Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Efficient Volatility Estimation Of Lévy Processes of Unbounded Variation

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
José Figueroa-LópezWashington University in St. Louis

Statistical inference of stochastic processes based on high-frequency observations has been an active research area for more than a decade. The most studied problem is the estimation of the quadratic variation of an Itô semimartingale with jumps. Several rate- and variance-efficient estimators have been proposed when the jump component is of bounded variation. However, to date, very few methods can deal with jumps of unbounded variation. By developing new high-order expansions of truncated moments of Lévy processes, a new efficient estimator is developed for a class of Lévy processes of unbounded variation. The proposed method is based on an iterative debiasing procedure of truncated realized quadratic variations. This is joint work with Cooper Bonience and Yuchen Han.

Factoring polynomials over hyperfields

Tropical Geometry Seminar
Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Trevor GunnGeorgia Tech

This talk will serve as an introduction to the algebra of hyperfields—fields with a multivalued addition. For example the sign hyperfield which is the arithmetic of real numbers modulo their absolute value (e.g. positive + positive = positive, positive + negative = any possibility). We will also introduce valued fields which capture the idea of how many times a fixed prime p divides the numerator or denominator of a rational number.

Using this arithmetic we will consider the combinatorial question of factoring a polynomial over a hyperfield. This will present a unified and conceptual way of looking at Descartes's rule of signs (how many positive roots does a real polynomial have) and the Newton polygon rule (how many roots are there which are divisible by p or p^2).

Real tropicalization and analytification of semialgebraic sets

Tropical Geometry Seminar
Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 10:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Josephine YuGeorgia Tech

I will define and discuss the tropicalization and analytification of semialgebraic sets. We show that the real analytification is homeomorphic to the inverse limit of real tropicalizations, analogously to a result of Payne. We also show a real analogue of the fundamental theorem of tropical geometry. This is based on joint work with Philipp Jell and Claus Scheiderer.

Tropicalization in Combinatorics

Tropical Geometry Seminar
Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 09:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Greg BlekhermanGeorgia Tech

Tropicalization is usually applied to algebraic or semi-algebraic sets, but I would like to introduce a different category of sets with well-behaved tropicalization: sets with the Hadamard property, i.e. subsets of the positive orthant closed under coordinate-wise (Hadamard) multiplication. Tropicalization (in the sense of logarithmic limit sets) of a set S with the Hadamard property is a convex cone, whose defining inequalities correspond to pure binomial inequalities valid on S.

I will do several examples of sets S with the Hadamard property coming from combinatorics, such as counts of independent sets in matroids, counts of faces in simplical complexes, and counts of graph homomorphisms. In all of our examples we observe a fascinating polyherdrality phenomenon: even though the sets S we are dealing with are not semilagebraic (they are infinite subsets of the integer lattice) the tropicalization is a rational polyhedral cone. Also, the pure binomial inequalities valid on S are often combinatorially interesting.

Joint work with Annie Raymond, Rekha Thomas and Mohit Singh.

Laplacian Eigenfunctions and the Hot Spots conjecture

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
ZOOM (see abstract for link)
Stefan SteinerbergerUniversity of Washington

The Hot Spots conjecture (due to J. Rauch from the 1970s) is one of the most interesting open problems in elementary PDEs: it basically says that if we run the heat equation in an insulated domain for a long period of time, then the hottest and the coldest spot will be on the boundary. What makes things more difficult is that the statement is actually false but that it's extremely nontrivial to construct counterexamples. The statement is widely expected to be true for convex domains but even triangles in the plane were only proven recently. We discuss the problem, show some recent pictures of counterexample domains and discuss some philosophically related results: (1) the hottest and the coldest spots are at least very far away from each other and (2) whenever the hottest spot is inside the domain, it is not that much hotter than the hottest spot on the boundary. Many of these questions should have analogues on combinatorial graphs and we mention some results in that direction as well.

The seminar will be held on Zoom and can be found at the link

Surfaces bounded by knots in the 3-sphere

Research Horizons Seminar
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 12:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jonathan SimoneGeorgia Institute of Technology

Given a knot $K$ in the 3-sphere, one can ask: what kinds of surfaces in the 3-sphere are bounded by $K$? One can also ask: what kinds of surfaces in the 4-ball (which is bounded by the 3-sphere) are bounded by $K$? In this talk we will discuss how to construct surfaces in both the 3-sphere and in the 4-ball bounded by a given knot $K$, how to obstruct the existence of such surfaces, and explore what is known and unknown about surfaces bounded by so-called torus knots.

The topology of nucleic acids

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Mariel VazquezUniversity of California, Davis

Please Note: Meeting Link:

Multiple cellular processes such as replication, recombination, and packing change the topology of nucleic acids. The genetic code of viruses and of living organisms is encoded in very long DNA or RNA molecules, which are tightly packaged in confined environments. Understanding the geometry and topology of nucleic acids is key to understanding the mechanisms of viral infection and the inner workings of a cell. We use techniques from knot theory and low-dimensional topology, aided by discrete methods and computational tools, to ask questions about the topological state of a genome. I will illustrate the use of these methods with examples drawn from recent work in my group.


Recording link:

Counting paths, cycles, and other subgraphs in planar graphs

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Ryan MartinIowa State University

For a planar graph $H$, let ${\bf N}_{\mathcal P}(n,H)$ denote the maximum number of copies of $H$ in an $n$-vertex planar graph. The case where $H$ is the path on $3$ vertices, $H=P_3$, was established by Alon and Caro. The case of $H=P_4$ was determined, also exactly, by Gy\H{o}ri, Paulos, Salia, Tompkins, and Zamora. In this talk, we will give the asymptotic values for $H$ equal to $P_5$ and $P_7$ as well as the cycles $C_6$, $C_8$, $C_{10}$ and $C_{12}$ and discuss the general approach which can be used to compute the asymptotic value for many other graphs $H$. This is joint work with Debarun Ghosh, Ervin Győri, Addisu Paulos, Nika Salia, Chuanqi Xiao, and Oscar Zamora and also joint work with Chris Cox.

Clusters and semistable models of hyperelliptic curves

Algebra Seminar
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jeffrey YeltonEmory University

For every hyperelliptic curve $C$ given by an equation of the form $y^2 = f(x)$ over a discretely-valued field of mixed characteristic $(0, p)$, there exists (after possibly extending the ground field) a model of $C$ which is semistable -- that is, a model whose special fiber (i.e. the reduction over the residue field) consists of reduced components and has at worst very mild singularities.  When $p$ is not $2$, the structure of such a special fiber is determined entirely by the distances (under the discrete valuation) between the roots of $f$, which we call the cluster data associated to $f$.  When $p = 2$, however, the cluster data no longer tell the whole story about the components of the special fiber of a semistable model of $C$, and constructing a semistable model becomes much more complicated.  I will give an overview of how to construct "nice" semistable models for hyperelliptic curves over residue characteristic not $2$ and then describe recent results (from joint work with Leonardo Fiore) on semistable models in the residue characteristic $2$ situation.
