Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Hyperbolic families, and Counting Colourings

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, November 10, 2023 - 15:15 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 308
Evelyne Smith-RobergeGeorgia Tech

Langhede and Thomassen conjectured in 2020 that there exists a positive constant c such that every planar graph G with 5-correspondence assignment (L,M) has at least 2^{c v(G)} distinct (L,M)-colourings. I will discuss a proof of this conjecture (which relies on the hyperbolicity of a certain family of graphs), a generalization of this result to some other embedded graphs (again, relying on a hyperbolicity theorem), and a few open problems in the area. Everything presented is joint work with Luke Postle.

Introduction to Vassiliev Invariants

Geometry Topology Student Seminar
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Alex EldridgeGeorgia Tech

Vassiliev knot invariants, or finite-type invariants, are a broad class of knot invariants resulting from extending usual invariants to knots with transverse double points. We will show that the Conway and Jones polynomials are fully described by Vassiliev invariants. We will discuss the fundamental theorem of Vassiliev invariants, relating them to the algebra of chord diagrams and weight systems. Time permitting, we will also discuss the Kontsevich integral, the universal Vassiliev invariant.

Packing the largest trees in the tree packing conjecture

Graph Theory Seminar
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Richard MontgomeryUniversity of Warwick

The well-known tree packing conjecture of Gyárfás from 1976 says that, given any sequence of n trees in which the ith tree has i vertices, the trees can be packed edge-disjointly into the complete n-vertex graph. Packing even just the largest trees in such a sequence has proven difficult, with Bollobás drawing attention to this in 1995 by conjecturing that, for each k, if n is sufficiently large then the largest k trees in any such sequence can be packed. This has only been shown for k at most 5, by Zak, despite many partial results and much related work on the full tree packing conjecture.

I will discuss a result which proves Bollobás's conjecture by showing that, moreover, a linear number of the largest trees can be packed in the tree packing conjecture. This is joint work with Barnabás Janzer.

Dynamics of kink clusters for scalar fields in dimension 1+1

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jacek JendrejCNRS and LAGA, Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord

We consider classical scalar fields in dimension 1+1 with a
self-interaction potential being a symmetric double-well. Such a model
admits non-trivial static solutions called kinks and antikinks. A kink
cluster is a solution approaching, for large positive times, a
superposition of alternating kinks and antikinks whose velocities
converge to 0 and mutual distances grow to infinity. Our main result is
a determination of the asymptotic behaviour of any kink cluster at the
leading order.
Our results are partially inspired by the notion of "parabolic motions"
in the Newtonian n-body problem. I will present this analogy and mention
its limitations. I will also explain the role of kink clusters as
universal profiles for formation of multi-kink configurations.
This is a joint work with Andrew Lawrie.

Multifidelity Scientific Machine Learning

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Monday, November 6, 2023 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005 and (to be confirmed)
Dr. Panos StinisPacific Northwest National Laboratory

Please Note: Speaker will present in person

In many applications across science and engineering it is common to have access to disparate types of data or models with different levels of fidelity. In general, low-fidelity data are easier to obtain in greater quantities, but it may be too inaccurate or not dense enough to accurately train a machine learning model. High-fidelity data is costly to obtain, so there may not be sufficient data to use in training, however, it is more accurate.  A small amount of high-fidelity data, such as from measurements or simulations, combined with low fidelity data, can improve predictions when used together. The important step in such constructions is the representation of the correlations between the low- and high-fidelity data. In this talk, we will present two frameworks for multifidelity machine learning. The first one puts particular emphasis on operator learning, building on the Deep Operator Network (DeepONet). The second one is inspired by the concept of model reduction. We will present the main constructions along with applications to closure for multiscale systems and continual learning. Moreover, we will discuss how multifidelity approaches fit in a broader framework which includes ideas from deep learning, stochastic processes, numerical methods, computability theory and renormalization of complex systems.

Sums of squares on surfaces

Algebra Seminar
Monday, November 6, 2023 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Gregory G. SmithQueen's University

Please Note: There will be a pre-seminar (aimed toward grad students and postdocs) from 11 am to 11:30 am in Skiles 006.

How do we effectively verify that a polynomial function is nonnegative?  One may certify nonnegativity by exhibiting a nonnegative multiplier such that the product is a sum of squares.  We will survey a few known results before focusing on some new degree bounds on multipliers.  Unexpectedly, our novel techniques are particularly well-suited to ruled surfaces.  This talk is based on joint work with Grigoriy Blekherman, Rainer Sinn, and Mauricio Velasco.

Is Nambu mechanics a generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics?

CDSNS Colloquium
Friday, November 3, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 249
Cristel ChandreGeorgia Tech

In 1973, Nambu published an article entitled "Generalized Hamiltonian dynamics". For that purpose, he constructed multilinear brackets - equivalent to Poisson brackets - with some interesting properties reminiscent of the Jacobi identity.
These brackets found some applications in fluid mechanics, plasma physics and mathematical physics with superintegrable systems.

In this seminar, I will recall some basic elements on Nambu mechanics in finite dimension with an n-linear Nambu bracket in dimension larger than n. I will discuss all possible Nambu brackets and compare them with all possible Poisson brackets. I will conclude that Nambu mechanics can hardly be considered a generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics.

Conformal mappings and integrability of surface dynamics

Math Physics Seminar
Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005 and online at
Pavel LushnikovDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico

A fully nonlinear surface dynamics of the time dependent potential flow of ideal incompressible fluid with a free surface is considered in two dimensional geometry. Arbitrary large surface waves can be efficiently characterized through a time-dependent conformal mapping of a fluid domain into the lower complex half-plane. We reformulate the exact Eulerian dynamics through a non-canonical nonlocal Hamiltonian system for the pair of new conformal variables. We also consider a generalized hydrodynamics for two components of superfluid Helium which has the same non-canonical Hamiltonian structure. In both cases the fluid dynamics is fully characterized by the complex singularities in the upper complex half-plane of the conformal map and the complex velocity. Analytical continuation through the branch cuts generically results in the Riemann surface with infinite number of sheets including Stokes wave, An infinite family of solutions with moving poles are found on the Riemann surface. Residues of poles are the constants of motion. These constants commute with each other in the sense of underlying non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics which provides an argument in support of the conjecture of complete Hamiltonian integrability of surface dynamics. If we consider initial conditions with short branch cuts then fluid dynamics is reduced to the complex Hopf equation for the complex velocity coupled with the complex transport equation for the conformal mapping. These equations are fully integrable by characteristics producing the infinite family of solutions, including the pairs of moving square root branch points. The solutions are compared with the simulations of the full Eulerian dynamics giving excellent agreement.

Estimation and Inference in Tensor Mixed-Membership Blockmodels

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 15:30 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Joshua AgterbergUniversity of Pennsylvania

Higher-order multiway data is ubiquitous in machine learning and statistics and often exhibits community-like structures, where each component (node) along each different mode has a community membership associated with it. In this talk we propose the tensor mixed-membership blockmodel, a generalization of the tensor blockmodel positing that memberships need not be discrete, but instead are convex combinations of latent communities. We first study the problem of estimating community memberships, and we show that a tensor generalization of a matrix algorithm can consistently estimate communities at a rate that improves relative to the matrix setting, provided one takes the tensor structure into account. Next, we study the problem of testing whether two nodes have the same community memberships, and we show that a tensor analogue of a matrix test statistic can yield consistent testing with a tighter local power guarantee relative to the matrix setting. If time permits we will also examine the performance of our estimation procedure on flight data. This talk is based on two recent works with Anru Zhang.
