

Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

Mathematical logic and proof, mathematical induction, counting methods, recurrence relations, algorithms and complexity, graph theory and graph algorithms.

Foundations of Mathematical Proof

An introduction to proofs in advanced mathematics, intended as a transition to upper division courses including MATH 4107, 4150 and 4317. Fundamentals of mathematical abstraction including sets, logic, equivalence relations, and functions. Thorough development of the basic proof techniques: direct, contrapositive, existence, contradiction, and induction. Introduction to proofs in analysis and algebra.

Quantum Information and Quantum Computing

Introduction to quantum computing and quantum information theory, formalism of quantum mechanics, quantum gates, algorithms, measurements, coding, and information. Physical realizations and experiments. Crosslisted with PHYS 4782

Numerical Analysis I

Introduction to numerical algorithms for some basic problems in computational mathematics. Discussion of both implementation issues and error analysis. Crosslisted with CX 4640 (formerly CS 4642).

Classical Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Fourier series, Fourier integrals, boundary value problems for partial differential equations, eigenvalue problems

Dynamics and Bifurcations I

A broad introduction to the local and global behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems arising from maps and ordinary differential equations.

Differential Geometry

The theory of curves, surfaces, and more generally, manifolds. Curvature, parallel transport, covariant differentiation, Gauss-Bonet theorem

Introduction to Topology

Point set topology, topological spaces and metric spaces, continuity and compactness, homotopy and covering spaces

Partial Differential Equations I

Method of characteristics for first and second order partial differential equations, conservation laws and shocks, classification of second order systems and applications.

Complex Analysis

Topics from complex function theory, including contour integration and conformal mapping


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