Georgia Tech is the site of the 2017 SIAM Conference on Applied
Algebraic Geometry (July 31 to August 4). This biennial meeting is an activity of the
Activity Group in Applied Geometry of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The SIAM Activity Group in Algebraic Geometry aims to bring together researchers who use algebraic geometry in industrial and applied mathematics.
"Algebraic geometry" is interpreted broadly to include at
least algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, noncommutative algebra,
symbolic and numeric computation, algebraic and geometric combinatorics,
representation theory, and algebraic topology.
These methods have already seen applications in biology, coding
theory, cryptography, combustion, computational geometry, computer
graphics, quantum computing, control theory, geometric design,
complexity theory, machine learning, nonlinear partial differential
equations, optimization, robotics, and statistics.
School of Mathematics professors Greg Blekherman, Anton Leykin, and Josephine Yu lead the local organizing committee.
Thursday, July 27, 2017 - 09:00 for 8 hours (full day)
Skiles 005 and 006
Macaulay2 – Georgia Tech
Dates: July 27-29 (Thu-Sat). Schedule will appear here.
These tutorials are intended to appeal to participants with any level of prior M2 experience. The topics will range from the basic functionality of M2 to modeling problems in the M2 language to more specialized tutorials on algebraic statistics and numerical algebraic geometry. We will also reserve ample time for practice and Q&A sessions.
Registration is free, but please fill the form here.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Albert Granados – Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark
When perturbed with a small periodic forcing, two (or more) coupledconservative oscillators can exhibit instabilities: trajectories thatbecome unstable while accumulating ``unbounded'' energy from thesource. This is known as Arnold diffusion, and has been traditionallyapplied to celestial mechanics, for example to study the stability ofthe solar system or to explain the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt.However, such phenomenon could be extremely useful in energyharvesting systems as well, whose aim is precisely to capture as muchenergy as possible from a source.In this talk we will show a first step towards the application ofArnold diffusion theory in energy harvesting systems. We will consideran energy harvesting system based on two piezoelectric oscillators.When forced to oscillate, for instance when driven by a small periodicvibration, such oscillators create an electrical current which chargesan accumulator (a capacitor or a battery). Unfortunately, suchoscillators are not conservative, as they are not perfectly elastic(they exhibit damping).We will discuss the persistence of normally hyperbolic invariantmanifolds, which play a crucial role in the diffusing mechanisms. Bymeans of the parameterization method, we will compute such manifoldsand their associated stable and unstable manifolds. We will alsodiscuss the Melnikov method to obtain sufficient conditions for theexistence of homoclinic intersections.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Ishwari Kunwar – Georgia Tech
this thesis, we introduce multilinear dyadic paraproducts and Haar
multipliers, and discuss boundedness properties of these operators and
their commutators with locally integrable
functions in various settings. We also present pointwise domination of
these operators by multilinear sparse operators, which we use to prove
multilinear Bloom’s inequality for the commutators of multilinear Haar
multipliers. Along the way, we provide several
characterizations of dyadic BMO functions.
Friday, July 7, 2017 - 10:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Nick Vlamis – Michigan
There has been a recent interest in studying surfaces of infinite type, i.e. surfaces with infinitely-generated fundamental groups. In this talk, we will focus on their mapping class groups, often called big mapping class groups. In contrast to the finite-type case, there are many open questions regarding the basic algebraic and topological properties of big mapping class groups. I will discuss several such questions and provide some answers. In particular, I will discuss automorphism groups of mapping class groups as well as relations between topological invariants of a surface and algebraic invariants of its mapping class group. The results in the talk are based on recent joint work with Priyam Patel and ongoing joint work with Javier Aramayona and Priyam Patel.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Lei Chen – University of Chicago
I will talk about homomorphisms between surface braid groups. Firstly, we will see that any surjective homomorphism from PB_n(S) to PB_m(S) factors through a forgetful map. Secondly, we will compute the
automorphism group of PB_n(S). It turns out to be the mapping class group when n>1.
Certain fibered hyperbolic 3-manifolds admit a layered veering triangulation, which can be constructed algorithmically given the stable lamination of the monodromy. These triangulations were introduced by Agol in 2011, and have been further studied by several others in the years since. We present experimental results which shed light on the combinatorial structure of veering triangulations, and its relation to certain topological invariants of the underlying manifold. We will begin by discussing essential background material, including hyperbolic manifolds and ideal triangulations, and more particularly fibered hyperbolic manifolds and the construction of the veering triangulation.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Michael F. Barnsley – Australian National University
In this seminar I will discuss current work, joint with AndrewVince and Alex Grant. The goal is to tie together several related areas, namelytiling theory, IFS theory, and NCG, in terms most familiar to fractal geometers.Our focus is on the underlying code space structure. Ideas and a conjecture willbe illustrated using the Golden b tilings of Robert Ammann