
Spring 2018


Complex Analysis

Topics from complex function theory, including contour integration and conformal mapping

Analysis II

Differentiation of functions of one real variable, Riemann-Stieltjes integral, the derivative in R^n and integration in R^n

Analysis I

Real numbers, topology of Euclidean spaces, Cauchy sequences, completeness, continuity and compactness, uniform continuity, series of functions, Fourier series

Topics in Linear Algebra

Linear algebra in R^n, standard Euclidean inner product in R^n, general linear spaces, general inner product spaces, least squares, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, symmetric matrices.

Introduction to Information Theory

The measurement and quantification of information. These ideas are applied to the probabilistic analysis of the transmission of information over a channel along which random distortion of the message occurs.

Mathematical Statistics II

Hypothesis testing, likelihood ratio tests, nonparametric tests, bivariate and multivariate normal distributions

Introduction to Number Theory

Primes and unique factorization, congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Diophantine equations, Diophantine approximations, quadratic reciprocity. Applications such as fast multiplication, factorization and encryption.

Abstract Algebra II

Continuation of Abstract Algebra I, with emphasis on Galois theory, modules, polynomial fields, and the theory of linear associative algebra.

Abstract Algebra I

This course develops in the theme of "Arithmetic congruence, and abstract algebraic structures." There will be a very strong emphasis on theory and proofs.

Combinatorial Analysis

Combinatorial problem-solving techniques including the use of generating functions, recurrence relations, Polya theory, combinatorial designs, Ramsey theory, matroids, and asymptotic analysis.


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