Seminars and Colloquia by Series

The Small Quasikernel Conjecture

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 20, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Sam SpiroRutgers University

Given a digraph $D$, we say that a set of vertices $Q\subseteq V(D)$ is a quasikernel if $Q$ is an independent set and if every vertex of $D$ can be reached from $Q$ by a path of length at most 2.  The Small Quasikernel Conjecture of P.L. Erdős and Székely from 1976 states that every $n$-vertex source-free digraph $D$ contains a quasikernel of size at most $\frac{1}{2}n$.  Despite being posed nearly 50 years ago, very little is known about this conjecture, with the only non-trivial upper bound of $n-\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{n\log n}$ being proven recently by ourself.  We discuss this result together with a number of other related results and open problems around the Small Quasikernel Conjecture.


Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 6, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Shengtong ZhangStanford University

A graph is $H$-Ramsey if every two-coloring of its edges contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. Define the $F$-Ramsey number of $H$, denoted by $r_F(H)$, to be the minimum number of copies of $F$ in a graph which is $H$-Ramsey. This generalizes the Ramsey number and size Ramsey number of a graph. Addressing a question of Spiro, we prove that \[r_{K_3}(K_t)=\binom{r(K_t)}3\] for all sufficiently large $t$. 

Our proof employs many recent results on the chromatic number of locally sparse graphs. In particular, I will highlight a new result on the chromatic number of degenerate graphs, which leads to several intriguing open problems.

When do Latin squares have orthogonal mates?

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, August 23, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Candy Bowtell

A Latin square is an nxn grid filled with n symbols such that each symbol appears exactly once in each row and column. A transversal in a Latin square is a collection of n cells such that each row, column and symbol appears exactly once in the collection.

Latin squares were introduced by Euler in the 1700s and he was interested in the question of when a Latin square decomposes fully into transversals. Equivalently, when does a Latin square have an 'orthogonal mate'?

We'll discuss the history of this question, and some upcoming joint work with Richard Montgomery.

Enumeration of interval graphs and d-representable complexes (Amzi Jeffs, CMU)

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Amzi JeffsCarnegie Mellon University

How many different ways can we arrange n convex sets in R^d? One answer is provided by counting the number of d-representable complexes on vertex set [n]. We show that there are exp(Theta(n^d log n))-many such complexes, and provide bounds on the constants involved. As a consequence, we show that d-representable complexes comprise a vanishingly small fraction of the class of d-collapsible complexes. In the case d = 1 our results are more precise, and improve the previous best estimate for the number of interval graphs.

Erdős–Hajnal and VC-dimension (Tung Nguyen, Princeton)

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 29, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 308
Tung NguyenPrinceton University

A hereditary class $\mathcal C$ of graphs is said to have the Erdős–Hajnal property if every $n$-vertex graph in $\mathcal C$ has a clique or stable set of size at least $n^c$. We discuss a proof of a conjecture of Chernikov–Starchenko–Thomas and Fox–Pach–Suk that for every $d\ge1$, the class of graphs of VC-dimension at most $d$ has the Erdős–Hajnal property. Joint work with Alex Scott and Paul Seymour.

Colorful Borsuk--Ulam Theorems (Zoe Wellner, CMU)

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 15, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Zoe WellnerCarnegie Mellon University

 The classical Borsuk--Ulam theorem states that for any continuous map  from the sphere to Euclidean space, $f\colon S^d\to R^d$, there is a pair of antipodal points that are identified, so $f(x)=f(-x)$. We prove a colorful generalization of the Borsuk–Ulam theorem. The classical result has many applications and consequences for combinatorics and discrete geometry and we in turn prove colorful generalizations of these consequences such as the colorful ham sandwich theorem, which allows us to prove a recent result of B\'{a}r\'{a}ny, Hubard, and Jer\'{o}nimo on well-separated measures as a special case, and Brouwer's fixed point theorem, which allows us to prove an alternative between KKM-covering results and Radon partition results.  This is joint work with Florian Frick.

Essentially tight bounds for rainbow cycles in proper edge-colourings (Matija Bucic, Princeton)

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 1, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 308
Matija BucicPrinceton University

An edge-coloured graph is said to be rainbow if it uses no colour more than once. Extremal problems involving rainbow objects have been a focus of much research as they capture the essence of a number of interesting problems in a variety of areas. A particularly intensively studied question due to Keevash, Mubayi, Sudakov and Verstraëte from 2007 asks for the maximum possible average degree of a properly edge-coloured graph on n vertices without a rainbow cycle. Improving upon a series of earlier bounds, Tomon proved an upper bound of (log n)^(2+o(1)) for this question. Very recently, Janzer-Sudakov and Kim-Lee-Liu-Tran independently removed the o(1) term in Tomon's bound. We show that the answer to the question is equal to (log n)^(1+o(1)).  
Joint work with: Noga Alon, Lisa Sauermann, Dmitrii Zakharov and Or Zamir.

ε-series by James Anderson, Sean Kafer, and Tantan Dai

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, February 9, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 308
James Anderson, Sean Kafer, Tantan DaiGeorgia Tech

James Anderson: Odd coloring (resp, PCF coloring) is a stricter form of proper coloring in which every nonisolated vertex is required to have a color in its neighborhood with odd multiplicity (resp, with multiplicity 1). Using the discharging method, and a new tool which we call the Forb-Flex method, we improve the bounds on the odd and PCF chromatic number of planar graphs of girth 10 and 11, respectively.

Sean Kafer: Many classical combinatorial optimization problems (e.g. max weight matching, max weight matroid independent set, etc.) have formulations as linear programs (LPs) over 0/1 polytopes on which LP solvers could be applied.  However, there often exist bespoke algorithms for these problems which, by merit of being tailored to a specific domain, are both more efficient and conceptually nicer than running a generic LP solver on the associated LP.  We will discuss recent results which show that a number of such algorithms (e.g. the shortest augmenting path algorithm, the greedy algorithm, etc.) can be "executed" by the Simplex method for solving LPs, in the sense that the Simplex method can be made to generate the same sequence of solutions when applied to the appropriate corresponding LP.

Tantan Dai: There has been extensive research on Latin Squares. It is simple to construct a Latin Square with n rows and n columns. But how do we define a Latin Triangle? What are the rows? When does a Latin Triangle exist? How can we construct them? In this talk, I will discuss two types of Latin Triangles and the construction of a countable family of Latin Triangles.

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