd diffusion
-  PDEs and their applications
-  Lattice systems
-  Action-minimizing orbits and measures
-  Invariant manifold theory
-  Hyperbolic systems
-  Renormalization group methods

The main goal of the conference was bringing together many researchers from different disciplines, who presented high level talks. The conference also served as a celebration of Prof. de la Llave 60th birthday.

Several of the presentations in the conference have been written up, refereed for correctness and relevance, and gathered in a special volume of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A. 

Prof. de la Llave and Prof. C. Zeng have been editors of the journal for several years.


Conference website:


Preface of Llavefest:


Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A Issue 38-12:


The second edition of Seminar for Women in Math will take place Friday, October 26 in room Skiles 006 (SoM address is 686 Cherry st NW, Atlanta, GA). There will be sandwiches served in Skiles 006 at 12:15 pm. The first talk will be given by Christine Heitsch, Georgia Tech. The second talk is by Victoria Powers from Emory University. All are welcome!
Both talks will be accessible and suitable for undergrads.
Please share with your department. More info here: http://pwp.gatech.edu/wiming/2017/07/10/8/.

Friday, October 26, Skiles 006, 

686 Cherry St NW, Atlanta, GA 30311

  12:15 pm: sandwiches

  12:30 pmChristine Heitsch, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Title: From Plato to Pasteur and Beyond: the Combinatorics of RNA Viruses

Abstract: The interface of mathematics and biology has many facets, distinguished by both the biological applications and the mathematical motivations. We discuss here the problem of RNA folding which lies at the intersection of discrete mathematics and molecular biology.  As we will illustrate, new theorems in combinatorics are helping to answer the question, “Is there a cure for the common cold?”  (This short talk will be accessible to undergraduates.)

 1 pm: refreshments, break

 1:10 pmVictoria Powers, Emory University.

Title: The Mathematics and Statistics of Gerrymandering

Abstract: Gerrymandering refers to drawing political boundary lines with an ulterior motive, such as helping one political party or group of voters.  In the US there is a history of manipulating the shapes of legislative districts in order to obtain a preferred outcome. In recent years there have been a number of court cases in which the plaintiffs have used mathematical or statistical ideas to attempt to convince the courts that gerrymandering has occurred.   In this talk we will look at some of these methods and explain how mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists are helping in the legal fight against gerrymandering. (this talk will be suitable for undergraduates).

Event Details


Episode 9 of ScienceMatters' Season 1 stars Dan Margalit.  Listen to the podcast or read the transcript here

Dan Margalit is a professor in the School of Mathematics. 

Margalit's research area is topology. He studies the properties of shapes that persist even when the shapes are stretched or bent. 

For example, two metal rings that are linked stay linked even if you bend or stretch the metal. A typical question in topology is the following: Someone hands you two rings made of metal; if you are allowed to bend and stretch the metal, can you pull the rings apart or not? 

Most of Margalit's research in topology is about surfaces. The surface could be that of a ball or a donut. Surfaces are central in mathematics. They can describe the possible motions of a robot arm or all the possible solutions of a polynomial.

Margalit's particular research is on the symmetries of surfaces. Some symmetries of surfaces are easy to understand. But when bending and stretching are allowed, the symmetries are more challenging.

For Margalit, "mathematics is important because it describes the world in a beautiful and coherent way. Even the most far-fetched and abstract mathematical ideas can make their way into everyday life."

In Episode 9, Margalit talks about the beauty of mathematics and offers advice to overcome "math phobia."

Take a listen at sciencematters.gatech.edu.

Enter to win a prize by answering the question for Episode 9: 

According to Episode 9, what group of people can’t tell the difference between a coffee cup and a donut?

Submit your entry by 11 AM on Monday, Oct. 22, at sciencematters.gatech.edu

Elizabeth Ann “Libby” Peck earned two degrees from Georgia Tech: a B.S. in applied mathematics in 1975, and -- from the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering -- an M.S. in industrial engineering in 1976. For over 40 years she applied the knowledge she learned from Tech in building mathematical models to answer myriad questions of the Coca-Cola Company—from supply chains to strategic infrastructure to delivery routes.

Libby was the first woman to use mathematical models for supply chain analysis at the Coca-Cola Company. Often, she was the only woman among male colleagues working on global problems. By standing up to defend her work vigorously and completing projects with assiduous diligence, she proved herself equal to the best of the men around her.

Read a Q&A with Peck in which she talks about her roles at Coca-Cola, how her ISyE degree prepared her for her work there, and her memories of being a student at Georgia Tech: https://b.gatech.edu/2RaZaiT.


The Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium is a forum for professors, postdocs, graduate students and other researchers in Georgia to meet in an informal setting, to exchange ideas, and to highlight local scientific computing research. The symposium has been held every year since 2009 and is open to the entire research community.

This year, the symposium will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2019, at Georgia Institute of Technology. 

The format of the day-long symposium is a set of invited presentations, poster sessions and a poster blitz, and plenty of time to network with other attendees.

Registeration is free but please  Register Here to help us plan the event better.


The  list of speakers includes:

Prof. Luca Dieci, Georgia Tech, School of Math

Prof. Jun Kong, Georgia State University

Prof. Ming-Jun Lai, University of Georgia

Prof. Richard Peng, Georgia Tech, School of Computer Science.

Prof. Yuanzhe Xi, Emory University


Title and abstract with tentative schedule can be found Here.

Poster sessions will be held during lunch and during the afternoon break. Anyone can present a poster, but we especially encourage graduate students and postdocs to use this opportunity to advertise their work. 


Parking: Please use Visitor parking lot 1 which is the closest to the Skiles building at North Ave.  See map (Area 1) and more information at https://pts.gatech.edu/visitors#l3.  Please bring the parking ticket, and  see Sung Ha Kang or Haomin Zhou, for one day free parking pass during the symposium.


Previous Events

2018 GSCS at Georgia State University

2017 GSCS at University of Georgia

2016 GSCS at Emory University

2015 GSCS at Georgia Institute of Technology, CSE

2014 GSCS at Kennesaw State Univeristy

2013 GSCS at Georgia State University

2012 GSCS at University of Georgia

2011 GSCS at Emory University

2010 GSCS at Georgia Institute of Technology, Math

2009 GSCS at Emory University



Event Details



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