Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Optimization in the space of probabilities with MCMC: Uncertainty quantification and sequential decision making

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, April 5, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Prof. Yian MaUCSD

I will present MCMC algorithms as optimization over the KL-divergence in the space of probabilities. By incorporating a momentum variable, I will discuss an algorithm which performs accelerated gradient descent over the KL-divergence. Using optimization-like ideas, a suitable Lyapunov function is constructed to prove that an accelerated convergence rate is obtained. I will then discuss how MCMC algorithms compare against variational inference methods in parameterizing the gradient flows in the space of probabilities and how it applies to sequential decision making problems.

Right-veering open books and the Upsilon invariant

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, April 5, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Diana HubbardBrooklyn College, CUNY

Fibered knots in a three-manifold Y can be thought of as the binding of an open book decomposition for Y. A basic question to ask is how properties of the open book decomposition relate to properties of the corresponding knot. In this talk I will describe joint work with Dongtai He and Linh Truong that explores this: specifically, we can give a sufficient condition for the monodromy of an open book decomposition of a fibered knot to be right-veering from the concordance invariant Upsilon.  I will discuss some applications of this work, including an application to the Slice-Ribbon conjecture.

Numerical Estimation of Several Topological Quantities of the First Passage Percolation Model

Dissertation Defense
Monday, April 5, 2021 - 13:00 for 2 hours
Yuanzhe MaGeorgia Institute of Technology

In this thesis, our main goal is to use numerical simulations to study some quantities related to the growing set B(t). Motivated by prior works, we mainly study quantities including the boundary size, the hole size, and the location of each hole for B(t). We discuss the theoretical background of this work, the algorithm we used to conduct simulations, and include an extensive discussion of our simulation results. Our results support some of the prior conjectures and further introduce several interesting open problems.

This defense will be conducted on bluejeans, at

Identifiability in Phylogenetics using Algebraic Matroids

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Friday, April 2, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Seth SullivantNorth Carolina State University

Identifiability is a crucial property for a statistical model since distributions in the model uniquely determine the parameters that produce them. In phylogenetics, the identifiability of the tree parameter is of particular interest since it means that phylogenetic models can be used to infer evolutionary histories from data. In this paper we introduce a new computational strategy for proving the identifiability of discrete parameters in algebraic statistical models that uses algebraic matroids naturally associated to the models. We then use this algorithm to prove that the tree parameters are generically identifiable for 2-tree CFN and K3P mixtures. We also show that the k-cycle phylogenetic network parameter is identifiable under the K2P and K3P models.  This is joint work with Benjamin Hollering.

Meeting Link:

Optimal Ranking Recovery from Pairwise Comparisons

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, April 1, 2021 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Anderson Y. ZhangUniversity of Pennsylvania

Ranking from pairwise comparisons is a central problem in a wide range of learning and social contexts. Researchers in various disciplines have made significant methodological and theoretical contributions to it. However, many fundamental statistical properties remain unclear especially for the recovery of ranking structure. This talk presents two recent projects towards optimal ranking recovery, under the Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model.

In the first project, we study the problem of top-k ranking. That is, to optimally identify the set of top-k players. We derive the minimax rate and show that it can be achieved by MLE. On the other hand, we show another popular algorithm, the spectral method, is in general suboptimal.

In the second project, we study the problem of full ranking among all players. The minimax rate exhibits a transition between an exponential rate and a polynomial rate depending on the magnitude of the signal-to-noise ratio of the problem. To the best of our knowledge, this phenomenon is unique to full ranking and has not been seen in any other statistical estimation problem. A divide-and-conquer ranking algorithm is proposed to achieve the minimax rate.

Symmetry and uniqueness via a variational approach

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, April 1, 2021 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Yao YaoGeorgia Institute of Technology

For some nonlocal PDEs, its steady states can be seen as critical points of an associated energy functional. Therefore, if one can construct perturbations around a function such that the energy decreases to first order along the perturbation, this function cannot be a steady state. In this talk, I will discuss how this simple variational approach has led to some recent progresses in the following equations, where the key is to carefully construct a suitable perturbation.

I will start with the aggregation-diffusion equation, which is a nonlocal PDE driven by two competing effects: nonlinear diffusion and long-range attraction. We show that all steady states are radially symmetric up to a translation (joint with Carrillo, Hittmeir and Volzone), and give some criteria on the uniqueness/non-uniqueness of steady states within the radial class (joint with Delgadino and Yan).

I will also discuss the 2D Euler equation, where we aim to understand under what condition must a stationary/uniformly-rotating solution be radially symmetric. Using a variational approach, we settle some open questions on the radial symmetry of rotating patches, and also show that any smooth stationary solution with compactly supported and nonnegative vorticity must be radial (joint with Gómez-Serrano, Park and Shi).

Symplectic rigidity, flexibility, and embedding problems

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Agniva RoyGeorgia Tech

Embedding problems, of an n-manifold into an m-manifold, can be heuristically thought to belong to a spectrum, from rigid, to flexible. Euclidean embeddings define the rigid end of the spectrum, meaning you can only translate or rotate an object into the target. Symplectic embeddings, depending on the object, and target, can show up anywhere on the spectrum, and it is this flexible vs rigid philosophy, and techniques developed to study them, that has lead to a lot of interesting mathematics. In this talk I will make this heuristic clearer, and show some examples and applications of these embedding problems.

Intersecting families of sets are typically trivial

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location For password, please email Anton Bernshteyn (bahtoh ~at~
Lina LiUniversity of Waterloo

A family of subsets of $[n]$ is intersecting if every pair of its members has a non-trivial intersection. Determining the structure of large intersecting families is a central problem in extremal combinatorics. Frankl-Kupavskii and Balogh-Das-Liu-Sharifzadeh-Tran independently showed that for $n \geq 2k + c\sqrt{k\ln k}$, almost all $k$-uniform intersecting families are stars. Significantly improving their results, we show that the same conclusion holds for $n \geq 2k + 100 \ln k$. Our proof uses the Sapozhenko’s graph container method and the Das-Tran removal lemma.

This is joint work with József Balogh, Ramon I. Garcia and Adam Zsolt Wagner.

Topology of the Shift Locus via Big Mapping Class Groups by Yan Mary He

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, March 29, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Yan Mary HeUniversity of Toronto

The shift locus of (monic and centered) complex polynomials of degree d > 1 is the set of polynomials whose filled-in Julia set contains no critical points. Traversing a loop in the shift locus gives rise to a holomorphic motion of Cantor Julia sets, which can be extended to a homeomorphism of the plane minus a Cantor set up to isotopy. Therefore there is a well-defined monodromy representation from the fundamental group of the shift locus to the mapping class group of the plane minus a Cantor set. In this talk, I will discuss the image and the kernel of this map as well as a combinatorial model for the shift locus. This is joint work with J. Bavard, D. Calegari, S. Koch and A. Walker.

Incorporating Invariance to Reduce the Complexity of Parametric Models

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, March 29, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Alex CloningerUniversity of California, San Diego

Many scientific problems involve invariant structures, and learning functions that rely on a much lower dimensional set of features than the data itself.   Incorporating these invariances into a parametric model can significantly reduce the model complexity, and lead to a vast reduction in the number of labeled examples required to estimate the parameters.  We display this benefit in two settings.  The first setting concerns ReLU networks, and the size of networks and number of points required to learn certain functions and classification regions.  Here, we assume that the target function has built in invariances, namely that it only depends on the projection onto a very low dimensional, function defined manifold (with dimension possibly significantly smaller than even the intrinsic dimension of the data).  We use this manifold variant of a single or multi index model to establish network complexity and ERM rates that beat even the intrinsic dimension of the data.  We should note that a corollary of this result is developing intrinsic rates for a manifold plus noise data model without needing to assume the distribution of the noise decays exponentially, and we also discuss implications in two-sample testing and statistical distances.  The second setting for building invariances concerns linearized optimal transport (LOT), and using it to build supervised classifiers on distributions.  Here, we construct invariances to families of group actions (e.g., shifts and scalings of a fixed distribution), and show that LOT can learn a classifier on group orbits using a simple linear separator.   We demonstrate the benefit of this on MNIST by constructing robust classifiers with only a small number of labeled examples.  This talk covers joint work with Timo Klock, Xiuyuan Cheng, and Caroline Moosmueller.
