Seminars and Colloquia Schedule

Selection of standing waves at small energy for NLS with a trapping potential in 1 D

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Scipio CuccagnaUniversita` di Trieste

Due to linear superposition, solutions of a Linear Schrodinger Equation with a trapping potential,  produce a discrete  quasiperiodic part. When  a nonlinear perturbation is turned on,  it is known in principle, and proved in various situations,  that at small energies there is a phenomenon of standing wave selection where, up to radiation,  quasiperiodicity breaks down and there is convergence to a periodic wave.  We will discuss  this phenomenon in 1 D, where cubic nonlinearities are long range perturbations of the linear equations. Our aim is to show that a very effective framework to see these phenomena is provided by   a combination of the dispersion theory of  Kowalczyk, Martel and Munoz  along with  Maeda's  notion of Refined Profile.

On displacement concavity of the relative entropy

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Liran RotemTechnion

It is known for many years that various inequalities in convex geometry have information-theoretic analogues. The most well known example is the Entropy power inequality which corresponds to the Brunn-Minkowski inequality, but the theory of optimal transport allows to prove even better analogues. 

At the same time, in recent years there is a lot of interest in the role of symmetry in Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities. There are many open conjectures in this direction, but also a few proven theorems such as the Gaussian Dimensional Brunn-Minkowski inequality. In this talk we will discuss the natural question — do the known information-theoretic inequalities similarly improve in the presence of symmetry?  I will present some cases where the answer is positive together with some open problems. 

Based on joint work with Gautam Aishwarya. 

Spheres can knot in 4 dimensions

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Sean EliGeorgia Tech

You are probably familiar with the concept of a knot in 3 space: a tangled string that can't be pushed and pulled into an untangled one. We briefly show how to prove mathematical knots are in fact knotted, and discuss some conditions which guarantee unknotting. We then give explicit examples of knotted 2-spheres in 4 space, and discuss 2-sphere version of the familiar theorems. A large part of the talk is practice with visualizing objects in 4 dimensional space. We will also prove some elementary facts to give a sense of what working with these objects feels like. Time permitting we will describe know knotted 2-spheres were used to give evidence for the smooth 4D Poincare conjecture, one of the guiding problems in the field.

Spectral clustering in the geometric block model

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Shuangping LiStanford

Gaussian mixture block models are distributions over graphs that strive to model modern networks: to generate a graph from such a model, we associate each vertex with a latent feature vector sampled from a mixture of Gaussians, and we add edge if and only if the feature vectors are sufficiently similar. The different components of the Gaussian mixture represent the fact that there may be different types of nodes with different distributions over features---for example, in a social network each component represents the different attributes of a distinct community. Natural algorithmic tasks associated with these networks are embedding (recovering the latent feature vectors) and clustering (grouping nodes by their mixture component).

In this talk, we focus on clustering and embedding graphs sampled from high-dimensional Gaussian mixture block models, where the dimension of the latent feature vectors goes to infinity as the size of the network goes to infinity. This high-dimensional setting is most appropriate in the context of modern networks, in which we think of the latent feature space as being high-dimensional. We analyze the performance of canonical spectral clustering and embedding algorithms for such graphs in the case of 2-component spherical Gaussian mixtures and begin to sketch out the information-computation landscape for clustering and embedding in these models.

This is based on joint work with Tselil Schramm.

Chip-firing, served three ways

Algebra Student Seminar
Friday, September 8, 2023 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Daniel HwangGeorgia Tech
Chip-firing asks a simple question: Given a group of people and
an initial integer distribution of dollars among the people including people
in debt, can we redistribute the money so that no one ends up in debt? This
simple question with its origins in combinatorics can be reformulated using
concepts from linear algebra, graph theory, and even divisors in Riemann
surfaces. In this expository presentation, we will cover the original chip-
firing problem, along with three different approaches to solving this problem:
utilizing the Laplacian, Dhar’s algorithm, and a graph-theoretic version of

the Riemann-Roch theorem by Baker and Norine.