Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Kac's program in Kinetic Theory

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 10:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Clement MouhotUniversity of Cambridge
Mark Kac proposed in 1956 a program for deriving the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation from a many-particle jump collision process. The goal was to justify in this context the molecular chaos, as well as the H-theorem on the relaxation to equilibrium. We give answers to several questions of Kac concerning the connexion between dissipativity of the many-particle process and the limit equation; we prove relaxation rates independent of the number of particles as well as the propagation of entropic chaos. This crucially relies on a new method for obtaining quantitative uniform in time estimates of propagation of chaos. This is a joint work with S. Mischler.

Stability for the relative isoperimetric inequality inside an open, convex cone

Math Physics Seminar
Monday, April 30, 2012 - 12:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Emanuel IndreiUniversity of Texas
The relative isoperimetric inequality inside an open, convex cone C states that under a volume constraint, the ball intersected the cone minimizes the perimeter inside C. In this talk, we will show how one can use optimal transport theory to obtain this inequality, and we will prove a corresponding sharp stability result. This is joint work with Alessio Figalli.

Discrete Mathematical Biology Working Seminar

Other Talks
Monday, April 30, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 114
Martin CopenhaverGeorgia Tech
A discussion of the paper "Modeling and automation of sequencing-based characterization of RNA structure" by Aviran et al (PNAS, 2011).

Southeast Geometry Seminar

Other Talks
Sunday, April 29, 2012 - 08:30 for 8 hours (full day)
Skiles 005
Southeast Geometry SeminarSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech

Please Note: The general public lecture will be presented by Jason Cantarella (University of Georgia) entitled The Square Peg Theorems or What does it mean to solve simultaneous equations? to take place in Klaus 1116 at 5:00PM

The Southeast Geometry Seminar is a series of semiannual one-day events focusing on geometric analysis. These events are hosted in rotation by the following institutions: The University of Alabama at Birmingham;  The Georgia Institute of Technology;  Emory University;  The University of Tennessee Knoxville.  The following five speakers will give presentations on topics that include geometric analysis, and related fields, such as partial differential equations, general relativity, and geometric topology. Jason Cantarella (University of Georgia);   Meredith Casey (The Georga Institute of Technology);  Kirk Lancaster (Wichita State University); Junfang Li ( University of Alabama at Birmingham)  Jason Parsley (Wake Forest University);

Towards Sarkozy's Problem

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 27, 2012 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Ernie CrootSchool of Math, Ga Tech
Sarkozy's problem is a classical problem in additive number theory, which asks for the size of the largest subset A of {1,2,...,n} such that the difference set A-A does not contain a (non-zero) square. I will discuss the history of this problem, some recent progress that I and several collaborators have made on it, and our future research plans.

5-List-Coloring Graphs on Surfaces

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, April 27, 2012 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Executive classroom, ISyE Main Building
Luke PostleSchool of Math., Georgia Tech
Thomassen proved that there are only finitely many 6-critical graphs embeddable on a fixed surface. He also showed that planar graphs are 5-list-colorable. We develop new techniques to prove a general theorem for 5-list-coloring graphs embedded on a fixed surface. Namely, for every surface S and every integer C > 0, there exists D such that the following holds: Let G be a graph embedded in a surface S with edge-width at least D and a list assignment L such that, for every vertex v in G, L(v) has size at least five. If F is a collection of any number of facial cycles of length at most C such that every two cycles in F are distance at least D apart and every cycle in F has a locally planar neighborhood up to distance D/2, then any proper L-coloring of F extends to an L-coloring of G. This theorem implies the following results. In what follows, let S be a fixed surface, G be a graph embedded in S (except in 4, where G is drawn in S) and L a list assignment such that, for every vertex v of G, L(v) has size at least five. 1. If G has large edge-width, then G is 5-list-colorable. (Devos, Kawarabayashi and Mohar) 2. There exists only finitely many 6-list-critical graphs embeddable in S. (Conjectured by Thomassen, Proof announced by Kawarabayashi and Mohar) As a corollary, there exists a linear-time algorithm for deciding 5-list-colorability of graphs embeddable on S. Furthermore, we exhibit an explicit bound on the size of such graphs. 3. There exists D(S) such that the following holds: If X is a subset of the vertices of G that are pairwise distance at least D(S) apart, then any L-coloring of X extends to an L-coloring G. For planar graphs, this was conjectured by Albertson and recently proved by Dvorak, Lidicky, Mohar, and Postle. 4. There exists D(S) such that the following holds: If G is a graph drawn in S with face-width at least D(S) such that any pair of crossings is distance at least D apart, then G is L-colorable. For planar graphs, this was recently proved by Dvorak, Lidicky and Mohar. Joint work with Robin Thomas.

Graduate Student Probability Conference

Other Talks
Friday, April 27, 2012 - 08:30 for 8 hours (full day)
Klaus 1116
Probability Graduate StudentsSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech School of Mathematics will host the 6th Annual Graduate Student Probability Conference (GSPC) from April 27-29, 2012. The conference is open to all graduate students and post-doctoral fellows interested in probability. The two keynote speakers this year are: Professor Jean Bertoin, Universität Zürich; Professor Craig Tracy, University of California

A new bound for the 2/3 Conjecture

Graph Theory Seminar
Thursday, April 26, 2012 - 13:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Peter WhalenMath, GT
We show that any n-vertex complete graph with edges colored with three colors contains a set of at most four vertices such that the number of the neighbors of these vertices in one of the colors is at least 2n/3. The previous best value proved by Erdos et al in 1989 is 22. It is conjectured that three vertices suffice. This is joint work with Daniel Kral, Chun-Hung Liu, Jean-Sebastien Sereni, and Zelealem Yilma.
