Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Using Morse homology to understand persistence modules I

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, November 18, 2022 - 14:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 006
Daniel IrvineGeorgia Tech

Please Note: Part 1 of a multi-part discussion.

Morse theory and Morse homology together give a method for understanding how the topology of a smooth manifold changes with respect to a filtration of the manifold given by sub-level sets. The Morse homology of a smooth manifold can be expressed using an algebraic object called a persistence module. A persistence module is a module graded by real numbers, and in this setup the grading on the module corresponds to the aforementioned filtration on the smooth manifold.

This is the first of a series of talks that aims to explain the relationship between Morse homology and persistence modules. In the first talk, I will give a rapid review of Morse theory and a review of Morse homology. An understanding of singular homology will be assumed. 

Breaking the quadratic gap for strongly polynomial solvers to combinatorial linear programs

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, November 18, 2022 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Bento NaturaGeorgia Tech ISyE

Recent years have seen tremendous progress in high-accuracy solvers for Maximum Flow, Minimum-Cost Flow and general Linear Programs (LP). Progress on strongly polynomial solvers for combinatorial LP on the other hand has stalled. The computational gap between high-accuracy solvers and strongly polynomial solvers is linear in the number of variables only for combinatorial LP on directed graphs. For combinatorial LP beyond directed graphs this gap is currently quadratic and is known since the 1980s due to a seminal result by Tardos.

We finally break the quadratic gap and design a strongly polynomial interior-point-method for combinatorial LP, which reduces the gap to only a linear factor. Thus, we match the known linear gap for LP on directed graphs. Furthermore, we close the linear gap between feasibility and optimization of combinatorial LP.

Idylls and Baker-Lorscheid Multiplicities

Algebra Student Seminar
Friday, November 18, 2022 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Trevor GunnGeorgia Tech

I will describe the arithmetic of polynomials over idylls and various division algorithms and rules. For instance, that arithmetic might capture a total order/sign or an absolute value. These division algorithms will relate, for instance, the number of positive roots of a polynomial to the signs of the coefficients (Descartes's Rule of Signs).

New bounds on the excess charge for bosonic systems interacting through Coulomb potentials

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Rafael BenguriaCatholic University of Chile

In this talk, using a technique introduced by P.~T.~Nam in 2012 and the Coulomb Uncertainty Principle, I will present the proof of new bounds on the excess charge for non relativistic  atomic systems, independent of the particle statistics. These new bounds are the best bounds to date for bosonic systems. This is joint work with Juan Manel González and Trinidad Tubino.

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Large Dimensional Independent Component Analysis: Statistical Optimality and Computational Tractability

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Ming YuanColumbia University

Independent component analysis is a useful and general data analysis tool. It has found great successes in many applications. But in recent years, it has been observed that many popular approaches to ICA do not scale well with the number of components. This debacle has inspired a growing number of new proposals. But it remains unclear what the exact role of the number of components is on the information theoretical limits and computational complexity for ICA. Here I will describe our recent work to specifically address these questions and introduce a refined method of moments that is both computationally tractable and statistically optimal.

Structured multi-objective optimization: Optimization on dynamic graphs and multi-task learning

Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Justin RombergGeorgia Tech

We will discuss two types of structured multi-objective optimization programs.  In the first, the goal is to minimize a sum of functions described by a graph: each function is associated with a vertex, and there is an edge between vertices if two functions share a subset of their variables.   Problems of this type arise in state estimation problems, including simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in robotics, tracking, and streaming reconstruction problems in signal processing.  We will show that under mild smoothness conditions, these types of problems exhibit a type of locality: if a node is added to the graph (changing the optimization problem), the optimal solution changes only for variables that are ``close’’ to the added node, immediately giving us a quick way to update the solution as the graph grows.

In the second part of the talk, we will consider a multi-task learning problem where the solutions are expected to lie in a low-dimensional subspace.  This corresponds to a low-rank matrix recover problem where the columns of the matrix have been ``sketched’’ independently.  We show that a novel convex relaxation of this problem results in optimal sample complexity bounds.  These bounds demonstrate the statistical leverage we gain by solving the problem jointly over solving each individually.

Fillability of Contact Structures on the 3-manifolds obtained by surgeries on the trefoil knot

Geometry Topology Seminar
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 17:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
University of Georgia (Boyd 322)
Nur Saglam

Let M be the 3-manifold obtained by r-surgery on the right handed trefoil knot. Classification of contact structures on such manifolds have been mostly understood for r \geq 1 and r=0. Etnyre-Min-Tosun has an upcoming work on the classification of the tight contact structures for all r. The fillability of contact structures on M is mostly understood if r is not between 0 and 1/2. In this talk, we will discuss the fillability of the contact structures M for 0

Obstructing Reducible Surgeries: Slice Genus and Thickness Bounds

Geometry Topology Seminar
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
University of Georgia (Boyd 322)
Robert DeYosoUniversity of Iowa

We study reducible surgeries on knots in S^3, developing thickness bounds for L-space knots that admit reducible surgeries and lower bounds on the slice genus of general knots that admit reducible surgeries. The L-space knot thickness bounds allow us to finish off the verification of the Cabling Conjecture for thin knots. Our techniques involve the d-invariants and mapping cone formula from Heegaard Floer homology. This is joint work with Holt Bodish.

On the coequal values of total chromatic number and chromatic index.

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Yanli HaoGeorgia State University

The chromatic index $\chi'(G)$ of a graph $G$ is the least number of colors assigned to the edges of $G$ such that no two adjacent edges receive the same color. The total chromatic number $\chi''(G)$ of a graph $G$ is the least number of colors assigned to the edges and vertices of $G$ such that no two adjacent edges receive the same color, no two adjacent vertices receive the same color and no edge has the same color as its two endpoints. The chromatic index and the total chromatic number are two of few fundamental graph parameters, and their correlation has always been a subject of intensive study in graph theory.

By definition, $\chi'(G) \le \chi''(G)$ for every graph $G$. In 1984,  Goldberg conjectured that for any multigraph $G$, if $\chi'(G) \ge \Delta(G) +3$ then $\chi''(G) = \chi'(G)$. We show that Goldberg's conjecture is asymptotically true. More specifically,  we prove that for a multigraph $G$ with maximum degree $\Delta$ sufficiently large, $\chi''(G) = \chi'(G)$ provided $\chi'(G) \ge \Delta + 10\Delta^{35/36}$.  When $\chi'(G) \ge \Delta(G) +2$, the chromatic index $\chi'(G)$ is completely determined by the fractional chromatic index. Consequently,   the total chromatic number $\chi''(G)$ can be computed in polynomial-time in this case.

Global-in-space stability of self-similar blowup for supercritical wave maps

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Irfan GlogićUniversity of Vienna

A distinctive feature of nonlinear evolution equations is the possibility of breakdown of solutions in finite time. This phenomenon, which is also called singularity formation or blowup, has both physical and mathematical significance, and, as a consequence, predicting blowup and understanding its nature is a central problem of the modern analysis of nonlinear PDEs.

In this talk we concentrate on wave maps – a geometric nonlinear wave equation – and we discuss the existence and stability of self-similar solutions, as in all higher dimensions they appear to drive the generic blowup behavior. We outline a novel framework for studying global-in-space stability of such solutions; we then men-tion some long-awaited results that we thereby obtained, and, finally, we discuss the new mathematical challenges that our approach generates.
