Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Detecting gerrymandering with mathematical rigor

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 13:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Wesley PegdenMathematics, Carnegie Mellon University

Please Note: (Refreshments will be served at 2:30pm after the lecture.)

In recent years political parties have more and more expertly 
crafted political districtings to favor one side or another, while at 
the same time, entirely new techniques to detect and measure these 
efforts are being developed.

I will discuss a rigorous method which uses Markov chains---random 
walks---to statistically assess gerrymandering of political districts 
without requiring heuristic validation of the structures of the Markov 
chains which arise in the redistricting context.  In particular, we will 
see two examples where this methodology was applied in successful 
lawsuits which overturned district maps in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

A solution to the Burr-Erdos problems on Ramsey completeness

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, November 21, 2019 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jacob FoxStanford University

A sequence A of positive integers is r-Ramsey complete if for every r-coloring of A, every sufficiently large integer can be written as a sum of the elements of a monochromatic subsequence. Burr and Erdos proposed several open problems in 1985 on how sparse can an r-Ramsey complete sequence be and which polynomial sequences are r-Ramsey complete. Erdos later offered cash prizes for two of these problems. We prove a result which solves the problems of Burr and Erdos on Ramsey complete sequences. The proof uses tools from probability, combinatorics, and number theory. 

Joint work with David Conlon.

Polynomial to exponential transition in Ramsey theory

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Dhruv MubayiUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
After a brief introduction to classical hypergraph Ramsey numbers, I will focus on the following problem. What is the minimum t such that there exist arbitrarily large k-uniform hypergraphs whose independence number is at most polylogarithmic in the number of vertices and every s vertices span at most t edges? Erdos and Hajnal conjectured (1972) that this minimum can be calculated precisely using a recursive formula and Erdos offered $500 for a proof. For k=3, this has been settled for many values of s, but it was not known for larger k. Here we settle the conjecture for all k at least 4. Our method also answers a question of Bhatt and Rodl about the maximum upper density of quasirandom hypergraphs. This is joint work with Alexander Razborov.

Modern Erdos Magic

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, November 2, 2017 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Joel SpencerCourant Institute, New York University
Traditional Erdos Magic (a.k.a. The Probabilistic Method) proves the existence of an object with certain properties by showing that a random (appropriately defined) object will have those properties with positive probability. Modern Erdos Magic analyzes a random process, a random (CS take note!) algorithm. These, when successful, can find a "needle in an exponential haystack" in polynomial time. We'll look at two particular examples, both involving a family of n-element sets under suitable side conditions. The Lovasz Local Lemma finds a coloring with no set monochromatic. A result of this speaker finds a coloring with low discrepency. In both cases the original proofs were not implementable but Modern Erdos Magic finds the colorings in polynomial times. The methods are varied. Basic probability and combinatorics. Brownian Motion. Semigroups. Martingales. Recursions ... and Tetris!

Randomized Controlled Trials for Combinatorial Construction

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Tom BohmanCarnegie Mellon University
The probabilistic method for constructing combinatorial objects has had a profound impact on the field since the pioneering work of Erdos in the first half of the twentieth century. Some recent applications of the probabilistic method build objects of interest by making a series of random choices that are guided by a simple rule and depend on previous choices. We give two examples of randomized algorithms of this type: random triangle removal and the triangle-free process. These algorithms address the classical questions of counting Steiner triple systems and determining the minimum independence number of a triangle-free graph on n vertices, respectively. Pseudo-random heuristics and concentration of measure phenomena play a central role in analyzing these processes.

Groups and randomness

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Tomasz ŁuczakAdam Mickiewicz University
The talk is meant to be a gentle introduction to a part of combinatorial topology which studies randomly generated objects. It is a rapidly developing field which combines elements of topology, geometry, and probability with plethora of interesting ideas, results and problems which have their roots in combinatorics and linear algebra.

Analytic methods in graph theory

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Friday, November 6, 2015 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Daniel KralUniversity of Warwick

Please Note: Refreshments will be served in the atrium after the talk.

The theory of combinatorial limits provides analytic ways of representing large discrete objects. The theory has opened new links between analysis, combinatorics, computer science, group theory and probability theory. In this talk, we will focus on limits of dense graphs and their applications in extremal combinatorics. We will present a general framework for constructing graph limits corresponding to solutions of extremal graph theory problems, which led to constructing counterexamples to several conjectures concerning graph limits. At the end, we will discuss limits of sparse graphs and possible directions to unify the existing approaches related to dense and sparse graphs.

Superimposed codes

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, September 26, 2013 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skyles 005
Zoltan FurediRenyi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Please Note: Refreshements served at 4:00pm

There are many instances in Coding Theory when codewords must be restored from partial information, like defected data (error correcting codes), or some superposition of the strings.These lead to superimposed codes, close relatives of group testing problems.There are lots of versions and related problems, likeSidon sets, sum-free sets, union-free families, locally thin families, cover-free codes and families, etc.We discuss two cases {\it cancellative} and {\it union-free} codes.A family of sets $\mathcal F$ (and the corresponding code of0-1 vectors) is called {\bf union-free} if $A\cup B = C\cup D$ and $A,B,C,D\in \mathcal F$ imply $\{ A,B\}=\{ C, D \}$.$\mathcal F$ is called $t$-{\bf cancellative}if for all distict $t+2$ members $A_1, \dots, A_t$ and $B,C\in \mathcal F$ $$A_1\cup\dots \cup A_t\cup B \neq A_1\cup \dots A_t \cup C. $$Let $c_t(n)$ be the size of the largest $t$-cancellative code on $n$elements. We significantly improve the previous upper bounds of Alon, Monti, K\"orner and Sinaimeri, and introduce a method to deal with such problems, namely to investigate first the constant weight case (i.e., uniform hypergraphs).

Graph Colouring Via The Probabilistic Method

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Bruce ReedMcGill University
The term Probabilistic Method refers to the proof of deterministic statements using probabilistic tools. Two of the most famous examples arise in number theory. these are: the first non-analytic proof of the prime number theorem given by Erdos in the 1940s, and the recent proof of the Hardy-Littlewood Conjecture (that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes) by Green and Tao. The method has also been succesfully applied in the field of graph colouring. We survey some of the results thereby obtained. The talk is targeted at a general audience. We will first define graph colouring, explain the type of graph colouring problems which tend to attract interest, and then explain the probabilistic tools which are used to solve them, and why we would expect the type of tools that are used to be effective for solving the types of problems typically studied.

Quantum Physics and Algebraic Graph Theory

Joint School of Mathematics and ACO Colloquium
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 16:30 for 2 hours
Skiles 255
Chris GodsilUniversity of Waterloo

Please Note: Refreshments will be served at 4PM in Skiles 236.

The possibility of a quantum computer has lead to much new work in theoretical physics and, naturally enough, this work has raised many new mathematical problems. What is perhaps surprising is that it has lead to interesting problems in algebraic graph theory. For example, questions about the relative power of quantum computer and classical computers lead to questions about the chromatic number of certain graphs. In my talk I will discuss some of these problems, and the progress that has been made.