Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Reverse isoperimetric problems under curvature constraints

Geometry Topology Seminar
Friday, March 17, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Kateryna TatarkoUniversity of Waterloo

Please Note: Note the unusual time!

In this talk we explore a class of $\lambda$-convex bodies, i.e., convex bodies with curvature at each point of their boundary bounded below by some $\lambda >0$. For such bodies, we solve two reverse isoperimetric problems.

In $\mathbb{R}^3$, we show that the intersection of two balls of radius $1/\lambda$ (a $\lambda$-convex lens) is the unique volume minimizer among all $\lambda$-convex bodies of given surface area.  We also show a reverse inradius inequality in arbitrary dimension which says that the $\lambda$-convex lens has the smallest inscribed ball among all $\lambda$-convex bodies of given surface area.

This is a joint work with Kostiantyn Drach.


Implicit estimation of high-dimensional distributions using generative models

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Yun YangUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The estimation of distributions of complex objects from high-dimensional data with low-dimensional structures is an important topic in statistics and machine learning. Deep generative models achieve this by encoding and decoding data to generate synthetic realistic images and texts. A key aspect of these models is the extraction of low-dimensional latent features, assuming data lies on a low-dimensional manifold. We study this by developing a minimax framework for distribution estimation on unknown submanifolds with smoothness assumptions on the target distribution and the manifold. The framework highlights how problem characteristics, such as intrinsic dimensionality and smoothness, impact the limits of high-dimensional distribution estimation. Our estimator, which is a mixture of locally fitted generative models, is motivated by differential geometry techniques and covers cases where the data manifold lacks a global parametrization. 

Factors in graphs with randomness

Combinatorics Seminar
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
G08 ESM (ground floor)
Jie HanBeijing Institute of Technology

The celebrated Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem gives best possible minimum degree conditions for clique-factors in graphs. There have been some recent variants of this result into several settings, each of which has some sort of randomness come into play. We will give a survey on these problems and the recent developments.

Fermi variety for periodic operators and its applications

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Wencai LiuTexas A&M University

The Fermi variety plays a crucial role in the study of    periodic operators.  In this talk, I will  first discuss recent works on the irreducibility of  the Fermi variety  for discrete periodic Schr\"odinger  operators.   I will then  discuss the applications to  solve  problems of embedded eigenvalues, isospectrality and quantum ergodicity. 

Continuity properties of the spectral shift function for massless Dirac operators and an application to the Witten index

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Fritz GesztesyBaylor University

 We report on recent results regarding the limiting absorption principle for multi-dimensional, massless Dirac-type operators (implying absence of singularly continuous spectrum) and continuity properties of the associated spectral shift function.

We will motivate our interest in this circle of ideas by briefly describing the connection to the notion of the Witten index for a certain class of non-Fredholm operators.

This is based on various joint work with A. Carey, J. Kaad, G. Levitina, R. Nichols, D. Potapov, F. Sukochev, and D. Zanin.

Optimal bounds on Randomized Dvoretzky’s theorem

Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Grigoris PaourisTexas A&M University

A fundamental result in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis is Dvoretzky’s theorem, which asserts that almost euclidean structure is locally present in any high-dimensional normed space. V. MIlman promoted the random version of the “Dvoretzky Theorem” by introducing the “concentration of measure Phenomenon.” Quantifying this phenomenon is important in theory as well as in applications. In this talk  I will explain how techniques from High-dimensional Probability can be exploited to obtain optimal bounds on the randomized Dvoretzky theorem. Based on joint work(s) with Petros Valettas. 

Extraction and splitting of Riesz bases of exponentials

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
David WalnutGeorge Mason University

Given a discrete set $\Lambda\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ and an interval $I$, define the sequence of complex exponentials in $L^2(I)$, $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda)$, by $\{e^{2\pi i\lambda t}\colon \lambda\in\Lambda\}$.  A fundamental result in harmonic analysis says that if $\mathcal{E}(\frac{1}{b}\mathbb{Z})$ is an orthogonal basis for $L^2(I)$ for any interval $I$ of length $b$.  It is also well-known that there exist sets $\Lambda$, which may be irregular, such that sets $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda)$ form nonorthogonal bases (known as Riesz bases) for $L^2(S)$, for $S\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ not necessarily an interval.

Given $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda)$ that forms a Riesz basis for $L^2[0,1]$ and some 0 < a < 1, Avdonin showed that there exists $\Lambda'\subseteq \Lambda$ such that $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda')$ is a Riesz basis for $L^2[0,a]$ (called basis extraction).  Lyubarskii and Seip showed that this can be done in such a way that $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda \setminus \Lambda')$ is also a Riesz basis for $L^2[a,1]$ (called basis splitting).  The celebrated result of Kozma and Nitzan shows that one can extract a Riesz basis for $L^2(S)$ from $\mathcal{E}(\mathbb{Z})$ where $S$ is a union of disjoint subintervals of $[0,1]$.

In this talk we construct sets $\Lambda_I\subseteq\mathbb{Z}$ such that the $\mathcal{E}(\Lambda_I)$ form Riesz bases for $L^2(I)$ for corresponding intervals $I$, with the added compatibility property that unions of the sets $\Lambda_I$ generate Riesz bases for unions of the corresponding intervals.  The proof of our result uses an interesting assortment of tools from analysis, probability, and number theory.  We will give details of the proof in the talk, together with examples and a discussion of recent developments.  The work discussed is joint with Shauna Revay (GMU and Accenture Federal Services (AFS)), and Goetz Pfander (Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt).

Quotients of the braid group and the integral pair module of the symmetric group

Geometry Topology Seminar
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Matt DayU Arkansas

The braid group (which encodes the braiding of n strands) has a canonical projection to the symmetric group (recording where the ends of the strands go). We ask the question: what are the extensions of the symmetric group by abelian groups that arise as quotients of the braid group, by a refinement of this canonical projection? To answer this question, we study a particular twisted coefficient system for the symmetric group, called the integral pair module. In this module, we find the maximal submodule in each commensurability class. We find the cohomology classes characterizing each such extension, and for context, we describe the second cohomology group of the symmetric group with coefficients in the most interesting of these modules. This is joint work with Trevor Nakamura.

Strictly increasing and decreasing sequences in subintervals of words

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jonathan BloomLafayette College

In this talk we discuss our proof of a recent conjecture of Guo and Poznanovi\'{c} concerning chains in certain 01-fillings of moon polyominoes. A key ingredient of our proof is a correspondence between words $w$ and pairs $(\mathcal{W}(w), \mathcal{M}(w))$ of increasing tableaux such that $\mathcal{M}(w)$ determines the lengths of the longest strictly increasing and strictly decreasing sequences in every subinterval of $w$.  (It will be noted that similar and well-studied correspondences like RSK insertion and Hecke insertion fail in this regard.) To define our correspondence we make use of Thomas and Yong's K-infusion operator and then use it to obtain the bijections that prove the conjecture of Guo and Poznanovi\'{c}.    (Joint work with D. Saracino.)
