Applications of probabilistic techniques in discrete mathematics, including classical ideas using expectation and variance as well as modern tools, such as martingale and correlation inequalities.
Description, institutional features, and mathematical modeling of fixed income securities. Use of both deterministic and stochastic models. Crosslisted with ISYE 6769.
The fundamental group, covering spaces, core topics in homology and cohomology theory including CW complexes, universal coefficients, and Poincare duality.
Continuous time Markov chains. Uniformization, transient and limiting behavior. Brownian motion and martingales. Optional sampling and convergence. Modeling of inventories, finance, flows in manufacturing and computer networks. (Also listed as ISyE 6762)
Iterative methods for linear and nonlinear systems of equations including Jacobi, G-S, SOR, CG, multigrid, fixed point methods, Newton quasi-Newton, updating, gradient methods. Crosslisted with CSE 6644.