Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Interlacing families: a new technique for controlling eigenvalues

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Adam MarcusYale University
Matrices are one of the most fundamental structures in mathematics, and it is well known that the behavior of a matrix is dictated by its eigenvalues. Eigenvalues, however, are notoriously hard to control, due in part to the lack of techniques available. In this talk, I will present a new technique that we call the "method of interlacing polynomials" which has been used recently to give unprecedented bounds on eigenvalues, and as a result, new insight into a number of old problems. I will discuss some of these recent breakthroughs, which include the existence of Ramanujan graphs of all degrees, a resolution to the famous Kadison-Singer problem, and most recently an incredible result of Anari and Gharan that has led to an interesting new anomaly in computer science. This talk will be directed at a general mathematics audience and represents joint work with Dan Spielman and Nikhil Srivastava.

Tuning parameters in high-dimensional statistics

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Johannes LedererCornell University
High-dimensional statistics is the basis for analyzing large and complex data sets that are generated by cutting-edge technologies in genetics, neuroscience, astronomy, and many other fields. However, Lasso, Ridge Regression, Graphical Lasso, and other standard methods in high-dimensional statistics depend on tuning parameters that are difficult to calibrate in practice. In this talk, I present two novel approaches to overcome this difficulty. My first approach is based on a novel testing scheme that is inspired by Lepski’s idea for bandwidth selection in non-parametric statistics. This approach provides tuning parameter calibration for estimation and prediction with the Lasso and other standard methods and is to date the only way to ensure high performance, fast computations, and optimal finite sample guarantees. My second approach is based on the minimization of an objective function that avoids tuning parameters altogether. This approach provides accurate variable selection in regression settings and, additionally, opens up new possibilities for the estimation of gene regulation networks, microbial ecosystems, and many other network structures.

Singularity and mixing in incompressible fluid equations

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 12, 2015 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Yao YaoUniversity of Wisconsin
The question of global regularity vs. finite time blow-up remains open for many fluid equations. Even in the cases where global regularity is known, solutions may develop small scales as time progresses. In this talk, I will first discuss an active scalar equation which is an interpolation between the 2D Euler equation and the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. We study the patch dynamics for this equation in the half-plane, and prove that the solutions can develop a finite-time singularity. I will also discuss a passive transport equation whose solutions are known to have global regularity, and our goal is to study how well a given initial density can be mixed if the incompressible flow satisfies some physically relevant quantitative constraints. This talk is based on joint works with A. Kiselev, L. Ryzhik and A. Zlatos.

Random lozenge tilings and Hurwitz numbers

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, January 8, 2015 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jon NovakMIT
This talk will be about random lozenge tilings of a class of planar domains which I like to call "sawtooth domains." The basic question is: what does a uniformly random lozenge tiling of a large sawtooth domain look like? At the first order of randomness, a remarkable form of the law of large numbers emerges: the height function of the tiling converges to a deterministic "limit shape." My talk is about the next order of randomness, where one wants to analyze the fluctuations of tiles around their eventual positions in the limit shape. Quite remarkably, this analytic problem can be solved in an essentially combinatorial way, using a desymmetrized version of the double Hurwitz numbers from enumerative algebraic geometry.

The knot concordance group

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jennifer HomColumbia University
Under the operation of connected sum, the set of knots in the 3-sphere forms a monoid. Modulo an equivalence relation called concordance, this monoid becomes a group called the knot concordance group. We will consider various algebraic methods -- both classical and modern -- for better understanding the structure of this group.

Fluctuations in first-passage percolation

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 5, 2015 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Michael DamronIndiana University
In first-passage percolation (FPP), one places random non-negative weights on the edges of a graph and considers the induced weighted graph metric. Of particular interest is the case where the graph is Z^d, the standard d-dimensional cubic lattice, and many of the questions involve a comparison between the asymptotics of the random metric and the standard Euclidean one. In this talk, I will survey some of my recent work on the order of fluctuations of the metric, focusing on (a) lower bounds for the expected distance and (b) our recent sublinear bound for the variance for edge-weight distributions that have 2+log moments, with corresponding concentration results. This second work addresses a question posed by Benjamini-Kalai-Schramm in their celebrated 2003 paper, where such a bound was proved for only Bernoulli weights using hypercontractivity. Our techniques draw heavily on entropy methods from concentration of measure.

On some mathematical model of quantum friction

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Gang ZhouCalifornia Institute of Technology
It is known that certain medium, for example electromagnetic field and Bose Einstein condensate, has positive speed of sound. It is observed that if the medium is in its equilibrium state, then an invading subsonic particle will slow down due to friction; and the speed of a supersonic particle will slow down to the speed of sound and the medium will radiate. This is called Cherenkov radiation. It has been widely discussed in physical literature, and applied in experiments. In this talk I will present some rigorous mathematical results. Joint works with Juerg Froehlich, Israel Michael Sigal, Avy Soffer, Daniel Egli, Arick Shao.

On the uniqueness and properties of the Parisi measure

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Wei-Kuo ChenUniversity of Chicago
Spin glasses are disordered spin systems originated from the desire of understanding the strange magnetic behaviors of certain alloys in physics. As mathematical objects, they are often cited as examples of complex systems and have provided several fascinating structures and conjectures. This talk will be focused on one of the famous mean-field spin glasses, the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We will present results on the conjectured properties of the Parisi measure including its uniqueness and quantitative behaviors. This is based on joint works with A. Auffinger.

Grid Ramsey problem and related questions

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, December 4, 2014 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Choongbum LeeMIT
The Hales--Jewett theorem is one of the pillars of Ramsey theory, from which many other results follow. A celebrated result of Shelah from 1988 gives a significantly improved bound for this theorem. A key tool used in his proof, now known as the cube lemma, has become famous in its own right. Hoping to further improve Shelah's result, more than twenty years ago, Graham, Rothschild and Spencer asked whether there exists a polynoimal bound for this lemma. In this talk, we present the answer to their question and discuss numerous connections of the cube lemma with other problems in Ramsey theory. Joint work with David Conlon (Oxford), Jacob Fox (MIT), and Benny Sudakov (ETH Zurich).

Geometric homogeneity in disordered spatial processes

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Eviatar Procaccia University of California, Los Angeles
Experimentalists observed that microscopically disordered systems exhibit homogeneous geometry on a macroscopic scale. In the last decades elegant tools were created to mathematically assert such phenomenon. The classical geometric results, such as asymptotic graph distance and isoperimetry of large sets, are restricted to i.i.d. Bernoulli percolation. There are many interesting models in statistical physics and probability theory, that exhibit long range correlation. In this talk I will survey the theory, and discuss a new result proving, for a general class of correlated percolation models, that a random walk on almost every configuration, scales diffusively to Brownian motion with non-degenerate diffusion matrix. As a corollary we obtain new results for the Gaussian free field, Random Interlacements and the vacant set of Random Interlacements. In the heart of the proof is a new isoperimetry result for correlated models.
