Seminars and Colloquia by Series

FINITE TIME DYNAMICS: the first steps and outlook.

Research Horizons Seminar
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 12:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Leonid A. BunimovichGeorgia Tech
It is well known that typically equations do not have analytic (expressed by formulas) solutions. Therefore a classical approach to the analysis of dynamical systems (from abstract areas of Math, e.g. the Number theory to Applied Math.) is to study their asymptotic (when an independent variable, "time", tends to infinity) behavior. Recently, quite surprisingly, it was demonstrated a possibility to study rigorously (at least some) interesting finite time properties of dynamical systems. Most of already obtained results are surprising, although rigorously proven. Possible PhD topics range from understanding these (already proven!) surprises and finding (and proving) new ones to numerical investigation of some systems/models in various areas of Math and applications, notably for dynamical analysis of dynamical networks. I'll present some visual examples, formulate some results and explain them (when I know how).

Coupling and Upscaling of Particle Models in Multiscale Physics

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Matthew DobsonNSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Multiscale numerical methods seek to compute approximate solutions to physical problems at a reduced computational cost compared to direct numerical simulations. This talk will cover two methods which have a fine scale atomistic model that couples to a coarse scale continuum approximation. The quasicontinuum method directly couples a continuum approximation to an atomistic model to create a coherent model for computing deformed configurations of crystalline lattices at zero temperature. The details of the interface between these two models greatly affects the model properties, and we will discuss the interface consistency, material stability, and error for energy-based and force-based quasicontinuum variants along with the implications for algorithm selection. In the case of crystalline lattices at zero temperature, the constitutive law between stress and strain is computed using the Cauchy-Born rule (the lattice deformation is locally linear and equal to the gradient). For the case of complex fluids, computing the stress-strain relation using a molecular model is more challenging since imposing a strain requires forcing the fluid out of equilibrium, the subject of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics. I will describe the derivation of a stochastic model for the simulation of a molecular system at a given strain rate and temperature.

On Approximating Expansion of Small Sets in Graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, January 13, 2012 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Prasad RaghavendraSchool of Computer Science, Georgia Tech
A small set expander is a graph where every set of sufficiently small size has near perfect edge expansion. This talk concerns the computational problem of distinguishing a small set-expander, from a graph containing a small non-expanding set of vertices. This problem henceforth referred to as the Small-Set Expansion problem has proven to be intimately connected to the complexity of large classes of combinatorial optimization problems. More precisely, the small set expansion problem can be shown to be directly related to the well-known Unique Games Conjecture -- a conjecture that has numerous implications in approximation algorithms. In this talk, we motivate the problem, and survey recent work consisting of algorithms and interesting connections within graph expansion, and its relation to Unique Games Conjecture.

Counting closed loops in a stratum of quadratic differentials

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Kasra RafiUniversity of Oklohama
In his thesis, Margulis computed the asymptotic growth rate for the number of closed geodesics of length less than R on a given closed hyperbolic surface and his argument has been emulated to many other settings. We examine the Teichmüller geodesic flow on the moduli space of a surface, or more generally any stratum of quadratic differentials in the cotangent bundle of moduli space. The flow is known to be mixing, but the spaces are not compact and the flow is not uniformly hyperbolic. We show that the random walk associated to the Teichmüller geodesic flow is biased toward the compact part of the stratum. We then use this to find asymptotic growth rate of for the number of closed loops in the stratum. (This is a joint work with Alex Eskin and Maryam Mirzakhani.)

Pairs of polynomials over the rationals taking infinitely many common values

Algebra Seminar
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Benjamin WeissTechnion
For two polynomials G(X), H(Y) with rational coefficients, when does G(X) = H(Y) have infinitely many solutions over the rationals? Such G and H have been classified in various special cases by previous mathematicians. A theorem of Faltings (the Mordell conjecture) states that we need only analyze curves with genus at most 1.In my thesis (and more recent work), I classify G(X) = H(Y) defining irreducible genus zero curves. In this talk I'll present the infinite families which arise in this classification, and discuss the techniques used to complete the classification.I will also discuss in some detail the examples of polynomial which occur in the classification. The most interesting infinite family of polynomials are those H(Y) solving a Pell Equation H(Y)^2 - P(Y)Q(Y)^2 = 1. It turns out to be difficult to describe these polynomials more explicitly, and yet we can completely analyze their decompositions, how many such polynomials there are of a fixed degree, which of them are defined over the rationals (as opposed to a larger field), and other properties.

Identifiability and estimation of multiple transmission pathways in waterborne disease

Job Candidate Talk
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Marisa EisenbergMBI, Ohio State
Waterborne diseases cause over 3.5 million deaths annually, with cholera alone responsible for 3-5 million cases/year and over 100,000 deaths/year. Many waterborne diseases exhibit multiple characteristic timescales or pathways of infection, which can be modeled as direct and indirect transmission. A major public health issue for waterborne diseases involves understanding the modes of transmission in order to improve control and prevention strategies. One question of interest is: given data for an outbreak, can we determine the role and relative importance of direct vs. environmental/waterborne routes of transmission? We examine these issues by exploring the identifiability and parameter estimation of a differential equation model of waterborne disease transmission dynamics. We use a novel differential algebra approach together with several numerical approaches to examine the theoretical and practical identifiability of a waterborne disease model and establish if it is possible to determine the transmission rates from outbreak case data (i.e. whether the transmission rates are identifiable). Our results show that both direct and environmental transmission routes are identifiable, though they become practically unidentifiable with fast water dynamics. Adding measurements of pathogen shedding or water concentration can improve identifiability and allow more accurate estimation of waterborne transmission parameters, as well as the basic reproduction number. Parameter estimation for a recent outbreak in Angola suggests that both transmission routes are needed to explain the observed cholera dynamics. I will also discuss some ongoing applications to the current cholera outbreak in Haiti.

An instability mechanism along the mean motion resonances in the restricted three body problem.

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, January 9, 2012 - 11:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Marcel GuardiaInstitute for Advanced Studies
We consider the restricted planar elliptic 3 body problem, which models the Sun, Jupiter and an Asteroid (which we assume that has negligible mass). We take a realistic value of the mass ratio between Jupiter and the Sun and their eccentricity arbitrarily small and we study the regime of the mean motion resonance 1:7, namely when the period of the Asteroid is approximately seven times the period of Jupiter. It is well known that if one neglects the influence of Jupiter on the Asteroid, the orbit of the latter is an ellipse. In this talk we will show how the influence of Jupiter may cause a substantial change on the shape of Asteriod's orbit. This instability mechanism may give an explanation of the existence of the Kirkwood gaps in the Asteroid belt. This is a joint work with J. Fejoz, V. Kaloshin and P. Roldan.

Permutations and polynomiality in algebra and topology

School of Mathematics Colloquium
Friday, December 9, 2011 - 16:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Benson FarbUniversity of Chicago

Please Note: There will be a tea 30 minutes before the colloquium.

Tom Church, Jordan Ellenberg and I recently discovered that the i-th Betti number of the space of configurations of n points on any manifold is given by a polynomial in n. Similarly for the moduli space of n-pointed genus g curves. Similarly for the dimensions of various spaces of homogeneous polynomials arising in algebraic combinatorics. Why? What do these disparate examples have in common? The goal of this talk will be to answer this question by explaining a simple underlying structure shared by these (and many other) examples in algebra and topology.

Total Positivity, graphs, tilings and Weakly separated sets

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, December 9, 2011 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
SuHo OhUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Wiring diagrams are classical objects of combinatorics. Plabic graphs were defined by Postnikov, to study the total positivity of the Grassmannian. We will show how to generalize several definitions and properties of wiring diagrams to Plabic graphs, proving a conjecture by Leclerc-Zelevinsky and Scott on the way. We will begin with a brief introduction to total positivity and end with connection to cluster algebras. Major part of the talk comes from a joint work with Alexander Postnikov and David Speyer.
