Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Weak saturation numbers of complete bipartite graphs

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location For password, please email Anton Bernshteyn (bahtoh ~at~
Taísa MartinsUniversidade Federal Fluminense

The notion of weak saturation was introduced by Bollobás in 1968. A graph $G$ on $n$ vertices is weakly $F$-saturated if the edges of $E(K_n) \setminus  E(G)$ can be added to $G$, one edge at a time, in such a way that every added edge creates a new copy of $F$. The minimum size of a weakly $F$-saturated graph $G$ of order $n$ is denoted by $\mathrm{wsat}(n, F)$. In this talk, we discuss the weak saturation number of complete bipartite graphs and determine $\mathrm{wsat}(n, K_{t,t})$ whenever $n > 3t-4$. For fixed $1

Frames by Operator Orbits

Analysis Seminar
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Carlos CabrelliUniversity of Buenos Aires

I will review some results on the question of when the orbits $\{ T^j g : j \in J, g \in G \}$ of a bounded operator $T$ acting on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ with $G \subset \mathcal{H}$ form a frame of $\mathcal{H}$. I will also comment on recent advances. This is motivated by the Dynamical Sampling problem that consists of recovering a time-evolving signal from its space-time samples. 

Low Dimensional Topology and Cobordism Groups: Organizing spaces using algebra

Undergraduate Seminar
Monday, November 23, 2020 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Bluejeans meeting
Dr. Miriam KuzbaryGeorgia Tech

Determining when two objects have “the same shape” is difficult; this difficulty depends on the dimension we are working in. While many of the same techniques work to study things in dimensions 5 and higher, we can better understand dimensions 1, 2, and 3 using other methods. We can think of 4-dimensional space as the “bridge” between low-dimensional behavior and high-dimensional behavior. One way to understand the possibilities in each dimension is to examine objects called cobordisms: if an (n+1)-dimensional space has an ``edge,”  then that edge is itself an n-dimensional space. We say that two n-dimensional spaces are cobordant if together they form the edge of an (n+1)-dimensional space. Using the idea of spaces related by cobordism, we can form a group. In this way, we can attempt to understand higher dimensions using clues from lower dimensions and organize this information using algebra. In this talk, I will discuss different types of cobordism groups and how to study them using tools from a broad range of mathematical areas.

Time-parallel wave propagation in heterogeneous media aided by deep learning

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, November 23, 2020 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Richard TsaiUT Austin


We present a deep learning framework for learning multiscale wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The framework involves the construction of linear feed-forward networks (experts) that specialize in different media groups and a nonlinear "committee" network that gives an improved approximation of wave propagation in more complicated media.  The framework is then applied to stabilize the "parareal" schemes of Lions, Maday, and Turinici, which are time-parallelization schemes for evolutionary problems. 

Prague dimension of random graphs

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, November 20, 2020 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Kalen PattonMath, Georgia Tech

Various notions of dimension are important throughout mathematics, and for graphs the so-called Prague dimension was introduced by Nesetril, Pultr and Rodl in the 1970s. Proving a conjecture of Furedi and Kantor, we show that the Prague dimension of the binomial random graph is typically of order $n/\log n$ for constant edge-probabilities. The main new proof ingredient is a Pippenger-Spencer type edge-coloring result for random hypergraphs with large uniformities, i.e., edges of size $O(\log n)$.

Based on joint work with He Guo and Lutz Warnke.

New Classes of Multivariate Covariance Functions

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Tatiyana ApanasovichGeorge Washington University

The class which is refereed to as the Cauchy family allows for the simultaneous modeling of the long memory dependence and correlation at short and intermediate lags. We introduce a valid parametric family of cross-covariance functions for multivariate spatial random fields where each component has a covariance function from a Cauchy family. We present the conditions on the parameter space that result in valid models with varying degrees of complexity. Practical implementations, including reparameterizations to reflect the conditions on the parameter space will be discussed. We show results of various Monte Carlo simulation experiments to explore the performances of our approach in terms of estimation and cokriging. The application of the proposed multivariate Cauchy model is illustrated on a dataset from the field of Satellite Oceanography.

Link to Cisco Webex meeting:

Hodge theory for tropical varieties 2

Algebra Seminar
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Omid Amini

Please Note: Part 2 of 3-part series

The aim of these two talks is to give an overview of our work on tropical Hodge theory. We show that cohomology groups of smooth projective tropical varieties verify hard Lefschetz property and Hodge-Riemann relations. Providing a description of the Chow groups of matroids in terms of cohomology groups of specific smooth projective tropical varieties, these results can be regarded as a generalization of the work of Adiprasito-Huh-Katz to more general tropical varieties. We also prove that smooth projective tropical varieties verify the analogue in the tropical setting of the weight-monodromy conjecture, affirming a conjecture of Mikhalkin and Zharkov.

BlueJeans link:

Grid Homology

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Sally Collins

Grid homology is a purely combinatorial description of knot Floer homology in which the counting of psuedo-holomorphic disks is replaced with a counting of polygons in grid diagrams. This talk will provide an introduction to this theory, and is aimed at an audience with little to no experience with Heegaard Floer homology. 

Transversal $C_k$-factors in subgraphs of the balanced blowup of $C_k$

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location For password, please email Anton Bernshteyn (bahtoh ~at~
Theo MollaUniversity of South Florida

Call a blowup of a graph $F$ an $n$-blowup if each part has size $n$. For a subgraph $G$ of a blowup of $F$, we define the minimum partial degree of $G$ to be the smallest minimum degree over the bipartite subgraphs of $G$ that correspond to edges of $F$. Johannson proved that if the minimum partial degree of a spanning subgraph of the $n$-blowup of a triangle is $2n/3 + n^{1/2}$, then it contains a collection of $n$ vertex disjoint triangles. Fischer's Conjecture, which was proved by Keevash and Mycroft in 2015, is a generalization of this result to complete graphs larger than the triangle. Another generalization, conjectured independently by Fischer and Häggkvist, is the following: If $G$ is a spanning subgraph of the $n$-blowup of $C_k$ with minimum partial degree $(1 + 1/k)n/2 + 1$, then $G$ contains $n$ vertex disjoint copies of $C_k$ that each intersect each of the $k$ parts. In this talk, we will show that this conjecture holds asymptotically. We will also discuss related conjectures and results. 

This is joint work with Beka Ergemlidze.
