Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Graph decompositions, Ramsey theory, and random graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, November 8, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Yuval WigdersonETH Zürich

A basic result of probabilistic combinatorics, originally due to Erdős and Rényi, is the determination of the threshold at which the random graph $G_{n,p}$ contains a triangle with high probability. But one can also ask more refined versions of this question, where we ask not just for one triangle but for many triangles which interact in complicated ways. For example, what is the threshold at which we can no longer partition $G_{n,p}$ into two triangle-free subgraphs?

In this talk, I will discuss the proof of the Kohayakawa–Kreuter conjecture, which gives a general answer to all such questions. Rather surprisingly, a key step of the proof is a purely deterministic graph decomposition statement, closely related to classical results such as Nash-Williams' tree decomposition theorem, whose proof uses techniques from combinatorial optimization and structural graph theory.

Based on joint works with Micha Christoph, Eden Kuperwasser, Anders Martinsson, Wojciech Samotij, and Raphael Steiner.

Obstructions to Erdős-Pósa Dualities for Minors

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, November 1, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Evangelos ProtopapasUniversity of Montpellier

Let $\mathscr{G}$ and $\mathscr{H}$ be minor-closed graphs classes. The class $\mathscr{H}$ has the Erdős-Pósa property in $\mathscr{G}$ if there is a function $f : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ such that every graph $G$ in $\mathscr{G}$ either contains (a packing of) $k$ disjoint copies of some subgraph minimal graph $H \not\in \mathscr{H}$ or contains (a covering of) $f(k)$ vertices, whose removal creates a graph in $\mathscr{H}$. A class $\mathscr{G}$ is a minimal EP-counterexample for $\mathscr{H}$ if $\mathscr{H}$ does not have the Erdős-Pósa property in $\mathscr{G}$, however it does have this property for every minor-closed graph class that is properly contained in $\mathscr{G}$. The set $\mathfrak{C}_{\mathscr{H}}$ of the subset-minimal EP-counterexamples, for every $\mathscr{H}$, can be seen as a way to consider all possible Erdős-Pósa dualities that can be proven for minor-closed classes. We prove that, for every $\mathscr{H}$, $\mathfrak{C}_{\mathscr{H}}$ is finite and we give a complete characterization of it. In particular, we prove that $|\mathfrak{C}_{\mathscr{H}}| = 2^{\mathsf{poly}(\ell(h))}$, where $h$ is the maximum size of a minor-obstruction of $\mathscr{H}$ and $\ell(\cdot)$ is the unique linkage function. As a corollary of this, we obtain a constructive proof of Thomas' conjecture claiming that every minor-closed graph class has the half-integral Erdős-Pósa property in all graphs.

This is joint work with Christophe Paul, Dimitrios Thilikos, and Sebastian Wiederrecht.

Regularity for Semialgebraic Hypergraphs and Applications

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, October 18, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Hans Hung-Hsun YuPrinceton University

A semialgebraic hypergraph is a hypergraph whose edges can be described by a system of polynomial inequalities. Semialgebraic hypergraphs appear in many problems in discrete geometry. There has been growing interest in semialgebraic hypergraphs since the discovery that they satisfy strong regularity lemmas, where between most parts, the hypergraph is either complete or empty. In this talk, I will talk about an optimal regularity lemma along these lines and several applications. Based on joint work with Jonathan Tidor.

On the number of error correcting codes

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, October 11, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Nitya ManiMIT

We show that for a fixed $q$, the number of $q$-ary $t$-error correcting codes of length $n$ is at most $2^{(1 + o(1)) H_q(n,t)}$ for all $t \leq (1 - q^{-1})n - 2\sqrt{n \log n}$, where $H_q(n, t) = q^n / V_q(n,t)$ is the Hamming bound and $V_q(n,t)$ is the cardinality of the radius $t$ Hamming ball. This proves a conjecture of Balogh, Treglown, and Wagner and makes progress towards a 2005 question of Sapozhenko. 

Efficient and optimal high-dimensional planar assignments

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 15:15 for
Skiles 005
Michael SimkinMassachusetts Institute of Technology

The ($2$-dimensional) assignment problem is to find, in an edge weighted bipartite graph, an assignment (i.e., a perfect matching) of minimum total weight. Efficient algorithms for this problem have been known since the advent of modern algorithmic analysis. Moreover, if the edge weights are i.i.d. Exp(1) random variables and the host graph is complete bipartite, seminal results of Aldous state that the expected weight of the optimal assignment tends to $\zeta(2)$.


We consider high-dimensional versions of the random assignment problem. Here, we are given a cost array $M$, indexed by $[n]^k$, and with i.i.d. Exp(1) entries. The objective is to find a ${0,1}$-matrix A that minimizes $\sum_{x \in [n]^k} A_xM_x$, subject to the constraint that every axis-parallel line in A contains exactly one 1. This is the planar assignment problem, and when $k=2$ is equivalent to the usual random assignment problem. We prove that the expected cost of an optimal assignment is $\Theta(n^{k-2})$. Moreover, we describe a randomized algorithm that finds such an assignment with high probability. The main tool is iterative absorption, as developed by Glock, Kühn, Lo, and Osthus. The results answer questions of Frieze and Sorkin. The algorithmic result is in contrast to the axial assignment problem (in which A contains exactly one 1 in each axis-parallel co-dimension 1 hyperplane). For the latter, the best known bounds (which are due to Frankston, Kahn, Narayanan, and Park) exploit the connection between ``spread'' distributions and optimal assignments. Due to this reliance, no efficient algorithm is known.


Joint work with Ashwin Sah and Mehtaab Sawhney.

The Small Quasikernel Conjecture

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 20, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Sam SpiroRutgers University

Given a digraph $D$, we say that a set of vertices $Q\subseteq V(D)$ is a quasikernel if $Q$ is an independent set and if every vertex of $D$ can be reached from $Q$ by a path of length at most 2.  The Small Quasikernel Conjecture of P.L. Erdős and Székely from 1976 states that every $n$-vertex source-free digraph $D$ contains a quasikernel of size at most $\frac{1}{2}n$.  Despite being posed nearly 50 years ago, very little is known about this conjecture, with the only non-trivial upper bound of $n-\frac{1}{4}\sqrt{n\log n}$ being proven recently by ourself.  We discuss this result together with a number of other related results and open problems around the Small Quasikernel Conjecture.


Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 6, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Shengtong ZhangStanford University

A graph is $H$-Ramsey if every two-coloring of its edges contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. Define the $F$-Ramsey number of $H$, denoted by $r_F(H)$, to be the minimum number of copies of $F$ in a graph which is $H$-Ramsey. This generalizes the Ramsey number and size Ramsey number of a graph. Addressing a question of Spiro, we prove that \[r_{K_3}(K_t)=\binom{r(K_t)}3\] for all sufficiently large $t$. 

Our proof employs many recent results on the chromatic number of locally sparse graphs. In particular, I will highlight a new result on the chromatic number of degenerate graphs, which leads to several intriguing open problems.

When do Latin squares have orthogonal mates?

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, August 23, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Candy Bowtell

A Latin square is an nxn grid filled with n symbols such that each symbol appears exactly once in each row and column. A transversal in a Latin square is a collection of n cells such that each row, column and symbol appears exactly once in the collection.

Latin squares were introduced by Euler in the 1700s and he was interested in the question of when a Latin square decomposes fully into transversals. Equivalently, when does a Latin square have an 'orthogonal mate'?

We'll discuss the history of this question, and some upcoming joint work with Richard Montgomery.
