Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Problems, Algorithms, and Complexity in Algebraic Geometry

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, November 18, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Tim DuffSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
At the intersection of computability and algebraic geometry, the following question arises: does an integral polynomial system of equations have any integral solutions? Famously, the combined work of Robinson, Davis, Putnam, and Matiyasevich answers this in the negative. Nonetheless, algorithms have played in increasing role in the development of algebraic geometry and its many applications. I address some research related to this general theme and some outstanding questions.

Geometric Bijections between the Jacobian and Bases of a Regular Matroid via Orientations

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, November 11, 2016 - 13:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Chi Ho YuenSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
The Jacobian (or sandpile group) of a graph is a well-studied group associated with the graph, known to biject with the set of spanning trees of the graph via a number of classical combinatorial mappings. The algebraic definition of a Jacobian extends to regular matroids, but without the notion of vertices, many such combinatorial bijections fail to generalize. In this talk, I will discuss how orientations provide a way to overcome such obstacle. We give a novel, effectively computable bijection scheme between the Jacobian and the set of bases of a regular matroid, in which polyhedral geometry plays an important role; along the way we also obtain new enumerative results related to the Tutte polynomial. This is joint work with Spencer Backman and Matt Baker.

Hierarchical clustering via spreading metrics

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, November 4, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Aurko RoyGeorgia Tech
We study the cost function for hierarchical clusterings introduced by Dasgupta where hierarchies are treated as first-class objects rather than deriving their cost from projections into flat clusters. It was also shown that a top-down algorithm returns a hierarchical clustering of cost at most O (α_n log n) times the cost of the optimal hierarchical clustering, where α_n is the approximation ratio of the Sparsest Cut subroutine used. Thus using the best known approximation algorithm for Sparsest Cut due to Arora-Rao-Vazirani, the top down algorithm returns a hierarchical clustering of cost at most O(log^{3/2} n) times the cost of the optimal solution. We improve this by giving an O(log n)- approximation algorithm for this problem. Our main technical ingredients are a combinatorial characterization of ultrametrics induced by this cost function, deriving an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation for this family of ultrametrics, and showing how to iteratively round an LP relaxation of this formulation by using the idea of sphere growing which has been extensively used in the context of graph partitioning. We also prove that our algorithm returns an O(log n)-approximate hierarchical clustering for a generalization of this cost function also studied in Dasgupta. This joint work with Sebastian Pokutta is to appear in NIPS 2016 (oral presentation).

Agnostic Estimation of Mean and Covariance

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, October 28, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Kevin LaiCollege of Computing, Georgia Tech
We consider the problem of estimating the mean and covariance of a distribution from iid samples in R^n in the presence of an η fraction of malicious noise; this is in contrast to much recent work where the noise itself is assumed to be from a distribution of known type. This agnostic learning problem includes many interesting special cases, e.g., learning the parameters of a single Gaussian (or finding the best-fit Gaussian) when η fraction of data is adversarially corrupted, agnostically learning a mixture of Gaussians, agnostic ICA, etc. We present polynomial-time algorithms to estimate the mean and covariance with error guarantees in terms of information-theoretic lower bounds. We also give an agnostic algorithm for estimating the 2-norm of the covariance matrix of a Gaussian. This joint work with Santosh Vempala and Anup Rao appeared in FOCS 2016.

Approximately Sampling Elements with Fixed Rank in Graded Posets

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, October 14, 2016 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Matthew FahrbachCollege of Computing, Georgia Tech
Graded posets are partially ordered sets equipped with a unique rank function that respects the partial order and such that neighboring elements in the Hasse diagram have ranks that differ by one. We frequently find them throughout combinatorics, including the canonical partial order on Young diagrams and plane partitions, where their respective rank functions are the area and volume under the configuration. We ask when it is possible to efficiently sample elements with a fixed rank in a graded poset. We show that for certain classes of posets, a biased Markov chain that connects elements in the Hasse diagram allows us to approximately generate samples from any fixed rank in expected polynomial time. While varying a bias parameter to increase the likelihood of a sample of a desired size is common in statistical physics, one typically needs properties such as log-concavity in the number of elements of each size to generate desired samples with sufficiently high probability. Here we do not even require unimodality in order to guarantee that the algorithm succeeds in generating samples of the desired rank efficiently. This joint work with Prateek Bhakta, Ben Cousins, and Dana Randall will appear at SODA 2017.

Parallel Graph Algorithms

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, September 23, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Richard PengCollege of Computing, Georgia Tech
Parallel algorithms study ways of speeding up sequential algorithms by splitting work onto multiple processors. Theoretical studies of parallel algorithms often focus on performing a small number of operations, but assume more generous models of communication. Recent progresses led to parallel algorithms for many graph optimization problems that have proven to be difficult to parallelize. In this talk I will survey routines at the core of these results: low diameter decompositions, random sampling, and iterative methods.

A Markov Chain Algorithm for Compression in Self-Organizing Particle Systems

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, September 16, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Sarah CannonGeorgia Tech
I will present work on a new application of Markov chains to distributed computing. Motivated by programmable matter and the behavior of biological distributed systems such as ant colonies, the geometric amoebot model abstracts these processes as self-organizing particle systems where particles with limited computational power move on the triangular lattice. Previous algorithms developed in this setting have relied heavily on leader election, tree structures that are not robust to failures, and persistent memory. We developed a distributed algorithm for the compression problem, where all particles want to gather together as tightly as possible, that is based on a Markov chain and is simple, robust, and oblivious. Tools from Markov chain analysis enable rigorous proofs about its behavior, and we show compression will occur with high probability. This joint work with Joshua J. Daymude, Dana Randall, and Andrea Richa appeared at PODC 2016. I will also present some more recent extensions of this approach to other problems, which is joint work with Marta Andres Arroyo as well.

On Fully Dynamic Graph Sparsifiers

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, April 22, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
David DurfeeGeorgia Tech
We initiate the study of dynamic algorithms for graph sparsification problems and obtain fully dynamic algorithms, allowing both edge insertions and edge deletions, that take polylogarithmic time after each update in the graph. Our three main results are as follows. First, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a $(1 \pm \epsilon)$-spectral sparsifier with amortized update time $poly(\log{n},\epsilon^{-1})$. Second, we give a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a $(1 \pm \epsilon)$-cut sparsifier with worst-case update time $poly(\log{n},\epsilon^{-1})$. Third, we apply our dynamic sparsifier algorithm to obtain a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a $(1 + \epsilon)$-approximate minimum cut in an unweighted, undirected, bipartite graph with amortized update time $poly(\log{n},\epsilon^{-1})$.Joint work with Ittai Abraham, Ioannis Koutis, Sebastian Krinninger, and Richard Peng

A Quadratic Relaxation for a Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, April 15, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Daniel BladoGeorgia Tech
We examine a variant of the knapsack problem in which item sizes are random according to an arbitrary but known distribution. In each iteration, an item size is realized once the decision maker chooses and attempts to insert an item. With the aim of maximizing the expected profit, the process ends when either all items are successfully inserted or a failed insertion occurs. We investigate the strength of a particular dynamic programming based LP bound by examining its gap with the optimal adaptive policy. Our new relaxation is based on a quadratic value function approximation which introduces the notion of diminishing returns by encoding interactions between remaining items. We compare the bound to previous bounds in literature, including the best known pseudopolynomial bound, and contrast their corresponding policies with two natural greedy policies. Our main conclusion is that the quadratic bound is theoretically more efficient than the pseudopolyomial bound yet empirically comparable to it in both value and running time.

Cortical Computation of Thresholds via Iterative Constructions

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, April 8, 2016 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Samantha PettiGeorgia Tech
Motivated by neurally feasible computation, we study Boolean functions of an arbitrary number of input variables that can be realized by recursively applying a small set of functions with a constant number of inputs each. This restricted type of construction is neurally feasible since it uses little global coordination or control. Valiant’s construction of a majority function can be realized in this manner and, as we show, can be generalized to any uniform threshold function. We study the rate of convergence, finding that while linear convergence to the correct function can be achieved for any threshold using a fixed set of primitives, for quadratic convergence, the size of the primitives must grow as the threshold approaches 0 or 1. We also study finite realizations of this process, and show that the constructions realized are accurate outside a small interval near the target threshold, where the size of the construction at each level grows as the inverse square of the interval width. This phenomenon, that errors are higher closer to thresholds (and thresholds closer to the boundary are harder to represent), is also a well-known cognitive finding. Finally, we give a neurally feasible algorithm that uses recursive constructions to learn threshold functions. This is joint work with Christos Papadimitriou and Santosh Vempala.
