Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Fish Robotics - Understanding the Diversity of Fish Locomotion Using Mechanical Devices

Other Talks
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus 1116
George V. LauderHarvard University

Please Note: Hosted by Dan Goldman, School of Physics

There are over 28,000 species of fishes, and a key feature of this remarkable evolutionary diversity is a great variety of propulsive systems used by fishes for maneuvering in the aquatic environment. Fishes have numerous control surfaces (fins) which act to transfer momentum to the surrounding fluid. In this presentation I will discuss the results of recent experimental kinematic and hydrodynamic studies of fish fin function, and their implications for the construction of robotic models of fishes. Recent high-resolution video analyses of fish fin movements during locomotion show that fins undergo much greater deformations than previously suspected and fish fins possess an clever active surface control mechanism. Fish fin motion results in the formation of vortex rings of various conformations, and quantification of vortex rings shed into the wake by freely-swimming fishes has proven to be useful for understanding the mechanisms of propulsion. Experimental analyses of propulsion in freely-swimming fishes have led to the development of a variety of self-propelling robotic models: pectoral fin and caudal fin (tail) robotic devices, and a flapping foil model fish of locomotion. Data from these devices will be presented and discussed in terms of the utility of using robotic models for understanding fish locomotor dynamics.

Minimax Rates of Estimation for Sparse PCA in High Dimensions

High-Dimensional Phenomena in Statistics and Machine Learning Seminar
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 16:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skyles 006
Karim LouniciGeorgia Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics
This presentation is based on the papers by D. Paul and I. Johnstone (2007) and V.Q. Vu and J. Lei (2012). Here is the abstract of the second paper. We study the sparse principal components analysis in the high-dimensional setting, where $p$ (the number of variables) can be much larger than $n$ (the number of observations). We prove optimal, non-aymptotics lower bounds and upper bounds on the minimax estimation error for the leading eigenvector when it belongs to an $l_q$ ball for $q\in [0,1]$. Our bound are sharp in $p$ and $n$ for all $q\in[0,1]$ over a wide class of distributions. The upper bound is obtained by analyzing the performance of $l_q$-constrained PCA. In particular, our results provide convergence rates for $l_1$-constrained PCA.

Remarks on the Theory of the Divergence-Measure Fields

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Hermano FridIMPA, Brazil
We review the theory of the (extended) divergence-measure fields providing an up to date account of its basic results established by Chen and Frid (1999, 2002), as well as the more recent important contributions by Silhavy (2008, 2009). We include a discussion on some pairings that are important in connection with the definition of normal trace for divergence-measure fields. We also review its application to the uniqueness of Riemann solutions to the Euler equations in gas dynamics, as given by Chen and Frid (2002). While reviewing the theory, we simplify a number of proofs allowing an almost self-contained exposition.

The quantum content of the Neumann-Zagier equations

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, February 20, 2012 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Stavros GaroufalidisGeorgia Tech
The Neumann-Zagier equations are well-understood objects of classical hyperbolic geometry. Our discovery is that they have a nontrivial quantum content, (that for instance captures the perturbation theory of the Kashaev invariant to all orders) expressed via universal combinatorial formulas. Joint work with Tudor Dimofte.

Variational Image Registration

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, February 20, 2012 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Benjamin BerkelsSouth Carolina University
Image registration is the task of transforming different images, or more general data sets, into a common coordinate system. In this talk, we employ a widely used general variational formulation for the registration of image pairs. We then discuss a general gradient flow based minimization framework suitable to numerically solve the arising minimization problems. The registration framework is next extended to handle the registration of hundreds of consecutive images to a single image. This registration approach allows us to average numerous noisy scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images producing an improved image that surpasses the quality attainable by single shot STEM images.We extend these general ideas to develop a joint registration and denoising approach that allows to match the thorax surface extracted from 3D CT data and intra-fractionally recorded, noisy time-of-flight (ToF) range data. This model helps track intra-fractional respiratory motion with the aim of improving radiotherapy for patients with thoracic, abdominal and pelvic tumors.

Non-­‐local models of anomalous transport

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, February 20, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Diego Del Castillo-NegreteOak Ridge National Lab
The study of transport is an active area of applied mathematics of interest to fluid mechanics, plasma physics, geophysics, engineering, and biology among other areas. A considerable amount of work has been done in the context of diffusion models in which, according to the Fourier-­‐Fick’s prescription, the flux is assumed to depend on the instantaneous, local spatial gradient of the transported field. However, despiteits relative success, experimental, numerical, and theoretical results indicate that the diffusion paradigm fails to apply in the case of anomalous transport. Following an overview of anomalous transport we present an alternative(non-­‐diffusive) class of models in which the flux and the gradient are related non-­‐locally through integro-­differential operators, of which fractional Laplacians are a particularly important special case. We discuss the statistical foundations of these models in the context of generalized random walks with memory (modeling non-­‐locality in time) and jump statistics corresponding to general Levy processes (modeling non-­‐locality in space). We discuss several applications including: (i) Turbulent transport in the presence of coherent structures; (ii) chaotic transport in rapidly rotating fluids; (iii) non-­‐local fast heat transport in high temperature plasmas; (iv) front acceleration in the non-­‐local Fisher-­‐Kolmogorov equation, and (v) non-­‐Gaussian fluctuation-­‐driven transport in the non-­‐local Fokker-­‐Planck equation.

Discrete Mathematical Biology Working Seminar

Other Talks
Monday, February 20, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 114
TBAGeorgia Tech
A discussion of the paper "Algorithm independent properties of RNA secondary structure predictions" by Tacker et all (1996).

Fully irreducible outer automorphisms of the outer automorphism group of a free group

Geometry Topology Seminar
Friday, February 17, 2012 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Alexandra PettetUniversity of British Columbia
The outer automorphism group Out(F) of a non-abelian free group F of finite rank shares many properties with linear groups and the mapping class group Mod(S) of a surface, although the techniques for studying Out(F) are often quite different from the latter two. Motivated by analogy, I will present some results about Out(F) previously well-known for the mapping class group, and highlight some of the features in the proofs which distinguish it from Mod(S).

Planted Distributions of Random Structures: an Introduction and One Problem Solved

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, February 17, 2012 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Will PerkinsGeorgia Tech, School of Mathematics
I will define planted distributions of random structures and give plenty of examples in different contexts: from balls and bins, to random permutations, to random graphs and CSP's. I will give an idea of how they are used and why they are interesting. Then I'll focus on one particular problem: under what conditions can you distinguish a planted distribution from the standard distribution on a random structure and how can you do it?

Trapping in the random conductance model

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skyles 006
Oren LouidorUCLA
We consider random walks on Z^d among nearest-neighbor random conductances which are i.i.d., positive, bounded uniformly from above but which can be arbitrarily close to zero. Our focus is on the detailed properties of the paths of the random walk conditioned to return back to the starting point after time 2n. We show that in the situations when the heat kernel exhibits subdiffusive behavior --- which is known to be possible in dimensions d \geq 4-- the walk gets trapped for time of order n in a small spatial region. This proves that the strategy used to infer subdiffusive lower bounds on the heat kernel in earlier studies of this problem is in fact dominant. In addition, we settle a conjecture on the maximal possible subdiffusive decay in four dimensions and prove that anomalous decay is a tail and thus zero-one event. Joint work with Marek Biskup, Alexander Vandenberg and Alexander Rozinov.
