Seminars and Colloquia by Series

The Poisson point process and an application to semisimple symmetric spaces

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006; Streaming available via zoom
Amanda WilkensUT Austin

Please Note: Link to join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 933 9401 8195 Passcode: SoM

We define and motivate the Poisson point process, which is, informally, a “maximally random” scattering of points in some locally compact, second countable space. We introduce the ideal Poisson--Voronoi tessellation (IPVT), a new random object with intriguing geometric properties when considered on a semisimple symmetric space (the hyperbolic plane, for example). In joint work with Mikolaj Fraczyk and Sam Mellick, we use the IPVT to prove the minimal number of generators of a torsion-free lattice in a higher rank, semisimple Lie group is sublinear in the co-volume of the lattice. We give some intuition for the proof. No prior knowledge on Poisson point processes or symmetric spaces will be assumed.

Critical points of high-dimensional random functions

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Benjamin McKennaHarvard University

How many critical points does a random function from R^N to R have for large N? Such functions appear naturally in probability, data science, and mathematical physics. Questions like this one, which have attracted longstanding interest from both physicists and mathematicians, can help explain both physical phase transitions and algorithmic thresholds. I will give an overview of this "landscape complexity" program, its motivations, and recent progress coming from random matrices.

Growth of cohomology in towers of manifolds: a topological application of the Langlands program

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Mathilde Gerbelli-GauthierMcGill University

Please Note:

How complicated can successive manifolds get in a tower of covering
spaces? Specifically, how large can the dimension of the first
cohomology get? We will begin with a tour of possible behaviors for
low-dimensional spaces, and then focus on arithmetic manifolds.
Specifically, for towers of complex-hyperbolic manifolds, I will
describe how to bound the rates of growth using known instances of
Langlands functoriality.

Super-Teichmueller spaces, coordinates, and applications

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Anton ZeitlinLouisiana State University

Zoom link: 

The Teichmueller space parametrizes Riemann surfaces of fixed topological type and is fundamental in various contexts of mathematics and physics. It can be defined as a component of the moduli space of flat G=PSL(2,R) connections on the surface. Higher Teichmüller spaces extend this notion to appropriate higher rank classical Lie groups G. Other generalizations are given by the super-Teichmueller spaces, describing Riemann surfaces enhanced by odd or anti-commuting coordinates (known as super Riemann surfaces). The super-Teichmueller spaces arise naturally as higher Teichmueller spaces, corresponding to supergroups, which play an important role in geometric topology, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics, where the anti-commuting variables correspond to Fermions.

After introducing these spaces, I will explain the solution to the long-standing problem of describing the counterpart of Penner coordinates on the super-Teichmueller space and its higher analogues. The importance of these coordinates is justified by two remarkable properties: the action of the mapping class group is rational, and the Weil-Petersson form is given by a simple explicit formula. From the algebraic and combinatorial perspectives, their transformations lead to an important generalization of cluster algebras. 

In the end, I will discuss some recent applications of this construction.


Fast and optimal algorithm for online portfolios, and beyond

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 and Online via
Dmitrii OstrovskiiUSC

In his seminal 1991 paper, Thomas M. Cover introduced a simple and elegant mathematical model for trading on the stock market. This model, which later on came to be known as  online portfolio selection (OPS), is specified with only two integer parameters: the number of assets $d$ and time horizon $T$. In each round $t \in \{1, ..., T\}$, the trader selects a  portfolio--distribution $p_t \in R^d_+$ of the current capital over the set of $d$ assets; after this, the adversary generates a nonnegative vector $r_t \in R^d_+$ of returns (relative prices of assets), and the trader's capital is multiplied by the "aggregated return'' $\langle p_{t}, r_{t} \rangle$. Despite its apparent simplicity, this model captures the two key properties of the stock market: (i) it "plays against'' the trader; (ii) money accumulates multiplicatively. In the 30 years that followed, the OPS model has received a great deal of attention from the learning theory, information theory, and quantitative finance communities.

In the same paper, Cover also proposed an algorithm, termed Universal Portfolios, that admitted a strong performance guarantee: the regret of $O(d \log (T))$ against the best portfolio in hindsight, and without any restrictions of returns or portfolios. This guarantee was later on shown to be worst-case optimal, and no other algorithm attaining it has been found to date. Unfortunately, exact computation of a universal portfolio amounts to averaging over a log-concave distribution, which is a challenging task. Addressing this, Kalai and Vempala (2002) achieved the running time of $O(d^4 T^{14})$ per round via log-concave sampling techniques. However, with such a running time essentially prohibiting all but "toy'' problems--yet remaining state-of-the-art--the problem of finding an optimal and practical OPS algorithm was left open.

In this talk, after discussing some of the arising challenges, I shall present a fast and optimal OPS algorithm proposed in a recent work with R. Jezequel and P. Gaillard (arXiv:2209.13932). Our algorithm combines regret optimality with the runtime of $O(d^2 T)$, thus dramatically improving state of the art. As we shall see, the motivation and analysis of the proposed algorithm are closely related to establishing a sharp bound on the accuracy of the Laplace approximation for a log-concave distribution with a polyhedral support, which is a result of independent interest.

Zoom link to the talk:

Implicit bias of optimization algorithms and generalization of over-parameterized neural networks

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, February 6, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005, and
Chao MaStanford University

Please Note: Speaker will be in person, but also livestreamed but not recorded at

Modern neural networks are usually over-parameterized—the number of parameters exceeds the number of training data. In this case the loss function tends to have many (or even infinite) global minima, which imposes a challenge of minima selection on optimization algorithms besides the convergence. Specifically, when training a neural network, the algorithm not only has to find a global minimum, but also needs to select minima with good generalization among many others. We study the mechanisms that facilitate global minima selection of optimization algorithms, as well as its connection with good generalization performance. First, with a linear stability theory, we show that stochastic gradient descent (SGD) favors global minima with flat and uniform landscape. Then, we build a theoretical connection of flatness and generalization performance based on a special multiplicative structure of neural networks. Connecting the two results, we develop generalization bounds for neural networks trained by SGD. Our bounds take the optimization process into consideration. Furthermore, we study the behavior of optimization algorithms around manifold of minima and reveal the exploration of algorithms from one minimum to another.

Continuous combinatorics and natural quasirandomness

Job Candidate Talk
Wednesday, February 1, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Leonardo CoreglianoInstitute for Advanced Study

The theory of graph quasirandomness studies graphs that "look like" samples of the Erdős--Rényi
random graph $G_{n,p}$. The upshot of the theory is that several ways of comparing a sequence with
the random graph turn out to be equivalent. For example, two equivalent characterizations of
quasirandom graph sequences is as those that are uniquely colorable or uniquely orderable, that is,
all colorings (orderings, respectively) of the graphs "look approximately the same". Since then,
generalizations of the theory of quasirandomness have been obtained in an ad hoc way for several
different combinatorial objects, such as digraphs, tournaments, hypergraphs, permutations, etc.

The theory of graph quasirandomness was one of the main motivations for the development of the
theory of limits of graph sequences, graphons. Similarly to quasirandomness, generalizations of
graphons were obtained in an ad hoc way for several combinatorial objects. However, differently from
quasirandomness, for the theory of limits of combinatorial objects (continuous combinatorics), the
theories of flag algebras and theons developed limits of arbitrary combinatorial objects in a
uniform and general framework.

In this talk, I will present the theory of natural quasirandomness, which provides a uniform and
general treatment of quasirandomness in the same setting as continuous combinatorics. The talk will
focus on the first main result of natural quasirandomness: the equivalence of unique colorability
and unique orderability for arbitrary combinatorial objects. Although the theory heavily uses the
language and techniques of continuous combinatorics from both flag algebras and theons, no
familiarity with the topic is required as I will also briefly cover all definitions and theorems

This talk is based on joint work with Alexander A. Razborov.

Towards a theory of complexity of sampling, inspired by optimization

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 30, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 and
Sinho ChewiMIT

Sampling is a fundamental and widespread algorithmic primitive that lies at the heart of Bayesian inference and scientific computing, among other disciplines. Recent years have seen a flood of works aimed at laying down the theoretical underpinnings of sampling, in analogy to the fruitful and widely used theory of convex optimization. In this talk, I will discuss some of my work in this area, focusing on new convergence guarantees obtained via a proximal algorithm for sampling, as well as a new framework for studying the complexity of non-log-concave sampling.

Lipschitz mass transport

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Dan MikulincerDepartment of mathematics, MIT

A central question in the field of optimal transport studies optimization problems involving two measures on a common metric space, a source and a target. The goal is to find a mapping from the source to the target, in a way that minimizes distances. A remarkable fact discovered by Caffarelli is that, in some specific cases of interest, the optimal transport maps on a Euclidean metric space are LipschitzLipschitz regularity is a desirable property because it allows for the transfer of analytic properties between measures. This perspective has proven to be widely influential, with applications extending beyond the field of optimal transport.

In this talk, we will further explore the Lipschitz properties of transport maps. Our main observation is that, when one seeks Lipschitz mappings, the optimality conditions mentioned above do not play a major role. Instead of minimizing distances, we will consider a general construction of transport maps based on interpolation of measures, and introduce a set of techniques to analyze the Lipschitz constant of this construction. In particular, we will go beyond the Euclidean setting and consider Riemannian manifolds as well as infinite-dimensional spaces.

Some applications, such as functional inequalities, normal approximations, and generative diffusion models will also be discussed.

Effective equations for large systems of particles or waves

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 23, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles Room 006
Ioakeim AmpatzoglouNYU Courant Institute

Understanding the behavior of large physical systems is a problem of fundamental importance in mathematical physics. Analysis of systems of many interacting particles is key for understanding various phenomena from physical sciences (e.g. gases in non-equilibrium, galactic dynamics) to social sciences (e.g. modeling social networks). Similarly, the description of systems of weakly nonlinear interacting waves, referred to as wave turbulence theory, finds a wide range of applications from solid state physics and water waves to plasma theory and oceanography. However, with the size of the system of interest being extremely large, deterministic prediction of its behavior is practically impossible, and one resorts to an averaging description. In this talk, we will discuss about kinetic theory, which is a mesoscopic framework to study the qualitative properties of large systems. As we will see, the main idea behind kinetic theory is that, in order to identify averaging quantities of large systems, one studies their asymptotic behavior as the size of the system tends to infinity, with the hope that the limiting effective equation will reveal properties observed in a system of large, but finite size. We will focus on the Boltzmann equation, which is the effective equation for systems of interacting particles, and its higher order extensions, as well as the kinetic wave equation which describes systems of many nonlinearly interacting waves.
