Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Spectral minimal partitions, nodal deficiency and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jeremy L. MarzuolaUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The oscillation of a Laplacian eigenfunction gives a great deal of information about the manifold on which it is defined. This oscillation can be encoded in the nodal deficiency, an important geometric quantity that is notoriously hard to compute, or even estimate. Here we compare two recently obtained formulas for the nodal deficiency, one in terms of an energy function on the space of equipartitions of the manifold, and the other in terms of a two-sided Dirichlet-to-Neumann map defined on the nodal set. We relate these two approaches by giving an explicit formula for the Hessian of the equipartition energy in terms of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. This allows us to compute Hessian eigenfunctions, and hence directions of steepest descent, for the equipartition energy in terms of the corresponding Dirichlet-to-Neumann eigenfunctions. Our results do not assume bipartiteness, and hence are relevant to the study of spectral minimal partitions.  This is joint work with Greg Berkolaiko, Yaiza Canzani and Graham Cox.

Intersections of balls and a no-dimensional Tverberg theorem

Other Talks
Monday, March 11, 2024 - 17:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Alexander PolyanskiiEmory University

The aim of my talk is to discuss the following result, its variations and its connections with a no-dimensional Tverberg theorem. For any n red and n blue points in the Euclidean d-space, there exists a perfect red-blue matching M such that the balls whose diameters are edges of M share a common point.

(Joint works with O. Pirahmad, A. Vasilevskii, and P. Barabanshchikova.)

Bertini theorems, connectivity of tropical varieties, and multivariate Puiseux series

Algebra Seminar
Monday, March 11, 2024 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Josephine YuGeorgia Tech

A theorem of Bertini says that an irreducible algebraic variety remains irreducible after intersecting with a generic hyperplane.  We will discuss toric Bertini theorems for intersections with generic algebraic subtori (defined by generic binomial equations) instead of hyperplanes. As an application, we obtain a tropical Bertini theorem and a strengthening of the Structure Theorem of tropical algebraic geometry, by showing that irreducible tropical varieties remain connected through codimension one even after removing some facets.  As part of the proof of the Toric Bertini over prime characteristics, we constructed a new algebraically closed field containing the multivariate rational functions, which is smaller than previously known constructions.  This is based on joint works with Diane Maclagan, Francesca Gandini, Milena Hering, Fatemeh Mohammadi, Jenna Rajchgot, and Ashley Wheeler.

ε-series by Corrine Yap, Jing Yu, and Changxin Ding

Graph Theory Seminar
Friday, March 8, 2024 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 308
Corrine Yap, Jing Yu, and Changxin DingGeorgia Tech

Corrine Yap:  The Ising model is a classical model originating in statistical physics; combinatorially it can be viewed as a probability distribution over 2-vertex-colorings of a graph. We will discuss a fixed-magnetization version—akin to fixing the number of, say, blue vertices in every coloring—and a natural Markov chain sampling algorithm called the Kawasaki dynamics. We show some surprising results regarding the existence and location of a fast/slow mixing threshold for these dynamics. (joint work with Aiya Kuchukova, Marcus Pappik, and Will Perkins)

Changxin Ding: For trees on a fixed number of vertices, the path and the star are two extreme cases. Many graph parameters attain its maximum at the star and its minimum at the path among these trees. A trivial example is the number of leaves. I will introduce more interesting examples in the mini talk.

Jing Yu: We show that all simple outerplanar graphs G with minimum degree at least 2 and positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature on every edge have maximum degree at most 9. Furthermore, if G is maximally outerplanar, then G has at most 10 vertices. Both upper bounds are sharp.

Riemannian geometry and contact topology

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, March 8, 2024 - 14:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 006
John EtnyreGeorgia Tech

This series of talks will discuss connections between Riemannian geometry and contact topology. Both structures have deep connections to the topology of 3-manifolds, but there has been little study of the interactions between them (at least the implications in contact topology). We will see that there are interesting connections between curvature and properties of contact structures. The talks will give a brief review of both Riemannian geometry and contact topology and then discuss various was one might try to connect them. There will be many open problems discussed (probably later in the series). 

Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Friday, March 8, 2024 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Hugo Duminil-CopinIHES and Université de Genève

The Ising model is one of the most classical lattice models of statistical physics undergoing a phase transition. Initially imagined as a model for ferromagnetism, it revealed itself as a very rich mathematical object and a powerful theoretical tool to understand cooperative phenomena. Over one hundred years of its history, a profound understanding of its critical phase has been obtained. While integrability and mean-field behavior led to extraordinary breakthroughs in the two-dimensional and high-dimensional cases respectively, the model in three and four dimensions remained mysterious for years. In this talk, we will present recent progress in these dimensions based on a probabilistic interpretation of the Ising model relating it to percolation models.

From Coffee to Mathematics: Making Connections and Finding Unexpected Links

Stelson Lecture Series
Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 16:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Howey-Physics L3
Hugo Duminil-CopinUniversité de Genève and IHES Université Paris-Saclay

The game of HEX has deep mathematical underpinnings despite its simple rules.  What could this game possibly have to do with coffee?!  And how does that connection, once identified, lead to consideration of ferromagnetism and even to the melting polar ice caps?  Join Hugo Duminil-Copin, Professor of Mathematics at IHES and the University of Geneva, for an exploration of the way in which mathematical thinking can help us make some truly surprising connections.

Large deviations for the top eigenvalue of deformed random matrices

Stochastics Seminar
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Benjamin McKennaHarvard University

In recent years, the few classical results in large deviations for random matrices have been complemented by a variety of new ones, in both the math and physics literatures, whose proofs leverage connections with Harish-Chandra/Itzykson/Zuber integrals. We present one such result, focusing on extreme eigenvalues of deformed sample-covariance and Wigner random matrices. This confirms recent formulas of Maillard (2020) in the physics literature, precisely locating a transition point whose analogue in non-deformed models is not yet fully understood. Joint work with Jonathan Husson.

Slow subgraph bootstrap percolation (Tibor Szabó, Freie Universität Berlin)

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Tibor SzabóFreie Universität Berlin

 For a graph $H$ and an $n$-vertex graph $G$, the $H$-bootstrap percolation process on $G$ is the process which starts with $G$ and, at every time step, adds any missing edges on the vertices of $G$ that complete a copy of $H$. This process eventually stabilises and we are interested in the extremal question raised by Bollob\'as, of determining the maximum \emph{running time} (number of time steps before stabilising) of this process, over all possible choices of $n$-vertex graph $G$. We initiate a systematic study of this parameter, denoted $M_H(n)$, and its dependence on properties of the graph $H$. In a series of works we determine the precise running time for cycles and asymptotic running time for several other important classes. In general, we study necessary and sufficient conditions on $H$ for fast, i.e. sublinear or linear $H$-bootstrap percolation, and in particular explore the relationship between running time and minimum vertex degree and connectivity. Furthermore we also obtain the running time of the process for typical $H$ and discover several graphs exhibiting surprising behavior.  The talk represents joint work with David Fabian and Patrick Morris.
