Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Symmetric group representations and break divisors on graphs

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Vasu TewariUniversity of Hawaii

Please Note: Live streamed but not recorded:

The last decade has witnessed great interest in the study of divisors of graphs and a fascinating combinatorially-rich picture has emerged. The class of break divisors has attracted particular attention, for reasons both geometric and combinatorial. I will present several representation-theoretic results in this context.

I will demonstrate how certain quotients of polynomial rings by power ideals, already studied by Ardila-Postnikov, Sturmfels-Xu, Postnikov-Shapiro amongst others, arise by applying the method of orbit harmonics to break divisors. These quotients then naturally afford symmetric group representations which are not entirely understood yet. By describing the invariant spaces of these representations in terms of break divisors, I will answer a combinatorial question from the setting of cohomological Hall algebras.

A Tale of Two Theorems of Thurston

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, January 9, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Dan MargalitGeorgia Institute of Technology

In the 20th century, Thurston proved two classification theorems, one for surface homeomorphisms and one for branched covers of surfaces.  While the theorems have long been understood to be analogous, we will present new work with Belk and Winarski showing that the two theorems are in fact special cases of one Ubertheorem.  We will also discuss joint work with Belk, Lanier, Strenner, Taylor, Winarski, and Yurttas on algorithmic aspects of Thurston’s theorem.  This talk is meant to be accessible to a wide audience.

Dynamics, number theory, and unlikely intersections

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 9, 2023 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 and
Myrto MavrakiHarvard

Fruitful interactions between arithmetic geometry and dynamical systems have emerged in recent years. In this talk I will illustrate how insights from complex dynamics can be employed to study problems from arithmetic geometry. And conversely how arithmetic geometry can be used in the study of dynamical systems. The motivating questions are inspired by a recurring phenomenon in arithmetic geometry known as `unlikely intersections' and conjectures of Pink and Zilber therein. More specifically, I will discuss work toward understanding the distribution of preperiodic points in subvarieties of families of rational maps.

Prediction problems and second order equations

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 or
Ibrahim EkrenFlorida State University

We study the long-time regime of the prediction with expert advice problem in both full information and adversarial bandit feedback setting. We show that with full information, the problem leads to second order parabolic partial differential equations in the Euclidean space. We exhibit solvable cases for this equation and discuss the optimal behavior of both agents. In the adversarial bandit feedback setting, we show that the problem leads to second order parabolic equations in the Wasserstein space which allows us to obtain novel regret bounds. Based on joint works with Erhan Bayraktar and Xin Zhang.

Classical Developments of Compressible Fluid Flow

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Leonardo AbbresciaVanderbilt University

The flow of compressible fluids is governed by the Euler equations, and understanding the dynamics for large times is an outstanding open problem whose full resolution is unlikely to happen in our lifetimes. The main source of difficulty is that any global-in-time theory must incorporate singularities in the PDEs, a fact we have known even in one spatial dimension since Riemann’s 1860 work. In this 1D setting, mathematicians have successfully spent the past 160 years painting a nearly-full picture of fluid dynamics that incorporates singularities.


There is a monumental gap in our understanding of compressible fluids in the physical 3D setting compared to the 1D case. This is due in large to the (provable) inaccessibility of the technical PDE tools used in 1D when quantifying the dynamics in 3D. Nevertheless, Christodoulou’s 2007 celebrated breakthrough on shock singularities for the Euler equation has sparked a dramatic wave of results and ideas in multiple space dimensions that have the potential to make the first meaningful dent in the global-in-time theory of compressible fluids. Roughly, shocks are a form of singularity where the fluid solution remains regular but certain first derivatives blow up.


In this talk I will discuss the recent culmination of the wave of results initiated by Christodoulou: my work on the maximal classical development (MCD) for compressible fluids, joint with J. Speck. Roughly speaking, the MCD describes the largest region of spacetime where the Euler equations admit a classical solution. For an open set of smooth data, my work reveals the intimate relationship between shock singularity formation and the full structure of the MCD. This fully solves the 162 year old open problem of extending Riemann’s historic 1D result to 3D without symmetry assumptions. In addition to the mathematical contribution, the geo-analytic information of the MCD is precisely the correct “initial data” needed to physically describe the fluid “past” the initial shock singularity in a weak sense. I will also briefly discuss the countless open problems in the field, all of which can be viewed as “building blocks” which will shine the first lights onto the outstanding global-in-time open problem of fluids.

d-Pleated surfaces and their coordinates

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, December 12, 2022 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Giuseppe MartoneYale
Thurston introduced pleated surfaces as a powerful tool to study hyperbolic 3-manifolds. An abstract pleated surface is a representation of the fundamental group of a hyperbolic surface into the Lie group PSL(2,C) of orientation preserving isometries of hyperbolic 3-space together with an equivariant map from the hyperbolic plane into hyperbolic 3-space which satisfies additional properties.
In this talk, we introduce a notion of d-pleated surface for representations into PSL(d,C) which is motivated by the theory of Anosov representations. In addition, we give a holomorphic parametrization of the space of d-pleated surfaces via cocyclic pairs, thus generalizing a result of Bonahon.

This talk is based on joint work with Sara Maloni, Filippo Mazzoli and Tengren Zhang.

From Artin monoids to Artin groups

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Friday, December 9, 2022 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Ruth CharneyBrandeis University

Braid groups belong to a broad class of groups known as Artin groups, which are defined by presentations of a particular form and have played a major role in geometric group theory and low-dimensional topology in recent years. These groups fall into two classes, finite-type and infinte-type Artin groups. The former come equipped with a powerful combinatorial structure, known as a Garside structure, while the latter are much less understood and present many challenges. However, if one restricts to the Artin monoid, then much of the combinatorial structure still applies in the infinite-type case. In a joint project with Rachael Boyd, Rose Morris-Wright, and Sarah Rees, we use geometric techniques to study the relation between the Artin monoid and the Artin group.

Determinantal Representations and the Image of the Principal Minor Map

Algebra Student Seminar
Friday, December 9, 2022 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Abeer Al AhmadiehGeorgia Institute of Technology

 The principal minor map takes an n  by n square matrix to the length 2^n-vector of its principal minors. A basic question is to give necessary and sufficient conditions that characterize the image of various spaces of matrices under this map. In this talk, I will describe the image of the space of complex matrices using a characterization of determinantal representations of multiaffine polynomials, based on the factorization of their Rayleigh differences. Using these techniques I will give equations and inequalities characterizing the images of the spaces of real and complex symmetric and Hermitian matrices. For complex symmetric matrices, this recovers a result of Oeding from 2011. If time permits, I will also give examples to prove that for general matrices no such finite characterization is possible. This is based on joint work with Cynthia Vinzant.

Quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation with unbounded operators

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, December 8, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 or
Di FangUC Berkeley

Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress in developing and analyzing quantum computing algorithms for quantum dynamics simulation of bounded operators (Hamiltonian simulation). However, many scientific and engineering problems require the efficient treatment of unbounded operators, which frequently arise due to the discretization of differential operators. Such applications include molecular dynamics, electronic structure theory, quantum control and quantum machine learning. We will introduce some recent advances in quantum algorithms for efficient unbounded Hamiltonian simulation, including Trotter type splitting and the quantum highly oscillatory protocol (qHOP) in the interaction picture. The latter yields a surprising superconvergence result for regular potentials. In the end, I will discuss briefly how Hamiltonian simulation techniques can be applied to a quantum learning task achieving optimal scaling. (The talk does not assume a priori knowledge on quantum computing.)

Structure for dense graphs: forbidding a vertex-minor

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 / hybrid
Rose McCartyPrinceton University

Structural graph theory has traditionally focused on graph classes that are closed under both vertex- and edge-deletion (such as, for each surface Σ, the class of all graphs which embed in Σ). A more recent trend, however, is to require only closure under vertex-deletion. This is typically the right approach for graphs with geometric, rather than topological, representations. More generally, it is usually the right approach for graphs that are dense, rather than sparse. I will discuss this paradigm, taking a closer look at classes with a forbidden vertex-minor.
