Seminars and Colloquia by Series

CANCELLED -- Sparse matrices, sparse signals, and sparse algorithms

ACO Colloquium
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 - 16:30 for 2 hours
Skiles 255
Anna GilbertUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The past 10 years have seen a confluence of research in sparse approximation amongst computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering. Sparse approximation encompasses a large number of mathematical, algorithmic, and signal processing problems which all attempt to balance the size of a (linear) representation of data and the fidelity of that representation. I will discuss several of the basic algorithmic problems and their solutions, focusing on special classes of matrices. I will conclude with an application in biological testing.

The Minimal Period Problem for the Classical Forced Pendulum Equation

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 16:30 for 2 hours
Skiles 255
Jianshe YuGuangzhou University
In the talk I will discuss the periodicity of solutions to the classical forced pendulum equation y" + A sin y = f(t) where A= g/l is the ratio of the gravity constant and the pendulum length, and f(t) is an external periodic force with a minimal period T. The major concern is to characterize conditions on A and f under which the equation admits periodic solutions with a prescribed minimal period pT, where p>1 is an integer. I will show how the new approach, based on the critical point theory and an original decomposition technique, leads to the existence of such solutions without requiring p to be a prime as imposed in most previous approaches. In addition, I will present the first non-existence result of such solutions which indicates that long pendulum has a natural resistance to oscillate periodically.

Hadamard's conjecture, Green function estimates and potential theory for higher order elliptic operators

Analysis Seminar
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Svitlana MayborodaPurdue University

Please Note: Note special time

In 1908 Hadamard conjectured that the biharmonic Green function must be positive. Later on, several counterexamples to Hadamard's conjecture have been found and a variety of upper estimates were obtained in sufficiently smooth domains. However, the behavior of the Green function in general domains was not well-understood until recently. In a joint work with V. Maz'ya we derive sharp pointwise estimates for the biharmonic and, more generally, polyharmonic Green function in arbitrary domains. Furthermore, we introduce the higher order capacity and establish an analogue of the Wiener criterion describing the precise correlation between the geometry of the domain and the regularity of the solutions to the polyharmonic equation.

Periodic orbits of the N-body problem in celestial mechanics

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Tiancheng OuyangBrigham Young
In this talk, I will show many interesting orbits in 2D and 3D of the N-body problem. Some of them do not have symmetrical property nor with equal masses. Some of them with collision singularity. The methods of our numerical optimization lead to search the initial conditions and properties of preassigned orbits. The variational methods will be used for the prove of the existence.

Cube knots and a homology theory from cube diagrams

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, April 20, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Scott BaldridgeLSU
In this talk we will introduce the notion of a cube diagram---a surprisingly subtle, extremely powerful new way to represent a knot or link. One of the motivations for creating cube diagrams was to develop a 3-dimensional "Reidemeister's theorem''. Recall that many knot invariants can be easily be proven by showing that they are invariant under the three Reidemeister moves. On the other hand, simple, easy-to-check 3-dimensional moves (like triangle moves) are generally ineffective for defining and proving knot invariants: such moves are simply too flexible and/or uncontrollable to check whether a quantity is a knot invariant or not. Cube diagrams are our attempt to "split the difference" between the flexibility of ambient isotopy of R^3 and specific, controllable moves in a knot projection. The main goal in defining cube diagrams was to develop a data structure that describes an embedding of a knot in R^3 such that (1) every link is represented by a cube diagram, (2) the data structure is rigid enough to easily define invariants, yet (3) a limited number of 5 moves are all that are necessary to transform one cube diagram of a link into any other cube diagram of the same link. As an example of the usefulness of cube diagrams we present a homology theory constructed from cube diagrams and show that it is equivalent to knot Floer homology, one of the most powerful known knot invariants.

Toric geometry of series-parallel graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Guantao ChenGeorgia State University
Let G be a graph and K be a field. We associate to G a projective toric variety X_G over K, the cut variety of the graph G. The cut ideal I_G of the graph G is the ideal defining the cut variety. In this talk, we show that, if G is a subgraph of a subdivision of a book or an outerplanar graph, then the minimal generators are quadrics. Furthermore we describe the generators of the cut ideal of a subdivision of a book.

The Jones polynomial and quantum invariants

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 15:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 269
Thang LeSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech

Please Note: These are two hour lectures.

We will develop general theory of quantum invariants based on sl_2 (the simplest Lie algebra): The Jones polynomials, the colored Jones polynomials, quantum sl_2 groups, operator invariants of tangles, and relations with the Alexander polynomial and the A-polynomials. Optional: Finite type invariants and the Kontsevich integral.

Multi-manifold data modeling via spectral curvature clustering

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Gilad LermanUniversity of Minnesota

Please Note: Note special day.

We propose a fast multi-way spectral clustering algorithm for multi-manifold data modeling, i.e., modeling data by mixtures of manifolds (possibly intersecting). We describe the supporting theory as well as the practical choices guided by it. We first develop the case of hybrid linear modeling, i.e., when the underlying manifolds are affine subspaces in a Euclidean space, and then we extend this setting to more general manifolds. We exemplify the practical use of the algorithm by demonstrating its successful application to problems of motion segmentation.

Archimedes' Principle and Capillarity

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 16:30 for 2 hours
Skiles 269
John McCuanSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Archimedes principle may be used to predict if and how certain solid objects float in a liquid bath. The principle, however, neglects to consider capillary forces which can sometimes play an important role. We describe a recent generalization of the principle and how the standard textbook presentation of Archimedes' work may have played a role in delaying the discovery of such generalizations to this late date.

Excess Risk Bounds in Binary Classification

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Vladimir I. KoltchinskiiSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
In binary classification problems, the goal is to estimate a function g*:S -> {-1,1} minimizing the generalization error (or the risk) L(g):=P{(x,y):y \neq g(x)}, where P is a probability distribution in S x {-1,1}. The distribution P is unknown and estimators \hat g of g* are based on a finite number of independent random couples (X_j,Y_j) sampled from P. It is of interest to have upper bounds on the excess risk {\cal E}(\hat g):=L(\hat g) - L(g_{\ast}) of such estimators that hold with a high probability and that take into account reasonable measures of complexity of classification problems (such as, for instance, VC-dimension). We will discuss several approaches (both old and new) to excess risk bounds in classification, including some recent results on excess risk in so called active learning.
