Seminars and Colloquia by Series

A diagrammatic categorification of quantum groups

Job Candidate Talk
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Aaron LaudaColumbia University
The Jones polynomial is a link invariant that can be understood in terms of the representation theory of the quantum group associated to sl2. This description facilitated a vast generalization of the Jones polynomial to other quantum link and tangle invariants called Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants. These invariants, which arise from representations of quantum groups associated to simple Lie algebras, subsequently led to the definition of quantum 3-manifold invariants. In this talk we categorify quantum groups using a simple diagrammatic calculus that requires no previous knowledge of quantum groups. These diagrammatically categorified quantum groups not only lead to a representation theoretic explanation of Khovanov homology but also inspired Webster's recent work categorifying all Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of tangles.

Are the Degrees of Best (Co)Convex and Unconstrained Polynomial Approximation the Same?

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Prof. Dany Leviatan Tel Aviv University
Let C[-1, 1] be the space of continuous functions on [-1, 1], and denote by \Delta^2 the set of convex functions f \in C[-1, 1]. Also, let E_n(f) and En^{(2)}_n(f) denote the degrees of best unconstrained and convex approximation of f \in \Delta^2 by algebraic polynomials of degree < n, respectively. Clearly, E_n(f) \le E^{(2)}_n (f), and Lorentz and Zeller proved that the opposite inequality E^{(2)}_n(f) \le CE_n(f) is invalid even with the constant C = C(f) which depends on the function f \in \Delta^2. We prove, for every \alpha > 0 and function f \in \Delta^2, that sup{n^\alpha E^{(2)}_n(f) : n \ge 1} \le c(\alpha)sup{n^\alpha E_n(f): n \ge 1}, where c(\alpha) is a constant depending only on \alpha. Validity of similar results for the class of piecewise convex functions having s convexity changes inside (-1,1) is also investigated. It turns out that there are substantial differences between the cases s \le 1 and s \ge 2.

Diploidy and the selective advantage for sexual reproduction in unicellular organisms

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Emmanuel TannenbaumBen-Gurion University
We develop mathematical models describing the evolutionary dynamics of asexual and sexual reproduction pathways based on the yeast life cycle. By explicitly considering the semiconservative nature of DNA replication and a diploid genome, we are able to obtain a selective advantage for sex under much more general conditions than required by previous models. We are also able to suggest an evolutionary basis for the use of sex as a stress response in unicellular organisms such as Baker's yeast. Some additional features associated with both asexual and sexual aspects of the cell life cycle also fall out of our work. Finally, our work suggests that sex and diploidy may be useful as generalized strategies for preventing information degredation in replicating systems, and may therefore have applications beyond biology.

Localization, Smoothness, and Convergence to Equilibrium for a Thin Film Equation

PDE Seminar
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Dr. Suleyman UlusoyUniversity of Maryland

Please Note: Note the unusual time and room

We investigate the long-time behavior of weak solutions to the thin-film type equation $$v_t =(xv - vv_{xxx})_x\ ,$$ which arises in the Hele-Shaw problem. We estimate the rate of convergence of solutions to the Smyth-Hill equilibrium solution, which has the form $\frac{1}{24}(C^2-x^2)^2_+$, in the norm $$|| f ||_{m,1}^2 = \int_{\R}(1+ |x|^{2m})|f(x)|^2\dd x + \int_{\R}|f_x(x)|^2\dd x\ .$$ We obtain exponential convergence in the $|\!|\!| \cdot |\!|\!|_{m,1}$ norm for all $m$ with $1\leq m< 2$, thus obtaining rates of convergence in norms measuring both smoothness and localization. The localization is the main novelty, and in fact, we show that there is a close connection between the localization bounds and the smoothness bounds: Convergence of second moments implies convergence in the $H^1$ Sobolev norm. We then use methods of optimal mass transportation to obtain the convergence of the required moments. We also use such methods to construct an appropriate class of weak solutions for which all of the estimates on which our convergence analysis depends may be rigorously derived. Though our main results on convergence can be stated without reference to optimal mass transportation, essential use of this theory is made throughout our analysis.This is a joint work with Eric A. Carlen.

Two Open Inequalties Involving (Differences of) Averages

Research Horizons Seminar
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - 12:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Michael LaceySchool of Mathematics - Georgia Institute of Technology

Please Note: Hosts: Amey Kaloti and Ricardo Restrepo

I will state two different inequalities which are poorly understood, even utterly mysterious. They are stated purely in terms of conditional expectations over dyadic intervals. Motivations and connections carry one into the area of Furstenberg's multilinear ergodic averages.

Nonnegative Polynomials and Sums of Squares

Job Candidate Talk
Monday, January 24, 2011 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Greg BlekhermanUniversity of California, San Diego
A multivariate real polynomial $p$ is nonnegative if $p(x) \geq 0$ for all $x \in R^n$. I will review the history and motivation behind the problem of representing nonnegative polynomials as sums of squares. Such representations are of interest for both theoretical and practical computational reasons. I will present two approaches to studying the differences between nonnegative polynomials and sums of squares. Using techniques from convex geometry we can conclude that if the degree is fixed and the number of variables grows, then asymptotically there are significantly more nonnegative polynomials than sums of squares. For the smallest cases where there exist nonnegative polynomials that are not sums of squares, I will present a complete classification of the differences between these sets based on algebraic geometry techniques.

Caratheodory's conjecture on umbilical points of convex surfaces

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, January 24, 2011 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Mohammad GhomiGa Tech
Caratheodory's famous conjecture, dating back to 1920's, states that every closed convex surface has at least two umbilics, i.e., points where the principal curvatures are equal, or, equivalently, the surface has contact of order 2 with a sphere. In this talk I report on recent work with Ralph howard where we apply the divergence theorem to obtain integral equalities which establish some weak forms of the conjecture.

Judicious partitions of 3-uniform hypergraphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, January 21, 2011 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Jie MaSchool of Math. Georgia Tech.
Judicious partitioning problems on graphs and hypergraphs ask for partitions that optimize several quantities simultaneously. In this talk we first review the history of such problems. We will then focus on a conjecture of Bollobas and Thomason that the vertices of any r-uniform hypergraphs with m edges can be partitioned into r sets so that each set meets at least rm/(2r-1) edges. We will show that for r=3 and m large we can get an even better bound than what the conjecture suggests.

Blind Source Separation in Audio

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar
Friday, January 21, 2011 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Yang WangMichigan State University, Department of Mathematics
The blind source separation (BSS) problem, also better known as the "cocktail party problem", is a well-known and challenging problem in mathematics and engineering. In this talk we discuss a novel time-frequency technique for the BSS problem. We also discuss a related problem in which foreground audio signal is mixed with strong background noise, and present techniques for suppress the background noise.

Regularization for Cox's Proportional Hazards Model With NP-Dimensionality

Job Candidate Talk
Thursday, January 20, 2011 - 15:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Jelena BradicPrinceton University
High throughput genetic sequencing arrays with thousands of measurements per sample and a great amount of related censored clinical data have increased demanding need for better measurement specific model selection. In this paper we establish strong oracle properties of non-concave penalized methods for non-polynomial (NP) dimensional data with censoring in the framework of Cox's proportional hazards model. A class of folded-concave penalties are employed and both LASSO and SCAD are discussed specifically. We unveil the question under which dimensionality and correlation restrictions can an oracle estimator be constructed and grasped. It is demonstrated that non-concave penalties lead to significant reduction of the "irrepresentable condition" needed for LASSO model selection consistency. The large deviation result for martingales, bearing interests of its own, is developed for characterizing the strong oracle property. Moreover, the non-concave regularized estimator, is shown to achieve asymptotically the information bound of the oracle estimator. A coordinate-wise algorithm is developed for finding the grid of solution paths for penalized hazard regression problems, and its performance is evaluated on simulated and gene association study examples.
