Seminars and Colloquia by Series

The exotic world of 4-manifolds

Research Horizons Seminar
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - 12:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
John EtnyreGeorgia Tech
Four dimensions is unique in many ways. For examplen-dimensional Euclidean space has a unique smooth structure if andonly if n is not equal to four. In other words, there is only one wayto understand smooth functions on R^n if and only if n is not 4. Thereare many other way that smooth structures on 4-dimensional manifoldsbehave in surprising ways. In this talk I will discuss this and I willsketch the beautiful interplay of ideas (you got algebra, analysis andtopology, a little something for everyone!) that go into proving R^4has more that one smooth structure (actually it has uncountably manydifferent smooth structures but that that would take longer toexplain).

Exotic 4-manifolds

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Bulent TosunGeorgia Tech
I will talk about rational blow down operation and give a quick exotic example.

Joint Athens-Atlanta Number Theory - Oscillatory integrals in analytic and adelic geometry

Other Talks
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - 17:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Emory University, Math and Science Center W201
Yuri TschinkelNew York University

Please Note: If you wish to drive your own car and park, the closest parking deck is attached to the Oxford Rd Building. There will be a charge for parking, which is $6 for 2-3 hours. Once you have parked, exit the parking garage into the building and there will be an elevator to your right. Take the elevator to level 3. You should take a left out of the elevator and proceed through the glass doors into the courtyard area. The Mathematics and Science Center will be the building to your left.

Oscillatory integrals arising as Fourier transforms of local and global height functions play an important role in the spectral analysis of height zeta functions. I will explain a general geometric technique which allows to evaluate such integrals. This is joint work with A. Chambert-Loir.

Joint Athens-Atlanta Number Theory - Moments of zeta and L-functions

Other Talks
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Emory University, Math and Science Center W201
K. SoundararajanStanford University

Please Note: If you wish to drive your own car and park, the closest parking deck is attached to the Oxford Rd Building. There will be a charge for parking, which is $6 for 2-3 hours. Once you have parked, exit the parking garage into the building and there will be an elevator to your right. Take the elevator to level 3. You should take a left out of the elevator and proceed through the glass doors into the courtyard area. The Mathematics and Science Center will be the building to your left.

An important theme in number theory is to understand the values taken by the Riemann zeta-function and related L-functions. While much progress has been made, many of the basic questions remain unanswered. I will discuss what is known about this question, explaining in particular the work of Selberg, random matrix theory and the moment conjectures of Keating and Snaith, and recent progress towards estimating the moments of zeta and L-functions.

State Transitions and Feedback Loops in the Immune Response

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Peter KimUniversity of Utah
The immune system is a complex, multi-layered biological system, making it difficult to characterize dynamically. Perhaps, we can better understand the system’s construction by isolating critical, functional motifs. From this perspective, we will investigate two simple, yet ubiquitous motifs:state transitions and feedback regulation.Numerous immune cells exhibit transitions from inactive to activated states. We focus on the T cell response and develop a model of activation, expansion, and contraction. Our study suggests that state transitions enable T cells to detect change and respond effectively to changes in antigen levels, rather than simply the presence or absence of antigen. A key component of the system that gives rise to this change detector is initial activation of naive T cells. The activation step creates a barrier that separates the slow dynamics of naive T cells from the fast dynamics of effector T cells, allowing the T cell population to compare short-term changes in antigen levels to long-term levels. As a result, the T cell population responds to sudden shifts in antigen levels, even if the antigen were already present prior to the change. This feature provides a mechanism for T cells to react to rapidly expandingsources of antigen, such as viruses, while maintaining tolerance to constant or slowly fluctuating sources of stimulation, such as healthy tissue during growth.For our second functional motif, we investigate the potential role of negative feedback in regulating a primary T cell response. Several theories exist concerning the regulation of primary T cell responses, the most prevalent being that T cells follow developmental programs. We propose an alternative hypothesis that the response is governed by a feedback loop between conventional and adaptive regulatory T cells. By developing a mathematical model, we show that the regulated response is robust to a variety of parameters and propose that T cell responses may be governed by a simple feedback loop rather than by autonomous cellular programs.

PDE Methods for Cardiovascular Treatment

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Prof. Suncica CanicDepartment of Mathematics, University of Houston
Mathematical modeling, analysis and numerical simulation, combined with imagingand experimental validation, provide a powerful tool for studying various aspects ofcardiovascular treatment and diagnosis. At the same time, problems motivated bycardiovascular applications give rise to mathematical problems whose studyrequires the development of sophisticated mathematical techniques. This talk willaddress two examples where such a synergy led to novel mathematical results anddirections. The first example concerns a mathematical study of the benchmarkproblem of fluid‐structure interaction (FSI) in blood flow. The resulting problem is anonlinear moving‐boundary problem coupling the flow of a viscous, incompressiblefluid with the motion of a linearly viscoelastic membrane/shell. An existence resultfor an effective, reduced model will be presented.The second example concerns a novel dimension reduction/multi‐scale approach tomodeling of endovascular stents as 3D meshes of 1D curved rods. The resultingmodel is in the form of a nonlinear hyperbolic network, for which no generalexistence results are available. The modeling background and the challenges relatedto the analysis of the solutions will be presented. An application to the study of themechanical properties of the currently available coronary stents on the US marketwill be shown.This talk will be accessible to a wide scientific audience.Collaborators include: Josip Tambaca (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Ando Mikelic(University of Lyon 1, France), Dr. David Paniagua (Texas Heart Institute), and Dr.Stephen Little (Methodist Hospital in Houston).

Lecture series on the disjoint paths algorithm

Graph Theory Seminar
Monday, January 31, 2011 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 168
Paul WollanGT, Math and University of Rome
The k-disjoint paths problem takes as input a graph G and k pairs of vertices (s_1, t_1),..., (s_k, t_k) and determines if there exist internally disjoint paths P_1,..., P_k such that the endpoints of P_i are s_i and t_i for all i=1,2,...,k. While the problem is NP-complete when k is allowed to be part of the input, Robertson and Seymour showed that there exists a polynomial time algorithm for fixed values of k. The existence of such an algorithm is the major algorithmic result of the Graph Minors series. The original proof of Robertson and Seymour relies on the whole theory of graph minors, and consequently is both quite technical and involved. Recent results have dramatically simplified the proof to the point where it is now feasible to present the proof in its entirety. This seminar series will do just that, with the level of detail aimed at a graduate student level.

Decomposing an infinite matroid into its 3-connected minors

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, January 28, 2011 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Luke PostleSchool of Math. Georgia Tech.
We extend the theory of infinite matroids recently developed by Bruhn et al to a well-known classical result in finite matroids while using the theory of connectivity for infinitematroids of Bruhn and Wollan. We prove that every infinite connected matroid M determines a graph-theoretic decomposition tree whose vertices correspond to minors of M that are3-connected, circuits, or cocircuits, and whose edges correspond to 2-separations of M. Tutte and many other authors proved such a decomposition for finite graphs; Cunningham andEdmonds proved this for finite matroids and showed that this decomposition is unique if circuits and cocircuits are also allowed. We do the same for infinite matroids. The knownproofs of these results, which use rank and induction arguments, do not extend to infinite matroids. Our proof avoids such arguments, thus giving a more first principles proof ofthe finite result. Furthermore, we overcome a number of complications arising from the infinite nature of the problem, ranging from the very existence of 2-sums to proving the treeis actually graph-theoretic.

Gromov's knot distortion

Geometry Topology Seminar
Friday, January 28, 2011 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
John PardonPrinceton University
Gromov defined the distortion of an embedding of S^1 into R^3 and asked whether every knot could be embedded with distortion less than 100. There are (many) wild embeddings of S^1 into R^3 with finite distortion, and this is one reason why bounding the distortion of a given knot class is hard. I will show how to give a nontrivial lower bound on the distortion of torus knots, which is sharp in the case of (p,p+1) torus knots. I will also mention some natural conjectures about the distortion, for example that the distortion of the (2,p)-torus knots is unbounded.
