Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Nonlinear waves, spectra, and dynamics in infinite dimensions

Stelson Lecture Series
Friday, March 10, 2023 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Klaus lecture auditorium 1443
Wilhelm SchlagYale University

Please Note: General audience lecture

Waves are ubiquitous in nature. Some wave phenomena are conspicuous, most notably in elastic objects, and in bodies of water. In electro-dynamics, quantum mechanics, and gravity, waves play a fundamental role but are much more difficult to find. Over the past centuries, major scientific breakthroughs have been associated with the discovery of hidden wave phenomena in nature. Engineering has enabled our modern information based society by developing sophisticated methods which allow us to harness wave propagation. Seismic exploration relies on wave scattering in the discovery of natural resources. Medicine depends heavily on wave-based imaging technology such as MRI and CAT scans.


Mathematics has played a major role in the understanding of wave propagation, and its many intricate phenomena including reflection, diffraction, and refraction. In its most basic form, the wave equation is a linear partial differential equation (PDE). However, modern science and engineering rely heavily on nonlinear PDEs which can exhibit many surprising and delicate properties. Mathematical analysis continues to evolve rapidly driven in part by the many open questions surrounding nonlinear PDEs and their solutions. This talk will survey some of the mathematics involved in our understanding of waves, both linear and nonlinear.

A Dynamical Systems Approach for Most Probable Escape Paths over Periodic Boundaries

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, March 10, 2023 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Emmanuel FleurantinUNC, GMU 

Analyzing when noisy trajectories, in the two dimensional plane, of a stochastic dynamical system exit the basin of attraction of a fixed point is specifically challenging when a periodic orbit forms the boundary of the basin of attraction. Our contention is that there is a distinguished Most Probable Escape Path (MPEP) crossing the periodic orbit which acts as a guide for noisy escaping paths in the case of small noise slightly away from the limit of vanishing noise. It is well known that, before exiting, noisy trajectories will tend to cycle around the periodic orbit as the noise vanishes, but we observe that the escaping paths are stubbornly resistant to cycling as soon as the noise becomes at all significant. Using a geometric dynamical systems approach, we isolate a subset of the unstable manifold of the fixed point in the Euler-Lagrange system, which we call the River.  Using the Maslov index we identify a subset of the River which is comprised of local minimizers.  The Onsager-Machlup (OM) functional, which is treated as a perturbation of the Friedlin-Wentzell functional, provides a selection mechanism to pick out a specific MPEP. Much of the talk is focused on the system obtained by reversing the van der Pol Equations in time (so-called IVDP). Through Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the prediction provided by OM-selected MPEP matches closely the escape hatch chosen by noisy trajectories at a certain level of small noise.

Lefschetz Fibrations and Exotic 4-Manifolds I

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, March 10, 2023 - 14:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006
Nur Saglam

Lefschetz fibrations are very useful in the sense that they have one-one correspondence with the relations in the Mapping Class Groups and they can be used to construct exotic (homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic) 4-manifolds. In this series of talks, we will first introduce Lefschetz fibrations and Mapping Class Groups and give examples. Then, we will dive more into 4-manifold world. More specifically, we will talk about the history of  exotic 4-manifolds and we will define the nice tools used to construct exotic 4-manifolds, like symplectic normal connect sum, Rational Blow-Down, Luttinger Surgery, Branch Covers, and Knot Surgery. Finally, we will provide various constructions of exotic 4-manifolds.

Anderson Localization in dimension two for singular noise, part three

Mathematical Physics and Analysis Working Seminar
Friday, March 10, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Omar HurtadoUC Irvine

Continuing from where we left off, we will go through the proof of the probabilistic unique continuation result in Ding-Smart (2018) for solutions of the eigenequation on large finite boxes in the two-dimensional lattice. We'll briefly discuss the free sites formalism necessary to carry out the multiscale analysis as well, before going through technical lemmas concerning bounds on solutions to our eigenequation on large finite rectangles in the lattice as they propagate from a boundary.

Fast and optimal algorithm for online portfolios, and beyond

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 and Online via
Dmitrii OstrovskiiUSC

In his seminal 1991 paper, Thomas M. Cover introduced a simple and elegant mathematical model for trading on the stock market. This model, which later on came to be known as  online portfolio selection (OPS), is specified with only two integer parameters: the number of assets $d$ and time horizon $T$. In each round $t \in \{1, ..., T\}$, the trader selects a  portfolio--distribution $p_t \in R^d_+$ of the current capital over the set of $d$ assets; after this, the adversary generates a nonnegative vector $r_t \in R^d_+$ of returns (relative prices of assets), and the trader's capital is multiplied by the "aggregated return'' $\langle p_{t}, r_{t} \rangle$. Despite its apparent simplicity, this model captures the two key properties of the stock market: (i) it "plays against'' the trader; (ii) money accumulates multiplicatively. In the 30 years that followed, the OPS model has received a great deal of attention from the learning theory, information theory, and quantitative finance communities.

In the same paper, Cover also proposed an algorithm, termed Universal Portfolios, that admitted a strong performance guarantee: the regret of $O(d \log (T))$ against the best portfolio in hindsight, and without any restrictions of returns or portfolios. This guarantee was later on shown to be worst-case optimal, and no other algorithm attaining it has been found to date. Unfortunately, exact computation of a universal portfolio amounts to averaging over a log-concave distribution, which is a challenging task. Addressing this, Kalai and Vempala (2002) achieved the running time of $O(d^4 T^{14})$ per round via log-concave sampling techniques. However, with such a running time essentially prohibiting all but "toy'' problems--yet remaining state-of-the-art--the problem of finding an optimal and practical OPS algorithm was left open.

In this talk, after discussing some of the arising challenges, I shall present a fast and optimal OPS algorithm proposed in a recent work with R. Jezequel and P. Gaillard (arXiv:2209.13932). Our algorithm combines regret optimality with the runtime of $O(d^2 T)$, thus dramatically improving state of the art. As we shall see, the motivation and analysis of the proposed algorithm are closely related to establishing a sharp bound on the accuracy of the Laplace approximation for a log-concave distribution with a polyhedral support, which is a result of independent interest.

Zoom link to the talk:

Upper bounds on quantum dynamics

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles Room 005 ONLINE
Mira ShamisQueen Mary University of London

We shall discuss the quantum dynamics associated with ergodic
Schroedinger operators with singular continuous spectrum. Upper bounds
on the transport moments have been obtained for several classes of
one-dimensional operators, particularly, by Damanik--Tcheremchantsev,
Jitomirskaya--Liu, Jitomirskaya--Powell. We shall present a new method
which allows to recover most of the previous results and also to
obtain new results in one and higher dimensions. The input required to
apply the method is a large-deviation estimate on the Green function
at a single energy. Based on joint work with S. Sodin.

The talk will be online at

Moduli spaces in tropical geometry

Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Melody ChanBrown University

I will give a hopefully accessible introduction to some work on
tropical moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties. I will report
on joint work with Madeline Brandt, Juliette Bruce, Margarida Melo,
Gwyneth Moreland, and Corey Wolfe, in which we find new rational
cohomology classes in the moduli space A_g of abelian varieties using
tropical techniques. And I will try to touch on a new point of view on
this topic, namely that of differential forms on tropical moduli
spaces, following the work of Francis Brown.

On the zeroes of hypergraph independence polynomials

Combinatorics Seminar
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
C457 Classroom Van Leer
Michail SarantisCarnegie Mellon University

We study the locations of complex zeroes of independence polynomials of bounded degree hypergraphs. For graphs, this is a long-studied subject with applications to statistical physics, algorithms, and combinatorics. Results on zero-free regions for bounded-degree graphs include Shearer's result on the optimal zero-free disk, along with several recent results on other zero-free regions. Much less is known for hypergraphs. We make some steps towards an understanding of zero-free regions for bounded-degree hypergaphs by proving that all hypergraphs of maximum degree $\Delta$ have a zero-free disk almost as large as the optimal disk for graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$ established by Shearer (of radius $\sim1/(e\Delta)$). Up to logarithmic factors in $\Delta$ this is optimal, even for hypergraphs with all edge-sizes strictly greater than $2$. We conjecture that for $k\geq 3$, there exist families of $k$-uniform linear hypergraphs that have a much larger zero-free disk of radius $\Omega(\Delta^{-1/(k-1)})$. We establish this in the case of linear hypertrees. Joint work with David Galvin, Gwen McKinley, Will Perkins and Prasad Tetali.

The pants complex and More-s

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Roberta ShapiroGeorgia Tech

The pants complex of a surface has as its 0-cells the pants decompositions of a surface and as its 1-cells some elementary moves relating two pants decompositions; the 2-cells are disks glued along certain cycles in the 1-skeleton of the complex. In "Pants Decompositions of Surfaces," Hatcher proves that this complex is contractible.


 During this interactive talk, we will aim to understand the structure of the pants complex and some of the important tools that Hatcher uses in his proof of contractibility.

Uniqueness results for meromorphic inner functions

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Burak HatinogluGeorgia Tech

A meromorphic inner function is a bounded analytic function on the upper half plane with unit modulus almost everywhere on the real line and a meromorphic continuation to the complex plane. Meromorphic inner functions and equivalently meromorphic Herglotz functions play a central role in inverse spectral theory of differential operators. In this talk, I will discuss some uniqueness problems for meromorphic inner functions and their applications to inverse spectral theory of canonical Hamiltonian systems as Borg-Marchenko type results.
