Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Species diversity and stability: Is there a general positive relationship?

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Lin JiangSchool of Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech

The relationship between biodiversity and ecological stability has long interested ecologists. The ongoing biodiversity loss has led to the increasing concern that it may impact ecosystem functioning, including ecosystem stability. Both early conceptual ideas and recent theory suggest a positive relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem stability. While quite a number of empirical studies, particularly experiments that directly manipulated species diversity, support this hypothesis, exceptions are not uncommon. This raises the question of whether there is a general positive diversity-stability relationship.

Literature survey shows that species diversity may not necessarily be an important determinant of ecosystem stability in natural communities. While experiments controlling for other environmental variables often report that ecosystem stability increases with species diversity, these other environmental variables are often more important than species diversity in influencing ecosystem stability. Studies that account for these environmental covariates tend to find a lack of relationship between species diversity and ecosystem stability. An important goal of future studies is to elucidate mechanisms driving the variation in the importance of species diversity in regulating ecosystem stability.

Lattice polytopes in representation theory and geometry

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Ricky LiuMath, North Carolina State University

Lattice polytopes play an important role in combinatorics due to their intricate geometric structure as well as their enumerative properties. In this talk, we will discuss several instances in which lattice point enumeration of lattice polytopes relates to problems in algebraic combinatorics, particularly the representation theory of GL(n) and related groups. We will also see how certain types of algebraic constructions have polytopal counterparts. This talk is based on joint work with Karola Mészáros and Avery St. Dizier.

The foundation of a matroid

Algebra Seminar
Monday, February 3, 2020 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Matt BakerGeorgia Tech

Originally introduced independently by Hassler Whitney and Takeo Nakasawa, matroids are a combinatorial way of axiomatizing the notion of linear independence in vector spaces. If $K$ is a field and $n$ is a positive integer, any linear subspace of $K^n$ gives rise to a matroid; such matroid are called representable over $K$. Given a matroid $M$, one can ask over which fields $M$ is representable. More generally, one can ask about representability over partial fields in the sense of Semple and Whittle. Pendavingh and van Zwam introduced the universal partial field of a matroid $M$, which governs the representations of $M$ over all partial fields. Unfortunately, most matroids (asymptotically 100%, in fact) are not representable over any partial field, and in this case, the universal partial field gives no information.

Oliver Lorscheid and I have introduced a generalization of the universal partial field which we call the foundation of a matroid. The foundation of $M$ is a type of algebraic object which we call a pasture; pastures include both hyperfields and partial fields. Pastures form a natural class of field-like objects within Lorscheid's theory of ordered blueprints, and they have desirable categorical properties (e.g., existence of products and coproducts) that make them a natural context in which to study algebraic invariants of matroids. The foundation of a matroid $M$ represents the functor taking a pasture $F$ to the set of rescaling equivalence classes of $F$-representations of $M$; in particular, $M$ is representable over a pasture $F$ if and only if there is a homomorphism from the foundation of $M$ to $F$. (In layman's terms, what we're trying to do is recast as much as possible of the theory of matroids and their representations in functorial ``Grothendieck-style'' algebraic geometry, with the goal of gaining new conceptual insights into various phenomena which were previously understood only through lengthy case-by-case analyses and ad hoc computations.)

As a particular application of this point of view, I will explain the classification which Lorscheid and I have recently obtained of all possible foundations for ternary matroids (matroids representable over the field of three elements). The proof of this classification theorem relies crucially on Tutte's celebrated Homotopy Theorem. 

Annular Rasmussen invariants: Properties and 3-braid classification

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, February 3, 2020 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Gage MartinBoston College

Annular Rasmussen invariants are invariants of braid closures which generalize the Rasmussen s invariant and come from an integer bifiltration on Khovanov-Lee homology. In this talk we will explain some connections between the annular Rasmussen invariants and other topological information. Additionally we will state theorems about restrictions on the possible values of annular Rasmussen invariants and a computation of the invariants for all 3-braid closures, or conjugacy classes of 3-braids. Time permitting, we will sketch some proofs.

Data-driven computation of stochastic dynamics

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, February 3, 2020 - 13:55 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Prof. Yao LiUMass Amherst

Consider a stochastic process (such as a stochastic differential equation) arising from applications. In practice, we are interested in many things like the invariant probability measure, the sensitivity of the invariant probability measure, and the speed of convergence to the invariant probability measure. Existing rigorous estimates of these problems usually cannot provide enough details. In this talk I will introduce a few data-driven computational methods that solve these problems for a class of stochastic dynamical systems, including but not limited to stochastic differential equations. All these methods are driven by the simulation data, and are less affected by the curse-of-dimensionality than traditional grid-based methods. I will demonstrate a few high (up to 100) dimensional examples in my talk.

Unique measure of maximal entropy for the finite horizon periodic Lorentz gas

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, February 3, 2020 - 11:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Mark F. DemersFairfield University

While the existence and properties of the SRB measure for the billiard map associated with a periodic Lorentz gas are well understood, there are few results regarding other types of measures for dispersing billiards. We begin by proposing a naive definition of topological entropy for the billiard map, and show that it is equivalent to several classical definitions. We then prove a variational principle for the topological entropy and proceed to construct a unique probability measure which achieves the maximum. This measure is Bernoulli and positive on open sets. An essential ingredient is a proof of the absolute continuity of the unstable foliation with respect to the measure of maximal entropy. This is joint work with Viviane Baladi.

Sets without 4APs but with many 3APs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, January 31, 2020 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Andrei (Cosmin) PohoataCalifornia Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA

 It is a classical theorem of Roth that every dense subset of $\left\{1,\ldots,N\right\}$ contains a nontrivial three-term arithmetic progression. Quantitatively, results of Sanders, Bloom, and Bloom-Sisask tell us that subsets of relative density at least $1/(\log N)^{1-\epsilon}$ already have this property. In this talk, we will discuss some sets of $N$ integers which unlike $\left\{1,\ldots,N\right\}$ do not contain nontrivial four-term arithmetic progressions, but which still have the property that all of their subsets of density at least $1/(\log N)^{1-\epsilon}$ must contain a three-term arithmetic progression. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, these sets turn out not to have as many three-term progressions as one might be inclined to guess, so we will also address the question of how many three-term progressions can a four-term progression free set may have. Finally, we will also discuss about some related results over $\mathbb{F}_{q}^n$. Based on joint works with Jacob Fox and Oliver Roche-Newton.

Large cycles in essentially 4-connected planar graphs

Graph Theory Working Seminar
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Michael WigalGeorgia Tech

Tutte proved that every 4-connected planar graph contains a Hamilton cycle, but
there are 3-connected $n$-vertex graphs whose longest cycles have length
$\Theta(n^{\log_32})$. On the other hand,  Jackson and Wormald proved that an
essentially 4-connected $n$-vertex planar graph contains a cycle of
length at least $(2n+4)/5$, which was improved to $5(n+2)/8$ by Fabrici {\it et al}.  We improve this bound to $\lceil (2n+6)/3\rceil$ for $n\ge 6$ by proving a quantitative version of a result of Thomassen,
 and the bound is best possible.

Heat semigroup approach to isoperimetric inequalities in metric measure spaces

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Patricia Alonso-RuizTexas A&M University

The classical isoperimetric problem consists in finding among all sets with the same volume (measure) the one that minimizes the surface area (perimeter measure). In the Euclidean case, balls are known to solve this problem. To formulate the isoperimetric problem, or an isoperimetric inequality, in more general settings, requires in particular a good notion of perimeter measure.

The starting point of this talk will be a characterization of sets of finite perimeter original to Ledoux that involves the heat semigroup associated to a given stochastic process in the space. This approach put in connection isoperimetric problems and functions of bounded variation (BV) via heat semigroups, and we will extend these ideas to develop a natural definition of BV functions and sets of finite perimeter on metric measure spaces. In particular, we will obtain corresponding isoperimetric inequalies in this setting.

The main assumption on the underlying space will be a non-negative curvature type condition that we call weak Bakry-Émery and is satisfied in many examples of interest, also in fractals such as (infinite) Sierpinski gaskets and carpets. The results are part of joint work with F. Baudoin, L. Chen, L. Rogers, N. Shanmugalingam and A. Teplyaev.
