Seminars and Colloquia by Series

A min-max theorem for circuit decompositions of group-labelled graphs

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Rose McCartyUniversity of Warsaw

This talk focuses on Eulerian graphs whose arcs are directed and labelled in a group. Each circuit yields a word over the group, and we say that a circuit is non-zero if this word does not evaluate to 0. We give a precise min-max theorem for the following problem. Given a vertex $v$, what is the maximum number of non-zero circuits in a circuit decomposition where each circuit begins and ends at $v$? This is joint work with Jim Geelen and Paul Wollan. Our main motivation is a surprising connection with vertex-minors which is due to Bouchet and Kotzig.


Algebra Seminar
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Michael BurrClemson University

Rigidity percolation in a random tensegrity via analytic graph theory

Other Talks
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Howey N110
Zeb RocklinGT Physics

Tensegrities are mechanical structures that include cable-like elements that are strong and lightweight relative to rigid rods yet support only extensile stress. From suspension bridges to the musculoskeletal system to individual biological cells, humanity makes excellent use of tensegrities, yet the sharply nonlinear response of cables presents serious challenges to analytical theory. Here we consider large tensegrity structures with randomly placed cables (and struts) overlaid on a regular rigid backbone whose corresponding system of inequalities is reduced via analytic theory to an exact graph theory. We identify a novel coordination number that controls two rigidity percolation transitions: one in which global interactions between cables first support external loads and one in which the structure becomes fully rigid.  We show that even the addition of a few cables strongly modifies conventional rigidity percolation, both by modifying the sharpness of the transition and by introducing avalanche effects in which a single constraint can eliminate multiple floppy modes. 



Sampling Approximately Low-Rank Ising Models: MCMC meets Variational Methods

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, April 18, 2022 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Hybrid: Skiles 005 and
Holden LeeDuke University

MCMC and variational inference are two competing paradigms for the problem of sampling from a given probability distribution. In this talk, I'll show how they can work together to give the first polynomial-time sampling algorithm for approximately low-rank Ising models. Sampling was previously known when all eigenvalues of the interaction matrix fit in an interval of length 1; however, a single outlier can cause Glauber dynamics to mix torpidly. Our result covers the case when all but O(1) eigenvalues lie in an interval of length 1. To deal with positive eigenvalues, we use a temperature-based heuristic for MCMC called simulated tempering, while to deal with negative eigenvalues, we define a nonconvex variational problem over Ising models, solved using SGD. Our result has applications to sampling Hopfield networks with a fixed number of patterns, Bayesian clustering models with low-dimensional contexts, and antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic Ising model on expander graphs.

Relating the untwisting and surgery description numbers

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, April 18, 2022 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Samantha AllenUGA

The untwisting number of a knot K is the minimum number of null-homologous full twists required to unknot K. The surgery description number of K can be defined similarly, allowing for multiple full twists in a single twisting region. We can find no examples of knots in the literature where these two invariants are not equal. In this talk, I will provide the first known example where untwisting number and surgery description number are not equal and discuss challenges to distinguishing these invariants in general.  This will involve an exploration of the existing obstructions (often Heegaard-Floer theoretic) as well as the algebraic versions of these invariants.  In addition, we show the surprising result that the untwisting number of a knot is at most three times its surgery description number.  This work is joint with Kenan Ince, Seungwon Kim, Benjamin Ruppik, and Hannah Turner.

A peek into Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Heavy Tails.

ACO Student Seminar
Friday, April 15, 2022 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Shubhada AgrawalTata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

Please Note: Link:

In this talk, we will look into the two most widely studied settings of the stochastic multi-armed bandit problems - regret minimization and pure exploration. The algorithm is presented with a finite set of unknown distributions from which it can generate samples. In the regret-minimization setting, its aim is to sample sequentially so as to maximize the total average reward accumulated. In the pure exploration setting, we are interested in algorithms that identify the arm with the maximum mean in a small number of samples on an average while keeping the probability of false selection to at most a pre-specified and small value. Both of these problems are well studied in literature and tight lower bounds and optimal algorithms exist when the arm distributions are known to belong to simple classes of distributions such as single-parameter exponential family, distributions that have bounded support, etc. However, in practice, the distributions may not satisfy these assumptions and may even be heavy-tailed. In this talk, we will look at techniques and algorithms for optimally solving these two problems with minimal assumptions on the arm distributions. These ideas can be extended to a more general objective of identifying the distribution with the minimum linear combination of risk and reward, which captures the risk-reward trade-off that is popular in many practical settings, including in finance.

On local rigidity of linear abelian actions on the torus

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, April 15, 2022 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Remote via Zoom
Bassam FayadUniversity of Maryland

Please Note: Zoom link:

In which cases and ways can one perturb the action on the torus of a commuting pair of $SL(n, \mathbb Z)$ matrices?

Two famous manifestations of local rigidity in this context are: 1) KAM-rigidity of simultaneously Diophantine torus translations (Moser) and 2) smooth rigidity of hyperbolic or partially hyperbolic higher rank actions (Damjanovic and Katok). To complete the study of local rigidity of affine $\mathbb Z^k$ actions on the torus one needs to address the case of actions with parabolic generators. In this talk, I will review the two different mechanisms behind the rigidity phenomena in 1) and 2) above, and show how blending them with parabolic cohomological stability and polynomial growth allows to address the rigidity problem in the parabolic case. 

This is joint work with Danijela Damjanovic and Maria Saprykina.

Dual representation of polynomial modules with applications to partial differential equations

Dissertation Defense
Friday, April 15, 2022 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006 or ONLINE
Marc HärkönenGeorgia Tech

In 1939, Wolfgang Gröbner proposed using differential operators to represent ideals in a polynomial ring. Using Macaulay inverse systems, he showed a one-to-one correspondence between primary ideals whose variety is a rational point, and finite dimensional vector spaces of differential operators with constant coefficients. The question for general ideals was left open. Significant progress was made in the 1960's by analysts, culminating in a deep result known as the Ehrenpreis-Palamodov fundamental principle, connecting polynomial ideals and modules to solution sets of linear, homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. 

This talk aims to survey classical results, and provide new constructions, applications, and insights, merging concepts from analysis and nonlinear algebra. We offer a new formulation generalizing Gröbner's duality for arbitrary polynomial ideals and modules and connect it to the analysis of PDEs. This framework is amenable to the development of symbolic and numerical algorithms. We also study some applications of algebraic methods in problems from analysis.


Exponential decay of intersection volume and applications

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 15, 2022 - 09:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)

Please Note: Note the unusual time!

When do two balls in a metric space have small intersection? We give some natural conditions to guarantee an exponential decay on the volume of such intersections. Our proof is conceptually simple, making use of concentration of measure on a "slice." We will discuss a couple of applications of this volume estimate in coding theory. This is joint work with Jaehoon Kim and Tuan Tran.

Formal grammar modeling three-stranded DNA:RNA braids

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Margherita Maria FerrariUniversity of South Florida

Meeting Link: (Meeting ID: 948 8229 0086, Passcode: 264830)

Abstract: R-loops are three-stranded structures formed by a DNA:RNA hybrid and a single strand of DNA, often appearing during transcription. Although R-loops can threaten genome integrity, recent studies have shown that they also play regulatory roles in physiological processes. However, little is known about their structure and formation. In this talk, we introduce a model for R-loops based on formal grammars, that are systems to generate words widely applied in molecular biology. In this framework, R-loops are described as strings of symbols representing the braiding of the strands in the structure, where each symbol corresponds to a different state of the braided structure. We discuss approaches to develop a stochastic grammar for R-loop prediction using experimental data, as well as refinements of the model by incorporating the effect of DNA topology on R-loop formation.

