Seminars and Colloquia Schedule

Spheres in 4-manifolds

Geometry Topology Seminar Pre-talk
Monday, March 11, 2019 - 12:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 257
Hannah SchwartzBryn Mawr
In this talk, we will examine the relationship between homotopy, topological isotopy, and smooth isotopy of surfaces in 4-manifolds. In particular, we will discuss how to produce (1) examples of topologically but not smoothly isotopic spheres, and (2) a smooth isotopy from a homotopy, under special circumstances (i.e. Gabai's recent work on the ``4D Lightbulb Theorem").

Sectional monodromy groups of projective curves

Algebra Seminar
Monday, March 11, 2019 - 12:50 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Borys KadetsMIT

Let X be a degree d curve in the projective space P^r.

A general hyperplane H intersects X at d distinct points; varying H defines a monodromy action on X∩H. The resulting permutation group G is the sectional monodromy group of X. When the ground field has characteristic zero the group G is known to be the full symmetric group.

By work of Harris, if G contains the alternating group, then X satisfies a strengthened Castelnuovo's inequality (relating the degree and the genus of X).

The talk is concerned with sectional monodromy groups in positive characteristic. I will describe all non-strange non-degenerate curves in projective spaces of dimension r>2 for which G is not symmetric or alternating. For a particular family of plane curves, I will compute the sectional monodromy groups and thus answer an old question on Galois groups of generic trinomials.

Using 2-torsion to obstruct topological isotopy

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, March 11, 2019 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 154
Hannah SchwartzBryn Mawr
It is well known that two knots in S^3 are ambiently isotopic if and only if there is an orientation preserving automorphism of S^3 carrying one knot to the other. In this talk, we will examine a family of smooth 4-manifolds in which the analogue of this fact does not hold, i.e. each manifold contains a pair of smoothly embedded, homotopic 2-spheres that are related by a diffeomorphism, but are not smoothly isotopic. In particular, the presence of 2-torsion in the fundamental groups of these 4-manifolds can be used to obstruct even a topological isotopy between the 2-spheres; this shows that Gabai's recent ``4D Lightbulb Theorem" does not hold without the 2-torsion hypothesis.

Coloring graphs with no K5-subdivision: disjoint paths in graphs

Dissertation Defense
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 10:00 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
203 Classroom D.M. Smith
Qiqin XieGeorgia Institute of Technology
The Four Color Theorem states that every planar graph is 4-colorable. Hajos conjectured that for any positive integer k, every graph containing no K_{k+1}-subdivision is k-colorable. However, Catlin disproved Hajos' conjecture for k >= 6. It is not hard to prove that the conjecture is true for k <= 3. Hajos' conjecture remains open for k = 4 and k = 5. We consider a minimal counterexample to Hajos' conjecture for k = 4: a graph G, such that G contains no K_5-subdivision, G is not 4-colorable, and |V (G)| is minimum. We use Hajos graph to denote such counterexample. One important step to understand graphs containing K_5-subdivisions is to solve the following problem: let H represent the tree on six vertices, two of which are adjacent and of degree 3. Let G be a graph and u1, u2, a1, a2, a3, a4 be distinct vertices of G. When does G contain a topological H (i.e. an H-subdivision) in which u1, u2 are of degree 3 and a1, a2, a3, a4 are of degree 1? We characterize graphs with no topological H. This characterization is used by He, Wang, and Yu to show that graph containing no K_5-subdivision is planar or has a 4-cut, establishing conjecture of Kelmans and Seymour. Besides the topological H problem, we also obtained some further structural information of Hajos graphs.

Comparison of sequences generated by a hidden Markov model

Dissertation Defense
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 13:30 for 1.5 hours (actually 80 minutes)
Skiles 005
George KerchevGeorgia Tech
The length LC_n of the longest common subsequences of two strings X = (X_1, ... , X_n) and Y = (Y_1, ... , Y_n) is a way to measure the similarity between X and Y. We study the asymptotic behavior of LC_n when the two strings are generated by a hidden Markov model (Z, (X, Y)) and we build upon asymptotic results for LC_n obtained for sequences of i.i.d. random variables. Under some standard assumptions regarding the model we first prove convergence results with rates for E[LC_n]. Then, versions of concentration inequalities for the transversal fluctuations of LC_n are obtained. Finally, we outline a proof for a central limit theorem by building upon previous work and adapting a Stein's method estimate.

Eulerian dynamics with alignment interactions

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Changhui TanUniversity of South Carolina
The Euler-Alignment system arises as a macroscopic representation of the Cucker-Smale model, which describes the flocking phenomenon in animal swarms. The nonlinear and nonlocal nature of the system bring challenges in studying global regularity and long time behaviors. In this talk, I will discuss the global wellposedness of the Euler-Alignment system with three types of nonlocal alignment interactions: bounded, strongly singular, and weakly singular interactions. Different choices of interactions will lead to different global behaviors. I will also discuss interesting connections to some fluid dynamics systems, including the fractional Burgers equation, and the aggregation equation.

The Bishop-Phelps-Bolloba ́s Property for Numerical Radius in the space of summable sequnces

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 - 13:55 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Olena KozhushkinaUrsinus college
The Bishop-Phelps-Bolloba ́s property for numerical radius says that if we have a point in the Banach space and an operator that almost attains its numerical radius at this point, then there exist another point close to the original point and another operator close to the original operator, such that the new operator attains its numerical radius at this new point. We will show that the set of bounded linear operators from a Banach space X to X has a Bishop-Phelps-Bolloba ́s property for numerical radius whenever X is l1 or c0. We will also discuss some constructive versions of the Bishop-Phelps- Bolloba ́s theorem for l1(C), which are an essential tool for the proof of this result.

Strong edge colorings and edge cuts

Graph Theory Working Seminar
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
James AndersonGeorgia Tech
Erdős and Nešetřil conjectured in 1985 that every graph with maximum degree Δ can be strong edge colored using at most 5/4 Δ^2 colors. The conjecture is still open for Δ=4. We show the conjecture is true when an edge cut of size 1 or 2 exists, and in certain cases when an edge cut of size 4 or 3 exists.

TBA by

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006

Clustered coloring for old coloring conjectures

ACO Alumni Lecture
Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Chun-Hung LiuTexas A&amp;amp;M

Hadwiger (Hajos and Gerards and Seymour, respectively) conjectured that the vertices of every graph with no K_{t+1} minor (topological minor and odd minor, respectively) can be colored with t colors such that any pair of adjacent vertices receive different colors. These conjectures are stronger than the Four Color Theorem and are either wide open or false in general. A weakening of these conjectures is to consider clustered coloring which only requires every monochromatic component to have bounded size instead of size 1. It is known that t colors are still necessary for the clustered coloring version of those three conjectures. Joint with David Wood, we prove a series of tight results about clustered coloring on graphs with no subgraph isomorphic to a fixed complete bipartite graph. These results have a number of applications. In particular, they imply that the clustered coloring version of Hajos' conjecture is true for bounded treewidth graphs in a stronger sense: K_{t+1} topological minor free graphs of bounded treewidth are clustered t-list-colorable. They also lead to the first linear upper bound for the clustered coloring version of Hajos' conjecture and the currently best upper bound for the clustered coloring version of the Gerards-Seymour conjecture.

Divisors on metric graphs and constructing tropicalizations of Mumford curves

Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Friday, March 15, 2019 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Trevor GunnGeorgia Tech
I will introduce briefly the notion of Berkovich analytic spaces and certain metric graphs associated to them called the skeleton. Then we will describe divisors on metric graphs and a lifting theorem that allows us to find tropicalizations of curves in P^3. This is joint work with Philipp Jell.

Schubert Galois Groups

Algebra Seminar
Friday, March 15, 2019 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Frank SottileTexas A&amp;amp;M
Problems from enumerative geometry have Galois groups. Like those from field extensions, these Galois groups reflect the internal structure of the original problem. The Schubert calculus is a class of problems in enumerative geometry that is very well understood, and may be used as a laboratory to study new phenomena in enumerative geometry.I will discuss this background, and sketch a picture that is emerging from a sustained study of Schubert problems from the perspective of Galois theory. This includes a conjecture concerning the possible Schubert Galois groups, a partial solution of the inverse Galois problem, as well as glimpses of the outline of a possible classification of Schubert problems for their Galois groups.

The interaction of gaps with the boundary in dimer systems --- a heat flow conjecture

Math Physics Seminar
Friday, March 15, 2019 - 14:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Mihai CiucuMathematics Department, Indiana University
We consider a triangular gap of side two in a 90 degree angle on the triangular lattice with mixed boundary conditions: a constrained, zig-zag boundary along one side, and a free lattice line boundary along the other. We study the interaction of the gap with thecorner as the rest of the angle is completely filled with lozenges. We show that the resulting correlation is governed by the product of the distances between the gap and its three images in the sides of the angle. This, together with a few other results we worked out previously, provides evidence for a unified way of understanding the interaction of gaps with the boundary under mixed boundary conditions, which we present as a conjecture. Our conjecture is phrased in terms of the steady state heat flow problem in a uniform block of material in which there are a finite number of heat sources and sinks. This new physical analogy is equivalent in the bulk to the electrostatic analogy we developed in previous work, but arises as the correct one for the correlation with the boundary.The starting point for our analysis is an exact formula we prove for the number of lozenge tilings of certain trapezoidal regions with mixed boundary conditions, which is equivalent to a new, multi-parameter generalization of a classical plane partition enumeration problem (that of enumerating symmetric, self-complementary plane partitions).

Mixing and the local limit theorem for hyperbolic dynamical systems

Math Physics Seminar
Friday, March 15, 2019 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Peter NandoriUniversity of Maryland
We present a convenient joint generalization of mixing and the local central limit theorem which we call MLLT. We review results on the MLLT for hyperbolic maps and present new results for hyperbolic flows. Then we apply these results to prove global mixing properties of some mechanical systems. These systems include various versions of the Lorentz gas (periodic one; locally perturbed; subject to external fields), the Galton board and pingpong models. Finally, we present applications to random walks in deterministic scenery. This talk is based on joint work with D. Dolgopyat and partially with M. Lenci.