

Stochastic Processes I

Simple random walk and the theory of discrete time Markov chains

Introduction to Number Theory

Primes and unique factorization, congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Diophantine equations, Diophantine approximations, quadratic reciprocity. Applications such as fast multiplication, factorization and encryption.

Abstract Algebra I

This course develops in the theme of "Arithmetic congruence, and abstract algebraic structures." There will be a very strong emphasis on theory and proofs.

Introduction to Graph Theory

The fundamentals of graph theory: trees, connectivity, Euler torus, Hamilton cycles, matchings, colorings and Ramsey theory.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

This course is a problem oriented introduction to the basic concepts of probability and statistics, providing a foundation for applications and further study.

MATH 3215, MATH 3235, and MATH 3670 are mutually exclusive; students may not hold credit for more than one of these courses. 

Applied Combinatorics

Elementary combinatorial techniques used in discrete problem solving: counting methods, solving linear recurrences, graph and network models, related algorithms, and combinatorial designs.

Introduction to Graduate Mathematics

This course includes topics on professional development and responsible conduct of research. The course satisfies the GT RCR Academic Policy for Doctoral Students to complete in-person RCR training.

Functional Analysis

Spectral theory of bounded and unbounded operators, major theorems of functional analysis, additional topics.

Harmonic Analysis

Fourier analysis on the torus and Euclidean space.

Real Analysis I

Lebesgue measure and integration, differentiation, abstract measure theory.


This course is equivalent to MATH 6579. Students should not be able to obtain credit for both MATH 6579 and MATH 6337.


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