Seminars and Colloquia by Series


Other Talks
Saturday, March 9, 2019 - 13:00 for 4 hours (half day)
Ebster Recreation Center, Decatur
Evans Harrell, Matt Baker, and GT Club Math, among othersGeorgia Tech, Emory, and others

Mathapalooza! is simultaneously a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival and an event of the Atlanta Science Festival. There will be puzzles and games, a magic show by Matt Baker, mathematically themed courtroom skits by GT Club Math, a presentation about math and dance by Manuela Manetta, a presentation about math and music by David Borthwick, and a gallery of mathematical art curated by Elisabetta Matsumoto. It is free, and we anticipate engaging hundreds of members of the public in the wonders of mathematics. More info at there or B^2 !

Measure-valued splines and matrix optimal transport

GT-MAP Seminar
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Prof. Yongxin ChenGT AE

Two recent extensions of optimal mass transport theory will be covered. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss measure-valued spline, which generalizes the notion of cubic spline to the space of distributions. It addresses the problem to smoothly interpolate (empirical) probability measures. Potential applications include time sequence interpolation or regression of images, histograms or aggregated datas. In the second part of the talk, we will introduce matrix-valued optimal transport. It extends the optimal transport theory to handle matrix-valued densities. Several instances are quantum states, color images, diffusion tensor images and multi-variate power spectra. The new tool is expected to have applications in these domains. We will focus on theoretical side of the stories in both parts of the talk.

1-d parabolic Anderson model with rough spatial noise

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, March 7, 2019 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Samy TindelPurdue University
In this talk I will first recall some general facts about the parabolic Anderson model (PAM), which can be briefly described as a simple heat equation in a random environment. The key phenomenon which has to be observed in this context is called localization. I will review some ways to express this phenomenon, and then single out the so called eigenvectors localization for the Anderson operator. This particular instance of localization motivates our study of large time asymptotics for the stochastic heat equation. In the second part of the talk I will describe the Gaussian environment we consider, which is rougher than white noise, then I will give an account on the asymptotic exponents we obtain as time goes to infinity. If time allows it, I will also give some elements of proof.

Packing and covering triangles

Graph Theory Working Seminar
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Youngho YooGeorgia Tech

Let $\nu$ denote the maximum size of a packing of edge-disjoint triangles in a graph $G$. We can clearly make $G$ triangle-free by deleting $3\nu$ edges. Tuza conjectured in 1981 that $2\nu$ edges suffice, and proved it for planar graphs. The best known general bound is $(3-\frac{3}{23})\nu$ proven by Haxell in 1997. We will discuss this proof and some related results.

Global Convergence of Neuron Birth-Death Dynamics

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Joan Bruna Estrach New York University
Neural networks with a large number of parameters admit a mean-field description, which has recently served as a theoretical explanation for the favorable training properties of "overparameterized" models. In this regime, gradient descent obeys a deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) that converges to a globally optimal solution for networks with a single hidden layer under appropriate assumptions. In this talk, we propose a non-local mass transport dynamics that leads to a modified PDE with the same minimizer. We implement this non-local dynamics as a stochastic neuronal birth-death process and we prove that it accelerates the rate of convergence in the mean-field limit. We subsequently realize this PDE with two classes of numerical schemes that converge to the mean-field equation, each of which can easily be implemented for neural networks with finite numbers of parameters. We illustrate our algorithms with two models to provide intuition for the mechanism through which convergence is accelerated. Joint work with G. Rotskoff (NYU), S. Jelassi (Princeton) and E. Vanden-Eijnden (NYU).

A restriction estimate in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 13:55 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Hong WangMIT

If $f$ is a function supported on a truncated paraboloid, what can we say about $Ef$, the Fourier transform of f? Stein conjectured in the 1960s that for any $p>3$, $\|Ef\|_{L^p(R^3)} \lesssim \|f\|_{L^{\infty}}$.

We make a small progress toward this conjecture and show that it holds for $p> 3+3/13\approx 3.23$. In the proof, we combine polynomial partitioning techniques introduced by Guth and the two ends argument introduced by Wolff and Tao.

On the reconstruction error of PCA

Stochastics Seminar
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 168
Martin WahlHumboldt University, Berlin.

We identify principal component analysis (PCA) as an empirical risk minimization problem with respect to the reconstruction error and prove non-asymptotic upper bounds for the corresponding excess risk. These bounds unify and improve existing upper bounds from the literature. In particular, they give oracle inequalities under mild eigenvalue conditions. We also discuss how our results can be transferred to the subspace distance and, for instance, how our approach leads to a sharp $\sin \Theta$ theorem for empirical covariance operators. The proof is based on a novel contraction property, contrasting previous spectral perturbation approaches. This talk is based on joint works with Markus Reiß and Moritz Jirak.

Field Theoretical Interpretation of QM Wave Functions and Quantum Mechanism of High Tc Superconductivity

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Professor Shouhong WangIndiana University

First, we introduce a new field theoretical interpretation of quantum mechanical wave functions, by postulating that the wave function is the common wave function for all particles in the same class determined by the external potential V, of the modulus of the wave function represents the distribution density of the particles, and the gradient of phase of the wave function provides the velocity field of the particles. Second, we show that the key for condensation of bosonic particles is that their interaction is sufficiently weak to ensure that a large collection of boson particles are in a state governed by the same condensation wave function field under the same bounding potential V. For superconductivity, the formation of superconductivity comes down to conditions for the formation of electron-pairs, and for the electron-pairs to share a common wave function. Thanks to the recently developed PID interaction potential of electrons and the average-energy level formula of temperature, these conditions for superconductivity are explicitly derived. Furthermore, we obtain both microscopic and macroscopic formulas for the critical temperature. Third, we derive the field and topological phase transition equations for condensates, and make connections to the quantum phase transition, as a topological phase transition. This is joint work with Tian Ma.

The nu+ equivalence class of genus one knots

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, March 4, 2019 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 154
Kouki SatoUniversity of Tokyo
The nu+ equivalence is an equivalence relation on the knot concordance group. It is known that the equivalence can be seen as a certain stable equivalence on knot Floer complexes, and many concordance invariants derived from Heegaard Floer theory are invariant under the equivalence. In this talk, we show that any genus one knot is nu+ equivalent to one of the unknot, the trefoil and its mirror.

Chow rings of matroids, ring of matroid quotients, and beyond

Algebra Seminar
Monday, March 4, 2019 - 12:50 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Chris EurUniversity of California, Berkeley
We introduce a certain nef generating set for the Chow ring of the wonderful compactification of a hyperplane arrangement complement. This presentation yields a monomial basis of the Chow ring that admits a geometric and combinatorial interpretation with several applications. Geometrically, one can recover Poincare duality, compute the volume polynomial, and identify a portion of a polyhedral boundary of the nef cone. Combinatorially, one can generalize Postnikov's result on volumes of generalized permutohedra, prove Mason's conjecture on the log-concavity of independent sets for certain matroids, and define a new valuative invariant of a matroid that measures its closeness to uniform matroids. This is an on-going joint work with Connor Simpson and Spencer Backman.
