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Form methods are most efficient to prove generation theorems for semigroups but also for proving selfadjointness. So far those theorems are based on a coercivity notion which allows the use of the Lax-Milgram Lemma. Here we consider weaker "essential" versions of coerciveness which already suffice to obtain the generator of a semigroup S or a selfadjoint operator. We also show that one of these properties, namely essentially positive coerciveness implies a very special asymptotic behaviour of S, namely asymptotic compactness; i.e.
The problem of phase retrieval for a set of functions $H$ can be thought of as being able to identify a function $f\in H$ or $-f\in H$ from the absolute value $|f|$. Phase retrieval for a set of functions is called stable if when $|f|$ and $|g|$ are close then $f$ is proportionally close to $g$ or $-g$. That is, we say that a set $H\subseteq L_2({\mathbb R})$ does stable phase retrieval if there exists a constant $C>0$ so that
In this talk I will give an introduction to certain aspects of geometric Littlewood-Paley theory, which is an area of harmonic analysis concerned with deriving regularity properties of sets and measures from the analytic behavior of associated operators. The work we shall describe has been carried out in collaboration with Fedor Nazarov, Maria Carmen Reguera, Xavier Tolsa, and Michele Villa.
One strategy for developing a proof of a claimed theorem is to start by understanding what a counter-example should look like. In this talk, we will discuss a few recent results in harmonic analysis that utilize a quantitative version of this approach. A key step is the solution of an inverse problem with the following flavor. Let $T:X \to Y$ be a bounded linear operator and let $0 < a \leq \|T\|$. What can we say about those functions $f \in X$ obeying the reverse inequality $\|Tf\|_Y \geq a\|f\|_X$?
Two classic questions -- the Erdos distinct distance problem, which asks about the least number of distinct distances determined by N points in the plane, and its continuous analog, the Falconer distance problem -- both focus on the distance, which is a simple two point configuration. When studying the Falconer distance problem, a geometric averaging operator, namely the spherical averaging operator, arises naturally.
This talk is about an application of complex function theory to inverse spectral problems for differential operators. We consider the Schroedinger operator on a finite interval with an L^1-potential. Borg's two spectra theorem says that the potential can be uniquely recovered from two spectra. By another classical result of Marchenko, the potential can be uniquely recovered from the spectral measure or Weyl m-function.
Back in the year 2000, Christ and Kiselev introduced a useful "maximal trick" in their study of spectral properties of Schro edinger operators.
The trick was completely abstract and only at the level of basic functional analysis and measure theory. Over the years it was reproven,
generalized, and reused by many authors. We will present its recent application in the theory of restriction of the Fourier transform to
surfaces in the Euclidean space.
Let |.| be a norm in R^n, and let G be the standard Gaussian vector.
We are interested in estimating from above the probabilities
P{|G|<(1-t)E|G|} in terms of t. For 1-unconditional norms
in the L-position, we prove small deviation estimates which match those for the
ell-infinity norm: in a sense, among all 1-unconditional norms in the L-position,
the left tail of |G| is the heaviest for ell-infinity. Results for general norms are also obtained.