Monday, March 25, 2013 - 16:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Livia Corsi – University of Naples ``Federico II'' –
We study the ordinary differential equation
\varepsilon \ddot x + \dot x + \varepsilon g(x) = \e f(\omega t),
with f and g analytic and f quasi-periodic in t
with frequency vector \omega\in\mathds{R}^{d}.
We show that if there exists c_{0}\in\mathds{R} such that
g(c_{0}) equals the average of f and the first non-zero
derivative of g at c_{0} is of odd order \mathfrak{n},
then, for \varepsilon small enough and under very mild Diophantine
conditions on \omega, there exists a quasi-periodic solution
"response solution" close to c_{0}, with the same
frequency vector as f. In particular if f is a trigonometric
polynomial the Diophantine condition on \omega can be completely
removed. Moreover we show that for \mathfrak{n}=1 such a solution
depends analytically on \e in a domain of the complex plane tangent
more than quadratically to the imaginary axis at the origin.
These results have been obtained in collaboration with Roberto
Feola (Universit\`a di Roma ``La Sapienza'') and Guido Gentile
(Universit\`a di Roma Tre).
Monday, March 25, 2013 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Alex Fink – N.C. State
Matroids are widely used objects in combinatorics; they arise naturally in many situations featuring vector configurations over a field. But in some contexts the natural data are elements in a module over some other ring, and there is more than simply a matroid to be extracted. In joint work with Luca Moci, we have defined the notion of matroid over a ring to fill this niche. I will discuss two examples of situations producing these enriched objects, one relating to subtorus arrangements producing matroids over the integers, and one related to tropical geometry producing matroids over a valuation ring. Time permitting, I'll also discuss the analogue of the Tutte invariant.
Monday, March 25, 2013 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
I. Dynnikov – Moscow State University
A few years ago I proved that any rectangular diagram of the
unknot admits monotonic simplification by elementary moves. More recently
M.Prasolov and I addressed the question: when a rectangular diagram of a
link admits at least one step of simplification? It turned out that an
answer can be given naturally in terms of Legendrian links. On this way,
we resolved positively a conjecture by V.Jones on the invariance of the
algebraic crossing number of a minimal braid, and a few similar questions.
We derive discrete norm representations associated with projections of interpolation spaces onto finite dimensional subspaces. These norms are products of integer and non integer powers of the Gramian matrices associated with the generating pair of spaces for the interpolation space. We include a brief description of some of the algorithms which allow the efficient computation of matrix powers. We consider in some detail the case of fractional Sobolev spaces both for positive and negative indices together with applications arising in preconditioning techniques. Several other applications are described.
Thurston's gluing equations are polynomial equations invented byThurston to explicitly compute hyperbolic structures or, more generally, representations in PGL(2,C). This is done via so called shape coordinates.We generalize the shape coordinates to obtain a parametrization ofrepresentations in PGL(n,C). We give applications to quantum topology, anddiscuss an intriguing duality between the shape coordinates and thePtolemy coordinates of Garoufalidis-Thurston-Zickert. The shapecoordinates and Ptolemy coordinates can be viewed as 3-dimensional analogues of the X- and A-coordinates on higher Teichmuller spaces due toFock and Goncharov.
Friday, March 15, 2013 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Georgios Piliouras – ECE, Georgia Tech
In algorithmic game theory, the price of anarchy framework studies efficiency loss in decentralized environments. In optimization and decision theory, the price of robustness framework explores the tradeoffs between optimality and robustness in the case of single agent decision making under uncertainty. We establish a connection between the two that provides a novel analytic framework for proving tight performance guarantees for distributed systems in uncertain environments.We present applications of this framework to novel variants of atomic congestion games with uncertain costs, for which we provide tight performance bounds under a wide range of risk attitudes. Our results establish that the individual's attitude towards uncertainty has a critical effect on system performance and should therefore be a subject of close and systematic investigation.
Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skyles 006
Yaniv Plan – University of Michigan
1-bit compressed sensing combines the dimension reduction
of compressed sensing with extreme quantization -- only the sign of
each linear measurement is retained. We discuss recent
convex-programming approaches with strong theoretical guarantees. We
also discuss connections to related statistical models such as sparse
logistic regression.
Behind these problems lies a geometric question about random
hyperplane tessellations. Picture a subset K of the unit sphere, as
in the continents on the planet earth. Now slice the sphere in half
with a hyperplane, and then slice it several times more, thus cutting
the set K into a number of sections. How many random hyperplanes are
needed to ensure that all sections have small diameter? How is the
geodesic distance between two points in K related to the number of
hyperplanes separating them? We show that a single geometric
parameter, the mean width of K, governs the answers to these
Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 12:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Vojtech Tuma – Charles University
We present a dynamic data structure representing a graph G, which allows
addition and removal of edges from G and can determine the number of
appearances of a graph of a bounded size as an induced subgraph of G. The
queries are answered in constant time. When the data structure is used to
represent graphs from a class with bounded expansion (which includes planar
graphs and more generally all proper classes closed on topological minors, as
well as many other natural classes of graphs with bounded average degree), the
amortized time complexity of updates is polylogarithmic. This data structure
is motivated by improving time complexity of graph coloring algorithms and
of random graph generation.