Seminars and Colloquia by Series

Riemann-Roch Theory for Directed Graphs

SIAM Student Seminar
Friday, November 19, 2010 - 13:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Spencer BackmanSchool of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
The talk will begin with an elementary geometric discussion of Riemann-Roch theory for sub-lattices of the integer lattice orthogonal to some positive vector. A pair of necessary and sufficient conditions for such a lattice to have the Riemann-Roch property will be presented. By studying a certain chip firing game on a directed graph related to the lattice spanned by the rows of its Laplacian I will describe a combinatorial method for checking whether a directed graph has the Riemann-Roch property. The talk will conclude with a presentation of arithmetical graphs, which after the application of a simple transformation, may be viewed as a special class of directed graphs. Examples from this class demonstrate that either, both or neither of the Riemann-Roch conditions may be satisfied for a directed graph. This is joint work with Arash Asadi.

Maximum likelihood estimation of a multidimensional log-concave density

Stochastics Seminar
Thursday, November 18, 2010 - 15:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 002
Richard SamworthStatistical Laboratory, Cambridge, UK
If $X_1,...,X_n$ are a random sample from a density $f$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, then with probability one there exists a unique log-concave maximum likelihood estimator $\hat{f}_n$ of $f$. The use of this estimator is attractive because, unlike kernel density estimation, the estimator is fully automatic, with no smoothing parameters to choose. We exhibit an iterative algorithm for computing the estimator and show how the method can be combined with the EM algorithm to fit finite mixtures of log-concave densities. Applications to classification, clustering and functional estimation problems will be discussed, as well as recent theoretical results on the performance of the estimator. The talk will be illustrated with pictures from the R package LogConcDEAD. Co-authors: Yining Chen, Madeleine Cule, Lutz Duembgen (Bern), RobertGramacy (Cambridge), Dominic Schuhmacher (Bern) and Michael Stewart

Discrete Littlewood-Paley analysis and multiparameter Hardy spaces

Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 14:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 269
Guozhen LuWayne State
In this talk, we will discuss the theory of Hardy spacesassociated with a number of different multiparamter structures andboundedness of singular integral operators on such spaces. Thesemultiparameter structures include those arising from the Zygmunddilations, Marcinkiewcz multiplier. Duality and interpolation theoremsare also discussed. These are joint works with Y. Han, E. Sawyer.

Comparing the effects of rapidly induced and rapidly evolving traits on predator-prey interactions

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 168
Michael CortezSchool of Biology, Georgia Tech
Interactions between trophic levels are influenced not only by species abundances, but also by the behavioral, life history, morphological traits of the interacting species as well. Adaptive changes in these traits can be heritable or plastic in nature and both yield phenotypic change that occurs as fast as changes in population abundances. I present how fast-slow systems theory can be used to understand the effects rapid adaptation has on community dynamics in predator-prey systems. This analysis emphasizes that heritable and plastic traits have different effects on community dynamics.

Dilatation vs self-intersection number for point-pushing pseudo-Anosovs

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, November 15, 2010 - 17:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Room 326, Boyd Graduate Studies (UGA)
Spencer DowdallUniversity of Chicago
This talk is about the dilatations of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes obtained by pushing a marked point around a filling curve. After reviewing this "point-pushing" construction, I will give both upper and lower bounds on the dilatation in terms of the self-intersection number of the filling curve. I'll also give bounds on the least dilatation of any pseudo-Anosov in the point-pushing subgroup and describe the asymptotic dependence on self-intersection number. All of the upper bounds involve analyzing explicit examples using train tracks, and the lower bound is obtained by lifting to the universal cover and studying the images of simple closed curves.

Semi-infinite cycles in Floer Theory

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, November 15, 2010 - 15:45 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Room 326, Boyd Graduate Studies (UGA)
Max LipyanskiyColumbia University

Please Note: This is the first talk in the Emory-Ga Tech-UGA joint seminar. The second talk will begin at 5:00. (NOTE: These talks are on the UGA campus.)

I will survey the program of realizing various versions of Floer homology as a theory of geometric cycles. This involves the description of infinite dimensional manifolds mapping to the relevant configuration spaces. This approach, which goes back to Atiyah's address at the Herman Weyl symposium, is in some ways technically simpler than the traditional construction based on Floer's version of Morse theory. In addition, it opens up the possibility of defining more refined invariants such as bordism andK-theory.

Localized planar patterns

CDSNS Colloquium
Monday, November 15, 2010 - 11:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 169
Björn SandstedeBrown University
In this talk, I will discuss localized stationary 1D and 2D structures such as hexagon patches, localized radial target patterns, and localized 1D rolls in the Swift-Hohenberg equation and other models. Some of these solutions exhibit snaking: in parameter space, the localized states lie on a vertical sine-shaped bifurcation curve so that the width of the underlying periodic pattern, such as hexagons or rolls, increases as we move up along the bifurcation curve. In particular, snaking implies the coexistence of infinitely many different localized structures. I will give an overview of recent analytical and numerical work in which localized structures and their snaking or non-snaking behavior is investigated.

On some invariants of arrangements

Algebra Seminar
Monday, November 15, 2010 - 10:00 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Uli WaltherPurdue University
I will discuss D-module type invariants on hyperplane arrangements and their relation to the intersection lattice (when known).

Cycles in sparse graphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, November 12, 2010 - 14:05 for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 255
Jacques VerstraeteUniversity of California, San Diego


Let C(G) denote the set of lengths of cycles in a graph G. In this talk I shall present the recent proofs of two conjectures of P. Erdos on cycles in sparse graphs. In particular, we show that if G is a graph of average degree d containing no cycle of length less than g, then as d -> \infty then |C(G)| = \Omega(d^{\lfloor (g - 1)/2 \rfloor}). The proof is then adapted to give partial results on three further conjectures of Erdos on cycles in graphs with large chromatic number. Specifically, Erd\H{o}s conjectured that a triangle-free graph of chromatic number k contains cycles of at least k^{2 - o(1)} different lengths as k \rightarrow \infty. We define the {\em independence ratio} of a graph G by \iota(G) := \sup_{X \subset V(G)} \frac{|X|}{\alpha(X)}, where \alpha(X) is the independence number of the subgraph of G induced by X. We show that if G is a triangle free graph and \iota(G) \geq k, then |C(G)| = \Omega(k^2 \log k). This result is sharp in view of Kim's probabilistic construction of triangle-free graphs with small independence number. A number of salient open problems will be presented in conclusion. This work is in part joint with B. Sudakov. Abstract

Non-commutative Geometry IV - Crossed products: the noncommutative torus

Geometry Topology Working Seminar
Friday, November 12, 2010 - 14:00 for 2 hours
Skiles 171
Jean BellissardGa Tech

Please Note: Note this is a 2 hour talk.

In this lecture, we will look at the notion of crossed product by a group action. The example of the non commutative torus will be considered in detail. The analog of vector fields, vector bundle and connection will be introduced from this example. Some example of connection will be described and the curvature will be computed.
