Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Convergence over fractals for the periodic Schrödinger equation

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, March 26, 2021 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Zoom (see add'l notes for link)
Daniel EceizabarrenaU Mass Amherst

Please Note: Zoom link: Meeting ID: 977 3221 5148 Passcode: 801074


In 1980, Lennart Carleson introduced the following problem for the free Schrödinger equation: when does the solution converge to the initial datum pointwise almost everywhere? Of course, the answer is immediate for regular functions like Schwartz functions. However, the question of what Sobolev regularity is necessary and sufficient for convergence turned out to be highly non-trivial. After the work of many people, it has been solved in 2019, following important advances in harmonic analysis. But interesting variations of the problem are still open. For instance, what happens with periodic solutions in the torus? And what if we refine the almost everywhere convergence to convergence with respect to fractal Hausdorff measures? Together with Renato Lucà (BCAM, Spain), we tackled these two questions. In the talk, I will present our results after explaining the basics of the problem.

The steady-state degree and mixed volume of a chemical reaction network

Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Friday, March 26, 2021 - 09:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Cvetelina HillGeorgia Tech
Chemical reaction networks (CRNs), under the assumption of mass-action kinetics, are deterministic polynomial systems commonly used in systems biology. The steady-state of a CRN is the number of complex steady-states (solutions to the polynomial system), which is a measure of the algebraic complexity of solving the steady-state system. In general, the steady-state degree may be difficult to compute. Using three case studies of infinite families of networks, each generated by joining smaller networks to create larger ones, we give an upper bound to the steady-state degree of a CRN by utilizing the underlying polyhedral geometry associated with the corresponding system. In this talk I will give an overview of the necessary background for CRNs and the associated polyhedral geometry, and I will discuss the results on one of the case studies through examples.

Equivariant completions for degenerations of toric varieties

Algebra Seminar
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Netanel FriedenbergGeorgia Tech

After reviewing classical results about existence of completions of varieties, I will talk about a class of degenerations of toric varieties which have a combinatorial classification - normal toric varieties over rank one valuation rings. I will then discuss recent results about the existence of equivariant completions of such degenerations. In particular, I will show a result from my thesis about the existence of normal equivariant completions of these degenerations.

BlueJeans link:

Dynamical sampling for burst-like forcing terms

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Ilya KrishtalNorthern Illinois University

Dynamical sampling is a framework for studying the sampling and reconstruction problems for vectors that evolve under the action of a linear operator. In the first part of the talk I will review a few specific problems that have been part of the framework or motivated by it. In the second part of the talk I will concentrate on the problem of recovering a burst-like forcing term in an initial value problem for an abstract first order differential equation on a Hilbert space. We will see how the ideas of dynamical sampling lead to algorithms that allow one to stably and accurately approximate the burst-like portion of a forcing term as long as the background portion is sufficiently smooth. 

Speeds of hereditary properties and mutual algebricity

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location For password, please email Anton Bernshteyn (bahtoh ~at~
Caroline TerryOhio State University

A hereditary graph property is a class of finite graphs closed under isomorphism and induced subgraphs. Given a hereditary graph property H, the speed of H is the function which sends an integer n to the number of distinct elements in H with underlying set {1,...,n}. Not just any function can occur as the speed of hereditary graph property. Specifically, there are discrete "jumps" in the possible speeds. Study of these jumps began with work of Scheinerman and Zito in the 90's, and culminated in a series of papers from the 2000's by Balogh, Bollobás, and Weinreich, in which essentially all possible speeds of a hereditary graph property were characterized. In contrast to this, many aspects of this problem in the hypergraph setting remained unknown. In this talk we present new hypergraph analogues of many of the jumps from the graph setting, specifically those involving the polynomial, exponential, and factorial speeds. The jumps in the factorial range turned out to have surprising connections to the model theoretic notion of mutual algebricity, which we also discuss. This is joint work with Chris Laskowski.

Infinite-type surfaces and the omnipresent arcs by Tyrone Ghaswala

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, March 22, 2021 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Tyrone GhaswalaCIRGET, Université du Québec à Montréal

Please Note: A pre-talk will be given at 1 and office hours will be held at 3 (following the seminar talk).

In the world of finite-type surfaces, one of the key tools to studying the mapping class group is to study its action on the curve graph. The curve graph is a combinatorial object intrinsic to the surface, and its appeal lies in the fact that it is infinite-diameter and $\delta$-hyperbolic. For infinite-type surfaces, the curve graph disappointingly has diameter 2. However, all hope is not lost! In this talk I will introduce the omnipresent arc graph and we will see that for a large collection of infinite-type surfaces, the graph is infinite-diameter and $\delta$-hyperbolic. The talk will feature a new characterization of infinite-type surfaces, which provided the impetus for this project.

This is joint work with Federica Fanoni and Alan McLeay

From little things big things grow by Tyrone Ghaswala

Geometry Topology Seminar Pre-talk
Monday, March 22, 2021 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Tyrone GhaswalaCIRGET, Université du Québec à Montréal

This pre-talk will be an introduction to infinite-type surfaces and big mapping class groups. I will have a prepared talk, but it will be extremely informal, and I am more than happy to take scenic diversions if the audience so desires!

Drift Analysis

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Location (To receive the password, please email Lutz Warnke
Benjamin DoerrLaboratoire d'Informatique (LIX), École Polytechnique

Drift analysis is the name for a collection of tools that allow to translate information about the one-step progress of a randomized process into information about first hitting times. Drift analysis is successfully used in the mathematical analysis of randomized search heuristics, most notably, evolutionary algorithms, but (for unclear reasons) much less in discrete mathematics or other areas of algorithms.

In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to drift analysis, show some classic and recent applications, and describe some open problems, both concerning drift methods and the mathematical runtime analysis of randomized search heuristics.

Hierarchical structure and computation of data-driven neuronal networks

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Hannah ChoiGeorgia Tech

The complex connectivity structure unique to the brain network is believed to underlie its robust and efficient coding capability. Specifically, neuronal networks at multiple scales utilize their structural complexities to achieve different computational goals. I will first introduce functional implications that can be inferred from a weighted and directed “single” network representation of the brain. Then, I will consider a more detailed and realistic network representation of the brain featuring multiple types of connection between a pair of brain regions, which enables us to uncover the hierarchical structure of the brain network using an unsupervised method.  Finally, if time permits, I will discuss computational implications of the hierarchical organization of the brain network, focusing on a specific type of visual computation- predictive coding.

Meeting Link:

The mechanics of finite-time blowup in an Euler flow

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Zoom (see add'l notes for link)
Dwight BarkleyU Warwick

Please Note: Zoom link:

One of the most fundamental issues in fluid dynamics is whether or not an initially smooth fluid flow can evolve over time to arrive at a singularity -- a state for which the classical equations of fluid mechanics break down and the flow field no longer makes physical sense.  While proof remains an open question, numerical evidence strongly suggests that a singularity arises at the boundary of a flow like that found in a stirred cup of tea.  The analysis here focuses on the interplay between inertia and pressure, rather than on vorticity.  A model is presented based on a primitive-variables formulation of the Euler equations on the cylinder wall, with closure coming from how pressure is determined from velocity. The model generalizes Burger's equation and captures key features in the mechanics of the blowup scenario. 
