Seminars and Colloquia by Series

The Dehn function of SL(n,Z)

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, December 7, 2009 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Robert YoungIHES/Courant
The Dehn function is a group invariant which connects geometric and combinatorial group theory; it measures both the difficulty of the word problem and the area necessary to fill a closed curve in an associated space with a disc. The behavior of the Dehn function for high-rank lattices in high-rank symmetric spaces has long been an openquestion; one particularly interesting case is SL(n,Z). Thurston conjectured that SL(n,Z) has a quadratic Dehn function when n>=4. This differs from the behavior for n=2 (when the Dehn function is linear) and for n=3 (when it is exponential). I have proved Thurston's conjecture when n>=5, and in this talk, I will give an introduction to the Dehn function, discuss some of the background of the problem and, time permitting, give a sketch of the proof.

Southeast Geometry Seminar

Other Talks
Monday, December 7, 2009 - 08:00 for 8 hours (full day)
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Southeast Geometry SeminarUniversity of Alabama, Birmingham

The Southeast Geometry Seminar is a series of semiannual one-day events focusing on geometric analysis. These events are hosted in rotation by the following institutions:

  • The University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • The Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Emory University
  • The University of Tennessee Knoxville

The following five speakers will give presentations on topics that include geometric analysis, and related fields, such as partial differential equations, general relativity, and geometric topology.

  • Natasa Sesum (U Penn)
  • Alexandru Ionescu (U Wisconsin)
  • Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton U)
  • Alex Freire (U Tennessee Knoxville)
  • Christian Hainzl (UAB)

A poster session will be hosted. There will also be an evening public lecture by plenary speaker Sergiu Klainerman entitled The Mathematical Magic of Black Holes.

Undergraduate Research Seminar

Other Talks
Friday, December 4, 2009 - 15:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 168
Michelle Delcourt and Leo ChenSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech

Leo Chen: The Shape and Stability of a Flexible Sheet in a von Karman Vortex Street

Michelle Delcourt: Dessin and Manturov bracket shuffles
In this talk we will explore the connections between knot theory and combinatorics. Links are related to Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants. Cartographic one-vertex dessins can be represented by chord diagrams. The diagrams can be recorded as "words" using a finite alphabet (k-bracket parenthesis system). Many combinatorial objects are related to these Manturov bracket structures.

Color-Critical Graphs on Surfaces

Graph Theory Seminar
Thursday, December 3, 2009 - 12:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Carl YergerMath, GT
A fundamental question in topological graph theory is as follows: Given a surface S and an integer t > 0, which graphs drawn in S are t-colorable? We say that a graph is (t+1)-critical if it is not t-colorable, but every proper subgraph is. In 1993, Carsten Thomassen showed that there are only finitely many six-critical graphs on a fixed surface with Euler genus g. In this talk, I will describe a new short proof of this fact. In addition, I will describe some structural lemmas that were useful to the proof and describe a list-coloring extension that is helpful to ongoing work that there are finitely many six-list-critical graphs on a fixed surface. This is a joint project with Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi of the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.

An Extension of the Cordoba-Fefferman Theorem on the Equivalence Between the Boundedness Maximal and Multiplier Operators

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Alexander StokolosGeorgia Southern University
I will speak about an extension of Cordoba-Fefferman Theorem on the equivalence between boundedness properties of certain classes of maximal and multiplier operators. This extension utilizes the recent work of Mike Bateman on directional maximal operators as well as my work with Paul Hagelstein on geometric maximal operators associated to homothecy invariant bases of convex sets satisfying Tauberian conditions.

Cohomology and the Riemann-Roch theorem

Other Talks
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Kangkang WangSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
We will present a sheaf-theoretic proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem for projective nonsingular curves.

Variational problems involving area.

Research Horizons Seminar
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 171
John McCuanSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
I will describe several geometrical problems that arise from the minimization of some sort of integral functional and the basic relation between such minimization and partial differential equations. Then I will make some further comments on my favorite kind of such problems, namely those that have something to do with minimizing area of surfaces under various side conditions.

The fluid dynamics of feeding and swimming in the upside down jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Laura MillerUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Reynolds number (Re) is often used to describe scaling effects in fluid dynamics and may be thought of as roughly describing the ratio of inertial to viscous forces in the fluid. It can be shown that ’reciprocal’ methods of macroscopic propulsion (e.g. flapping, undulating, and jetting) do not work in the limit as Re approaches zero. However, such macroscopic forms of locomotion do not appear in nature below Re on the order of 1 − 10. Similarly, macroscopic forms of feeding do not occur below a similar range of Reynolds numbers. The focus of this presentation is to describe the scaling effects in feeding and swimming of the upside down jellyfish (Cassiopeia sp.) using computational fluid dynamics and experiments with live animals. The immersed boundary method is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with an immersed, flexible boundary. Particle image velocimetry is used to quantify the flow field around the live jellyfish and compare it to the simulations.

Thin domains with a highly oscillating boundary

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - 15:01 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Jose ArrietaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid; visiting faculty at GT
In this talk we will present several results concerning the behavior of the Laplace operator with Neumann boundary conditions in a thin domain where its boundary presents a highly oscillatory behavior. Using homogenization and domain perturbation techniques, we obtain the asymptotic limit as the thickness of the domain goes to zero even for the case where the oscillations are not necessarily periodic. We will also indicate how this result can be applied to analyze the asymptotic dynamics of reaction diffusion equations in these domains.
