Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Discrete vs. definable combinatorics of Schreier graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 1, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Felix WeilacherCarnegie Mellon University

We discuss the relationship between the Borel/Baire measurable/measurable combinatorics of the action of a finitely generated group on its Bernoulli shift and the discrete combinatorics of the multiplication action of that group on itself. Our focus is on various chromatic numbers of graphs generated by these actions. We show that marked groups with isomorphic Cayley graphs can have Borel/Baire measurable/measurable chromatic numbers which differ by arbitrarily much. In the Borel two-ended, Baire measurable, and measurable hyperfinite settings, we show our constructions are nearly best possible (up to only a single additional color). Along the way, we get tightness of some bounds of Conley and Miller on Baire measurable and measurable chromatic numbers of locally finite Borel graphs.

Definable combinatorics in hyperfinite graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 18, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Matthew BowenMcGill University

We discuss a few new results concerning the descriptive combinatorics of bounded degree hyperfinite Borel graphs. In particular, we show that the Baire measurable edge chromatic number of $G$ is at most $\lceil\frac{3}{2}\Delta(G)\rceil+6$ when G is a multigraph, and for bipartite graphs we improve this bound to $\Delta(G)+1$ and show that degree regular one-ended bipartite graphs have Borel perfect matchings generically. Similar results hold in the measure setting assuming some hyperfiniteness conditions. This talk is based on joint work with Kun and Sabok, Weilacher, and upcoming work with Poulin and Zomback.

Vertex-minors and structure for dense graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, December 3, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Rose McCartyUniversity of Waterloo

Structural graph theory has usually focused on classes of graphs that are 'sparse' rather than 'dense' (that is, have few edges rather than many edges). We discuss this paradigm, focusing on classes with a forbidden vertex-minor. In particular, we discuss progress on a conjecture of Geelen that would totally characterize classes with a forbidden vertex-minor. This is joint work with Jim Geelen and Paul Wollan.

The degenerate Eulerian numbers and combinatorics behind them

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, October 8, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Orli HerscoviciGeorgia Institute of Technology

In his works Carlitz defined and investigated a few generalizations of the Eulerian numbers and polynomials. For most of those generalizations he provided also a combinatorial interpretation. The classical Eulerian numbers and some of their generalizations are connected to combinatorial statistics on permutations. Carlitz intended to provide a combinatorial interpretation also to his degenerate Eulerian numbers. However since their introduction in 1979 these numbers had a pure analytic character. In this talk we consider a combinatorial model that generalizes the standard definition of permutations and show its relation to the degenerate Eulerian numbers.

Extremal independence and applications in random graphs.

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, July 23, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Maksim ZhukovskiiMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Let, for every positive integer d, a tuple of events A_1,...,A_d be given. Let X_d be the number of events that occur. We state new sufficient conditions for the following extremal independence property: |P(X_d=0)-\prod_{i=1}^d(1-P(A_i))|\to 0. These conditions imply a series of results on asymptotic distributions of certain maximum statistics. In particular, for the maximum number X_n of cliques sharing one vertex in G(n,p), we find sequences a_n and b_n such that (X_n-a_n)/b_n converges in distribution to a standard Gumbel random variable.

The Density of Costas Arrays Decays Exponentially

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, May 28, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Christopher SwansonAshland University

Costas arrays are useful in radar and sonar engineering and many other settings in which optimal 2-D autocorrelation is needed: they are permutation matrices in which the vectors joining different pairs of ones are all distinct.
In this talk we discuss some of these applications, and prove that the density of Costas arrays among permutation matrices decays exponentially, solving a core problem in the theory of Costas arrays. 
The proof is probabilistic, and combines ideas from random graph theory with tools from probabilistic combinatorics.

Based on joint work in progress with Bill Correll, Jr. and Lutz Warnke.

Two approximate versions of Jackson’s conjecture [Special time/day!]

Combinatorics Seminar
Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 18:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location (To receive the password, please email Lutz Warnke)
Anita LiebenauUNSW Sydney

A diregular bipartite tournament is a balanced complete bipartite graph whose edges are oriented so that every vertex has the same in- and outdegree. 
In 1981, Jackson showed that a diregular bipartite tournament contains a Hamilton cycle, and conjectured that in fact the edge set of it can be partitioned into Hamilton cycles. 
We prove an approximate version of this conjecture: for every $\epsilon>0$ there exists $n_0$ such that every diregular bipartite tournament on $2n>n_0$  vertices contains a collection of $(1/2-\epsilon)n$ cycles of length at least $(2-\epsilon)n$. 
Increasing the degree by a small proportion allows us to prove the existence of many Hamilton cycles: for every $c>1/2$ and $\epsilon>0$ there exists $n_0$ such that every $cn$-regular bipartite digraph on $2n>n_0$ vertices contains $(1-\epsilon)cn$ edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles.

Base on joint work with Yanitsa Pehova, see

Please note the special time/day: Thursday 6pm

Aldous-Broder theorem: extension to the non reversible case and new combinatorial proof

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 26, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location (To receive the password, please email Lutz Warnke)
Jean-Francois MarckertUniversity of Bordeaux

Aldous-Broder algorithm is a famous algorithm used to sample a uniform spanning tree of any finite connected graph G, but it is more general: it states that given a reversible M Markov chain on G started at r, the tree rooted at r formed by the steps of successive first entrance in each node (different from the root) has a probability proportional to $\prod_{e=(e1,e2)∈Edges(t,r)}M_{e1,e2}$ , where the edges are directed toward r. As stated, it allows to sample many distributions on the set of spanning trees. In this paper we extend Aldous-Broder theorem by dropping the reversibility condition on M. We highlight that the general statement we prove is not the same as the original one (but it coincides in the reversible case with that of Aldous and Broder). We prove this extension in two ways: an adaptation of the classical argument, which is purely probabilistic, and a new proof based on combinatorial arguments. On the way we introduce a new combinatorial object that we call the golf sequences.

Based on joint work with Luis Fredes, see

Drift Analysis

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location (To receive the password, please email Lutz Warnke
Benjamin DoerrLaboratoire d'Informatique (LIX), École Polytechnique

Drift analysis is the name for a collection of tools that allow to translate information about the one-step progress of a randomized process into information about first hitting times. Drift analysis is successfully used in the mathematical analysis of randomized search heuristics, most notably, evolutionary algorithms, but (for unclear reasons) much less in discrete mathematics or other areas of algorithms.

In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to drift analysis, show some classic and recent applications, and describe some open problems, both concerning drift methods and the mathematical runtime analysis of randomized search heuristics.

On the jump of the clique chromatic number for binomial random graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 12, 2021 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location (To receive the password, please email Lutz Warnke)
Dieter MitscheInstitut Camille Jordan, Univ. de Lyon

Given a graph G, the clique chromatic number of G is the smallest number of colors needed to color the vertices of G so that no maximal clique containing at least two vertices is monochromatic.
We solve an open question proposed by McDiarmid, the speaker, and Pralat concerning the asymptotic order of the clique chromatic number for binomial random graphs.
More precisely, we find the correct order of the clique chromatic number for most values of the edge-probability p around n^{-1/2}. Furthermore, the gap between upper and lower bounds is at most a logarithmic factor in n in all cases.

Based on joint work in progress with Lyuben Lichev and Lutz Warnke.

(Please note the unusual time from 4-5pm, due to the Virtual Admitted Student Day in the School of Mathematics.)
