Seminars and Colloquia Schedule

Fourier Galerkin approximation of mean field control problems

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Mattia MartiniLaboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur
Over the past twenty years, mean field control theory has been developed to study cooperative games between weakly interacting agents (particles).  The limiting formulation of a (stochastic) mean field control problem, arising as the number of agents approaches infinity, is a control problem for trajectories with values in the space of probability measures. The goal of this talk is to introduce a finite dimensional approximation of the solution to a mean field control problem set on the $d$-dimensional torus.  Our approximation is obtained by means of a Fourier-Galerkin method, the main principle of which is to truncate the Fourier expansion of probability measures. 
First, we prove that the Fourier-Galerkin method induces a new finite-dimensional control problem with trajectories in the space of probability measures with a finite number of Fourier coefficients. Subsequently, our main result asserts that, whenever the cost functionals are smooth and convex, the optimal control, trajectory, and value function from the approximating problem converge to their counterparts in the original mean field control problem. Noticeably, we show that our method yields a polynomial convergence rate directly proportional to the data's regularity. This convergence rate is faster than the one achieved by the usual particles methods available in the literature, offering a more efficient alternative. Furthermore, our technique also provides an explicit method for constructing an approximate optimal control along with its corresponding trajectory. This talk is based on joint work with François Delarue.

Continuous Combinatorics and Applications

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Alexander RazborovThe University of Chicago

Combinatorics was conceived, and then developed over centuries as a discipline about finite structures. In the modern world, however, its applications increasingly pertain to structures that, although finite, are extremely large: the Internet network, social networks, statistical physics, to name just a few. This makes it very natural to try to think of the "limit theory" of such objects by pretending that "very large" actually means "infinite". This mathematical abstraction turns out to be very useful and instructive.

After briefly reviewing the basics of the theory (graphons and flag algebras), I will report on some more recent developments. Time permitting, we will discuss the most general form of the theory suitable for arbitrary combinatorial structures (peons and theons), its applications to the theory of quasi-randomness and its applications to machine learning.

The first two topics are based on joint work with L. Coregliano, and the third one on a recent paper by Coregliano and Malliaris.

Large deviations for triangles in random graphs in the critical regime

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Will PerkinsGeorgia Tech

A classic problem in probability theory and combinatorics is to estimate the probability that the random graph G(n,p) contains no triangles.  This problem can be viewed as a question in "non-linear large deviations".   The asymptotics of the logarithm of this probability (and related lower tail probabilities) are known in two distinct regimes.  When p>> 1/\sqrt{n}, at this level of accuracy the probability matches that of G(n,p) being bipartite; and when p<< 1/\sqrt{n}, Janson's Inequality gives the asymptotics of the log.  I will discuss a new approach to estimating this probability in the "critical regime": when p = \Theta(1/\sqrt{n}).  The approach uses ideas from statistical physics and algorithms and gives information about the typical structure of graphs drawn from the corresponding conditional distribution.  Based on joint work with Matthew Jenssen, Aditya Potukuchi, and Michael Simkin.


Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, September 6, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Shengtong ZhangStanford University

A graph is $H$-Ramsey if every two-coloring of its edges contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. Define the $F$-Ramsey number of $H$, denoted by $r_F(H)$, to be the minimum number of copies of $F$ in a graph which is $H$-Ramsey. This generalizes the Ramsey number and size Ramsey number of a graph. Addressing a question of Spiro, we prove that \[r_{K_3}(K_t)=\binom{r(K_t)}3\] for all sufficiently large $t$. 

Our proof employs many recent results on the chromatic number of locally sparse graphs. In particular, I will highlight a new result on the chromatic number of degenerate graphs, which leads to several intriguing open problems.

Quantitative finiteness of hyperplanes in hybrid manifolds

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, September 6, 2024 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 314
Anthony SanchezUniversity of California - San Diego

The geometry of non-arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds is mysterious in spite of how plentiful they are. McMullen and Reid independently conjectured that such manifolds have only finitely many totally geodesic hyperplanes and their conjecture was recently settled by Bader-Fisher-Miller-Stover in dimensions larger than 3. Their works rely on superrigidity theorems and are not constructive. In this talk, we strengthen their result by proving a quantitative finiteness theorem for non-arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds that arise from a gluing construction of Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro. Perhaps surprisingly, the proof relies on an effective density theorem for certain periodic orbits. The effective density theorem uses a number of ideas including Margulis functions, a restricted projection theorem, and an effective equidistribution result for measures that are nearly full dimensional. This is joint work with K. W. Ohm.