No Seminar - Labor Day
- Series
- Geometry Topology Seminar
- Time
- Monday, September 2, 2019 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
- Location
- Skiles 006
- Speaker
In this talk we introduce some machine learning problems in the setting of undirected graphical models, also known as spin systems. We take proper colorings as a representative example of a hard-constraint graphical model. The classic problem of sampling a proper coloring uniformly at random of a given graph has been well-studied. Here we consider two inverse problems: Given random colorings of an unknown graph G, can we recover the underlying graph G exactly? If we are also given a candidate graph H, can we tell if G=H? The former problem is known as structure learning in the machine learning field and the latter is called identity testing. We show the complexity of these problems in different range of parameters and compare these results with the corresponding decision and sampling problems. Finally, we give some results of the analogous problems for the Ising model, a typical soft-constraint model. Based on joint work with Ivona Bezakova, Antonio Blanca, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda.
Please Note: Special time
I will start by giving a short overview of the history around stability and instability issues in gravitational systems driven by kinetic equations. Conservations properties and families of non-homogeneous steady states will be first presented. A well-know conjecture in both astrophysics and mathematics communities was that "all steady states of the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system which are decreasing functions of the energy, are non linearly stable up to space translations". We explain why the traditional variational approaches are not sufficient to answer this conjecture. An alternative approach, inspired by astrophysics literature, will be then presented and quantitative stability inequalities will be shown, therefore solving the above conjecture for Vlasov-Poisson systems. This have been achieved by using a refined notion for the rearrangement of functions and Poincaré-like functional inequalities. For other systems like the so-called Hamiltonian Mean Field (HMF), the decreasing property of the steady states is no more sufficient to guarantee their stability. An additional explicit criteria is needed, under which their non-linear stability is proved. This criteria is sharp as non linear instabilities can be constructed if it is not satisfied.
In first-passage percolation, we place i.i.d. nonnegative weights (t_e) on the edges of a graph and consider the induced weighted graph metric T(x,y). When the underlying graph is the two-dimensional square lattice, there is a phase transition in the model depending on the probability p that an edge weight equals zero: for p<1/2, the metric T(0,x) grows linearly in x, whereas for p>1/2, it remains stochastically bounded. The critical case occurs for p=1/2, where there are large but finite clusters of zero-weight edges. In this talk, I will review work with Wai-Kit Lam and Xuan Wang in which we determine the rate of growth for T(0,x) up to a constant factor for all critical distributions. Then I will explain recent work with Jack Hanson and Wai-Kit Lam in which we determine the "time constant" (leading order constant in the rate of growth) in the special case where the graph is the triangular lattice, and the weights are placed on the vertices. This is the only class of distributions known where this time constant is computable: we find that it is an explicit function of the infimum of the support of t_e intersected with (0,\infty).
Please Note: special time
Our ambition is to derive asymptotic equations of the Vlasov-Poisson system in the strong magntic field regime. This work is thus an attempt to (re-)derive rigorously gyrokinetic equations and to design uniformly accurate methods for solving fast-oscillating kinetic equations, i.e. methods whose cost and accuracy do not depend the stiffness parameter. The main tools used to reach this objective are averaging and PDE techniques. In this talk, I will focus primarily on the first.
We will consider the problem of estimating the singularity probability of sparse Bernoulli matrices, and a related question of anti-concentration of weighted sums of dependent Bernoulli(p) variables.
Based on joint work with Alexander Litvak.
Fine properties of spherical averages in the continuous setting include
$L^p$ improving estimates
and sparse bounds, interesting in the settings of a fixed radius, lacunary sets of radii, and the
full set of radii. There is a parallel theory in the setting of discrete spherical averages, as studied
by Elias Stein, Akos Magyar, and Stephen Wainger. We recall the continuous case, outline the
discrete case, and illustrate a unifying proof technique. Joint work with Robert Kesler, and
Dario Mena Arias.
Please Note: special time
In asymptotic analysis and numerical approximation of highly-oscillatory evolution problems, it is commonly supposed that the oscillation frequency is either constant or, at least, bounded from below by a strictly positive constant uniformly in time. Allowing for the possibility that the frequency actually depends on time and vanishes at some instants introduces additional difficulties from both the asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation points of view. I will present a first step towards the resolution of these difficulties. In particular, we show that it is still possible in this situation to infer the asymptotic behavior of the solution at the price of more intricate computations and we derive a second order uniformly accurate numerical method.
Prym varieties are a class of abelian varieties that arise from double covers of tropical or algebraic curves. The talk will revolve around the Prym--Brill--Noether locus, a subvariety determined by divisors of a given rank. Using a connection to Young tableaux, we determine the dimensions of these loci for certain tropical curves, with applications to algebraic geometry. Furthermore, these loci are always pure dimensional and path connected. Finally, we compute the first homologies of the Prym--Brill--Noether loci under certain conditions.