Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Sylvester's Four Point Constant: closing in (or are we?)

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - 12:05 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 255
Gelasio SalazarUniversidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
In 1865, Sylvester posed the following problem: For a region R in the plane,let q(R) denote the probability that four points chosen at random from Rform a convex quadrilateral. What is the infimum q* of q(R) taken over allregions R? The number q* is known as Sylvester's Four Point Problem Constant(Sylvester's Constant for short). At first sight, it is hard to imagine howto find reasonable estimates for q*. Fortunately, Scheinerman and Wilf foundthat Sylvester's Constant is intimately related to another fundamentalconstant in discrete geometry. The rectilinear crossing number of rcr(K_n)the complete graph K_n is the minimum number of crossings of edges in adrawing of K_n in the plane in which every edge is a straight segment. Itis not difficult to show that the limit as n goes to infinity ofrcr(K_n)/{n\choose 4} exists; this is the rectilinear crossing numberconstant RCR. Scheinerman and Wilf proved a surprising connection betweenthese constants: q* = RCR. Finding estimates of rcr(K_n) seems like a moreapproachable task. A major breakthrough was achieved in 2003 by Lovasz,Vesztergombi, Wagner, and Welzl, and simultaneously by Abrego andFernandez-Merchant, who unveiled an intimate connection of rcr(K_n) withanother classical problem of discrete geometry, namely the number of

Interpolation in Bergman Spaces

Analysis Working Seminar
Monday, October 19, 2009 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Brett WickGeorgia Tech
In this working seminar we will give a proof of Seip's characterization of interpolating sequences in the Bergman space of analytic functions. This topic has connection with complex analysis, harmonic analysis, and time frequency analysis and so hopefully many of the participants would be able to get something out of the seminar. The initial plan will be to work through his 1993 Inventiones Paper and supplement this with material from his book "Interpolation and Sampling in Spaces of Analytic Functions". Notes will be generated as the seminar progresses.

Normal Mode Analysis for Drifter Data Assimilation to Improve Trajectory Predictions from Ocean Models

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, October 19, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Helga S. HuntleyUniversity of Delaware
Biologists tracking crab larvae, engineers designing pollution mitigation strategies, and climate scientists studying tracer transport in the oceans are among many who rely on trajectory predictions from ocean models. State-of-the-art models have been shown to produce reliable velocity forecasts for 48-72 hours, yet the predictability horizon for trajectories and related Lagrangian quantities remains significantly shorter. We investigate the potential for decreasing Lagrangian prediction errors by applying a constrained normal mode analysis (NMA) to blend drifter observations with model velocity fields. The properties of an unconstrained NMA and the effects of parameter choices are discussed. The constrained NMA technique is initially presented in a perfect model simulation, where the “true” velocity field is known and the resulting error can be directly assessed. Finally, we will show results from a recent experiment in the East Asia Sea, where real observations were assimilated into operational ocean model hindcasts.

A Hepatitis B virus model with age since infection that exhibits backward bifurcation

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, October 19, 2009 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Redouane QesmiYork University, Canada and SoM, Georgia Tech
Despite advances in treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, liver transplantation remains the only hope for many patients with end-stage liver disease due to HBV. A complication with liver transplantation, however, is that the new liver is eventually reinfected in chronic HBV patients by infection in other compartments of the body. We have formulated a model to describe the dynamics of HBV after liver transplant, considering the liver and the blood of areas of infection. Analyzing the model, we observe that the system shows either a transcritical or a backward bifurcation. Explicit conditions on the model parameters are given for the backward bifurcation to be present, to be reduced, or disappear. Consequently, we investigate possible factors that are responsible for HBV/HCV infection and assess control strategies to reduce HBV/HCV reinfection and improve graft survival after liver transplantation.

Approximate Clustering without the Approximation

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 15:05 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 255
Nina BalcanComputing Science & Systems, Georgia Tech
There has been substantial work on approximation algorithms for clustering data under distance-based objective functions such as k-median, k-means, and min-sum objectives. This work is fueled in part by the hope that approximating these objectives well will indeed yield more accurate solutions. That is, for problems such as clustering proteins by function, or clustering images by subject, there is some unknown correct "target" clustering and the implicit assumption is that clusterings that are approximately optimal in terms of these distance-based measures are also approximately correct in terms of error with respect to the target. In this work we show that if we make this implicit assumption explicit -- that is, if we assume that any c-approximation to the given clustering objective Phi is epsilon-close to the target -- then we can produce clusterings that are O(epsilon)-close to the target, even for values c for which obtaining a c-approximation is NP-hard. In particular, for the k-median, k-means, and min-sum objectives, we show that we can achieve this guarantee for any constant c > 1. Our results show how by explicitly considering the alignment between the objective function used and the true underlying clustering goals, one can bypass computational barriers and perform as if these objectives were computationally substantially easier. This talk is based on joint work with Avrim Blum and Anupam Gupta (SODA 2009), Mark Braverman (COLT 2009), and Heiko Roeglin and Shang-Hua Teng (ALT 2009).

Introduction to Heegaard Floer Homology

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 15:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 169
Amey KalotiGeorgia Tech

Please Note: This is a 2-hour talk.

Heegaard floer homology is an invariant of closed 3 manifolds defined by Peter Ozsvath and Zoltan Szabo. It has proven to be a very strong invariant of 3 manifolds with connections to contact topology. In these talks we will try to define the Heegaard Floer homology without assuming much background in low dimensional topology. One more goal is to present the combinatorial description for this theory.

Shuffling biological sequences

SIAM Student Seminar
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Tianjun YeGeorgia Tech
This talk considers the following sequence shufling problem: Given a biological sequence (either DNA or protein) s, generate a random instance among all the permutations of s that exhibit the same frequencies of k-lets (e.g. dinucleotides, doublets of amino acids, triplets, etc.). Since certain biases in the usage of k-lets are fundamental to biological sequences, effective generation of such sequences is essential for the evaluation of the results of many sequence analysis tools. This talk introduces two sequence shuffling algorithms: A simple swapping-based algorithm is shown to generate a near-random instance and appears to work well, although its efficiency is unproven; a generation algorithm based on Euler tours is proven to produce a precisely uniforminstance, and hence solve the sequence shuffling problem, in time not much more than linear in the sequence length.

Point Perturbation and Asymptotics Orthogonal Polynomials

Analysis Seminar
Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Lillian WongUniversity of Oklahoma
In this talk, I will discuss some results obtained in my Ph.D. thesis. First, the point mass formula will be introduced. Using the formula, we shall see how the asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials relate to the perturbed Verblunsky coefficients. Then I will discuss two classes of measures on the unit circle -- one with Verblunsky coefficients \alpha_n --> 0 and the other one with \alpha_n --> L (non-zero) -- and explain the methods I used to tackle the point mass problem involving these measures. Finally, I will discuss the point mass problem on the real line. For a long time it was believed that point mass perturbation will generate exponentially small perturbation on the recursion coefficients. I will demonstrate that indeed there is a large class of measures such that that proposition is false.

Positive Matrices and Applications to Hankel Operators

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Marcus CarlssonPurdue University
Given an "infinite symmetric matrix" W we give a simple condition, related to the shift operator being expansive on a certain sequence space, under which W is positive. We apply this result to AAK-type theorems for generalized Hankel operators, providing new insights related to previous work by S. Treil and A. Volberg. We also discuss applications and open problems.
