Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Stability for Sobolev and Log-Sobolev inequalities

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Michael LossSoM Georgia Tech

I discuss a sharp quantitative stability result for the Sobolev inequality with explicit constants. Moreover, the constants have the optimal behavior in the limit of large dimensions, which allows us to deduce an optimal quantitative stability estimate for the Gaussian log-Sobolev inequality with an explicit dimension-free constant.

Uniform perfection: a DIFF-icult situation

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 14:00 for
Skiles 006
Roberta ShapiroGeorgia Tech

Have you ever wanted to marry topology, hyperbolic geometry, and geometric group theory, all at once?* Bowden-Hensel-Webb do this and more when they embark on their study of Diff0(S). In this talk, we will discuss the main theorems of Bowden-Hensel-Webb's paper, the most notable of which is (arguably) the lack of uniform perfection of Diff0(S). We will then summarize the main tools they use to prove these results. (Note: the perspectives on Diff0(S) in this talk will DIFFer greatly from those used in the diffeomorphism groups class.) 


*If you answered "yes" for your personal life as opposed to your academic life: that's ok, I won't judge (if you don't tell me).

Regularity of Hele-Shaw flow with source and drift: Flat free boundaries are Lipschitz

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Yuming Paul ZhangAuburn University

The classical Hele-Shaw flow describes the motion of incompressible viscous fluid, which occupies part of the space between two parallel, nearby plates. With source and drift, the equation is used in models of tumor growth where cells evolve with contact inhibition, and congested population dynamics. We consider the flow with Hölder continuous source and Lipschitz continuous drift. We show that if the free boundary of the solution is locally close to a Lipschitz graph, then it is indeed Lipschitz, given that the Lipschitz constant is small. This is joint work with Inwon Kim.

Matchings in hypergraphs defined by groups

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 03:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Alp MuyesserUniversity College London

When can we find perfect matchings in hypergraphs whose vertices represent group elements and whose edges represent solutions to systems of linear equations? A prototypical problem of this type is the Hall-Paige conjecture, which asks for a characterisation of the groups whose multiplication table (viewed as a Latin square) contains a transversal. Other problems expressible in this language include the toroidal n-queens problem, Graham-Sloane harmonious tree-labelling conjecture, Ringel's sequenceability conjecture, Snevily's subsquare conjecture, Tannenbaum's zero-sum conjecture, and many others. All of these problems have a similar flavour, yet until recently they have been approached in completely different ways, using algebraic tools ranging from the combinatorial Nullstellensatz to Fourier analysis. In this talk we discuss a unified approach to attack these problems, using tools from probabilistic combinatorics. In particular, we will see that a suitably randomised version of the Hall-Paige conjecture can be used as a black-box to settle many old problems in the area for sufficiently large groups.  Joint work with Alexey Pokrosvkiy

Generalized square knots, homotopy 4-spheres, and balanced presentations

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, February 13, 2023 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
University of Georgia (Boyd 303)
Jeff MeierWestern Washington University

We will describe an elegant construction of potential counterexamples to the Smooth 4-Dimensional Poincaré Conjecture whose input is a fibered, homotopy-ribbon knot in the 3-sphere. The construction also produces links that are potential counterexamples to the Generalized Property R Conjecture, as well as balanced presentations of the trivial group that are potential counterexamples to the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture. We will then turn our attention to generalized square knots (connected sums of torus knots with their mirrors), which provide a setting where the potential counterexamples mentioned above can be explicitly understood. Here, we show that the constructed 4-manifolds are diffeomorphic to the 4-sphere; but the potential counterexamples to the other conjectures persist. In particular, we present a new, large family of geometrically motivated balanced presentations of the trivial group. Along the way, we give a classification of fibered, homotopy-ribbon disks bounded by generalized square knots up to isotopy and isotopy rel-boundary. This talk is based on joint work with Alex Zupan.

Handle numbers of nearly fibered knots

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, February 13, 2023 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
University of Georgia & Zoom
Ken BakerUniversity of Miami

In the Instanton and Heegaard Floer theories, a nearly fibered knot is one for which the top grading has rank 2. Sivek-Baldwin and Li-Ye showed that the guts (ie. the reduced sutured manifold complement) of a minimal genus Seifert surface of a nearly fibered knot has of one of three simple types.We show that nearly fibered knots with guts of two of these types have handle number 2 while those with guts of the third type have handle number 4.  Furthermore, we show that nearly fibered knots have unique incompressible Seifert surfaces rather than just unique minimal genus Siefert surfaces. This is joint work in progress with Fabiola Manjarrez-Gutierrez.

Embedded solitary internal waves

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, February 13, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Paul MilewskiUniversity of Bath, UK/Courant Institute NYU

Please Note: We expect to have an online option available:

The ocean and atmosphere are density stratified fluids. A wide variety of gravity waves propagate in their interior, redistributing energy and mixing the fluid, affecting global climate balances.  Stratified fluids with narrow regions of rapid density variation with respect to depth (pycnoclines) are often modelled as layered flows. We shall adopt this model and examine horizontally propagating internal waves within a three-layer fluid, with a focus on mode-2 waves which have oscillatory vertical structure and whose observations and modelling have only recently started. Mode-2 waves (typically) occur within the linear spectrum of mode-1 waves (i.e. they travel at lower speeds than mode-1 waves), and thus mode-2 solitary waves are  generically associated with an unphysical resonant mode-1 infinite oscillatory tail. We will show that these tail oscillations can be found to have zero amplitude, thus resulting in families of localised solutions (so called embedded solitary waves) in the Euler equations. This is the first example we know of embedded solitary waves in the Euler equations, and would imply that these waves are longer lived that previously thought.

Excluding a line from complex-representable matroids

Algebra Seminar
Monday, February 13, 2023 - 10:20 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 005
Zach WalshGeorgia Institute of Technology

The extremal function of a class of matroids maps each positive integer n to the maximum number of elements of a simple matroid in the class with rank at most n. We will present a result concerning the role of finite groups in minor-closed classes of matroids, and then use it to determine the extremal function for several natural classes of representable matroids. We will assume no knowledge of matroid theory. This is joint work with Jim Geelen and Peter Nelson.

Computation with sequences of neural assemblies

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, February 10, 2023 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Max DabagiaGeorgia Tech CS

Assemblies are subsets of neurons whose coordinated excitation is hypothesized to represent the subject's thinking of an object, idea, episode, or word. Consequently, they provide a promising basis for a theory of how neurons and synapses give rise to higher-level cognitive phenomena. The existence (and pivotal role) of assemblies was first proposed by Hebb, and has since been experimentally confirmed, as well as rigorously proven to emerge in the model of computation in the brain recently developed by Papadimitriou & Vempala. In light of contemporary studies which have documented the creation and activation of sequences of assemblies of neurons following training on tasks with sequential decisions, we study here the brain's mechanisms for working with sequences in the assemblies model of Papadimitriou & Vempala.  We show that (1) repeated presentation of a sequence of stimuli leads to the creation of a sequence of corresponding assemblies -- upon future presentation of any contiguous sub-sequence of stimuli, the corresponding assemblies are activated and continue until the end of the sequence; (2) when the stimulus sequence is projected to two brain areas in a "scaffold", both memorization and recall are more efficient, giving rigorous backing to the cognitive phenomenon that memorization and recall are easier with scaffolded memories; and (3) existing assemblies can be quite easily linked to simulate an arbitrary finite state machine (FSM), thereby capturing the brain's ability to memorize algorithms. This also makes the assemblies model capable of arbitrary computation simply in response to presentation of a suitable stimulus sequence, without explicit control commands. These findings provide a rigorous, theoretical explanation at the neuronal level of complex phenomena such as sequence memorization in rats and algorithm learning in humans, as well as a concrete hypothesis as to how the brain's remarkable computing and learning abilities could be realized.


Joint work with Christos Papadimitriou and Santosh Vempala.

On Extremal Polynomials: 5. Upper Estimates and Irregularity of Widom Factors

Mathematical Physics and Analysis Working Seminar
Friday, February 10, 2023 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Burak HatinogluGeorgia Institute of Technology

We will continue to focus on Cantor-type sets we introduced last week. Using them we will consider maximal growth rate and irregular behavior of Widom factors (nth Chebyshev number divided by nth power of logarithmic capacity). We will also discuss a recent result of Jacob Christiansen, Barry Simon and Maxim Zinchenko, which shows that Widom factors of Parreau-Widom sets are uniformly bounded.
